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Monday, March 25, 2013

Why look different when we hear our voices on the recorder?

Why look different when we hear our voices on the recorder?

Often infected with shock when you hear your own voice via microphone or recording device, because the sound is weird and different
What you hear for yourself, what is the reason?!

The reason is that when you start talking throat vibrate, causing vibration of cavities of the mouth, skin and skull. This vibration
Moves to the eardrum to blend with the sound waves make your voice deeper and more discreetly.

Either when you talk through your registry, the sound travels through the air only lower frequencies are frequencies,
Which gives a different sound from what you hear for yourself, that sound you hear is the sound recording device
You can hear the others around you.

Either because you feel the shock when you hear this sound, it is that the mind refuses to believe that that voice is your voice,
So feel surprise and shame of this sound you hear.

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