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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Explain the anatomy of the respiratory system

Explain the anatomy of the respiratory system

The basic respiratory function is the delivery of oxygen to the blood and get rid of carbon dioxide, and now try to explain in a simple how this operation is carried out.

In the beginning you know the components of the respiratory system that enable it to perform his job properly.

Respiratory starts from the nostril, cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi and then to the alveoli, and each part has a certain property will address them briefly.

1. Nose (Nose):

Everyone knows that the nose not only for the passage of air breathing, but also responsible for the sense of smell, the nose has an essential function to dampen the air inside the lungs and also prevent granules of very small particles in the air of the traffic, as they stick attached to the mucosa lining cavity nasal.

Throat (Larynx):

The gate respiratory and where the vocal cords (Vocal Cords), which receives airflow from reindeer to issue different sounds, and is above the throat lump of flesh moving or trailing the Diet (Epiglottis) and this excess is of particular importance in the manhole cover larynx during swallowing to prevent the entry of food into the throat or trachea.

3. Windpipe (Trachea):

Some believe that the trachea is only a tube for the passage of air to the lungs, but in fact the trachea have installed enable it to perform a particular function, Fjdar trachea consists of cartilage many, but this cartilage covering only the front of the trachea while the back of the wall consists of muscles and not cartilage, and this configuration allows the trachea to be solid and open to allow air to pass, and at the same time gives them the flexibility to allow the muscular part where Balatkabbad, this property is very necessary for two two tasks:

Version of different sounds as constriction of the trachea is necessary to create a stream of air out of the lung can be vocal cords from an audio version.
Coughing, everyone knows that the somewhat irritating cough, but has an important interest in helping the person to get rid of phlegm or harmful discharges which may consist in the lung, but not a property of the trachea flexible to enable man to cough effectively.

Bronchi (Bronchioles):

The fork trachea to part left and right, this Alonaabeb divided gradually to be a network of pipes that function is the delivery of air to the various parts of the lungs, and this bronchi are very important as they should be kept open to allow the passage of air during inhalation and exhalation, but in some popular asthma cases, the airway in the bronchi narrows, and this narrow is the main reason for the shortness of breath and wheezing who complain their asthma patients.

Alveoli (Alveoli):

There in the lungs nearly 300 million vesicle air and surrounded by these vesicles network minutes too capillaries and this overlap and consistency between air coming from the air outside loaded with oxygen and blood coming from the heart laden with carbon dioxide allows the process of transition of oxygen from the alveoli to the capillaries, and thus transported to all parts of the body at the same time get rid of carbon dioxide.

Now that we explained the components of respiratory virtual, might some people believe that these things only needed by the human to make the process of respiration, but in fact the process of respiration, which is automatically controlled by the brain in general and Control Center in breathing in the brain, especially so issued orders nervousthe muscles that surround the cavity rib and the most important muscle is the diaphragm so that contraction of these muscles leads to increase the size of the thoracic cavity and thus to extend the lungs and muscle relaxant leads to the small size of the thoracic cavity and thus constrict the lungs and this allows processes inhalation and exhalation that Whitman periodically.

Figures respiratory

1. The amount of air entering the lungs during inspiration with ½ liters.

2. That the number of times breathing in sleep state $ 12 - 16 times per minute when the adult human.

3. That the amount of air entering the lungs and abroad, including almost 6 liters per minute, and this amount can be increased to 10 times when the big muscular effort.

4. That the number of alveoli in the lungs of almost 300 million.

5. That the amount of air in the lungs when the adult human is 6 liters for Zkrtgariba, and 5 liters of women which vary according to the length of human as lung volume increases as the length of rights.

6. That man can live one lung If this lung functioning properly.

Coronary artery dissection

Coronary artery dissection

Called the coronary arteries of the heart arteries Coronary Arteries as they encircle Heart Kaeltag. Nourishes the heart Harianan Tajian two right coronary artery Right Coronary Arteries and left coronary artery Left Coronary Arteries.
Coronary artery and right coronary artery left are the Department of arterial Arterial Circle located in the groove atrioventricular (coronary) AtrioVentricular (Coronary) Groove of the heart and hemmed, and the ramifications of this arterial circle loop (loop) arterial Arterial Loop being in the groove center (between) the ventricles anterior InterVentricular Groove front and central groove between the lower ventricles inferior InterVentricular Groove.

Aorta (Part rookie) Aortic Artery after originating from the left ventricle Left Ventricle swell to form 3 bulges called pockets Alabhraah Aortic Sinuses, and one Anterior front and two rear Posterior left and right.

After Mncohma aortic sinuses, wraps Alharianan Altajian towards the front and hold on both sides of the root of the pulmonary trunk Pulmonary Trunk (pulmonary trunk arises from the right ventricle Right Ventricle and the Alharianan arises Alrioyan Pulmonary Arteries left and right).

Coronary artery Right Right Coronary Arteries after its origin being among the root pulmonary trunk and atrium right Right Auricle until it reaches the groove Taji in the front surface of the heart and being in it down and to the right until it reaches the meeting point for the right border Right Border reducing bottom of the heart Inferior Border, here fork tomarginal artery marginal Artery.

Beyond being coronary artery right back in the back of the groove coronary and fork to the artery central ventricles bottom (or back) Inferior Interventricular Aretry which reduces the direction forward in the groove center ventricles bottom and ends Bmphagrh artery central ventricles front Anterior Interventricular Aretry which fork of coronary artery left, and ends right coronary artery Bmphagrh branch wrapped Circumflex Branch of the left coronary artery ("anastomosis" means stick and merger by the end of the blood vessel tip end of a blood vessel last, Anastomosis).

Illustration shows the coronary arteries on the surface of the heart in front of the diaphragm.

Left coronary artery Left Coronary Arteries after its origin being between the root of the pulmonary trunk and the left atrium Left Auricle until it reaches the upper end of the central groove ventricles front, here is divided into two sections:

1 - branch amid ventricles InterVentricular Branch, which also called artery between the ventricles front Anterior Interventricular Aretry, and being in the groove center ventricles front downwards until it reaches the bottom of the heart Inferior Border near the peak heart Apex, then wraps up the groove between the ventricles bottom and Bmphagrh ends amid the ventricles artery.
2 - section wrapped Circumflex Branch, under the direction of the left coronary groove and wraps around the left border of the heart Left Border and ends Bmphagrh right coronary artery.
Venous blood Venous Blood reflux of the heart muscle being in veins Veins follow the coronary arteries, most veins are in the coronary sinus Coronary Sinus which is a channel and venous Venous Channel short length 4 cm and wide, located in the groove coronary and open in the right atrium Right Atrium.

The structure definition and regulation in the human body

The structure definition and regulation in the human body
First: skeletal muscle:

Covers the bones of hundreds of muscle meat, every muscle is composed of cellular packages, each known as "muscle fiber" which consists of: -

- A living and called Sakroblazema- Cellular Gfairs surrounds Balbrutoblazem called Sacrolama

This relates to the membrane of the terminal ring roads fibrous tissue called "IM internal" and each group muscle fibers surrounded by a membrane called "on IM" is separated from the other muscle groups.
And surrounds the muscle membrane called "over IM," This membrane works to reduce friction during muscular movement.The set of muscles located together in one space and separated from the other muscle group by muscle and every barrier barrier stick to the bones and deep Ballvafah surrounding muscles.
Motor unit:

If the building block of muscle is a muscle fiber, the functional unit is the motor unit which consists of nerve cell and nerve fibers that are fueled by this cell.
The nerve cell (neuron) be her body in the central nervous system and out of the center of the medial long walks with hundreds of axons entering the muscle, and after entering the muscle branched axis to the forest up two thousandth final until every muscle fiber nerve fiber that feeds it.

The nerve fiber ends "motor plate"-like electrode which you move Neurological effects of nerve fiber to the Sakroblazem muscle fiber occurs atrial muscle, all muscle fibers respond to the impact of nervous system as a single unit. When The muscle fiber contracts will be deducted from the length by half or two-thirds, and this leads to the fact that the rate of movement depends on the length of the muscle fiber, and that the resulting force depends on the number of motor units that responded to the impact of nervous.
Second: smooth muscle:

The smooth muscle fibers shorter and more accurate than planned fiber, and dock on the bone, but no walls Members follicle digestive Kaljhaz and urinary and blood vessels, which are located in two layers:

- Circular inner layer works to narrow the lumen- Outer layer longitudinal shape working to shorten the cavity and thus large
Third: the heart muscle:

It differs from the previous fact that the fibers are going together to form a network of successive forest, but this could shrink as a collective, as myocardial different from the previous two planned the fact that the fibers but involuntarily.

The smooth muscle contraction in slow and steady, while he is in striated muscle fast and choppy, but the heart muscle Vtnd regularly at a rate of 70 - 80 times per minute.
Link skeletal muscle:

The bulk of the skeletal muscles bones fused, but this link is not by stromal fiber itself, but by ends Alsarcolima or by threading a solid fibrous combine with each other to make up the tendon or fascia (fascia).

This has come to be called the link near the (root) in the parties as the "source" and remote link (Terminal) as "based", as some called a correlation near as "hard end" and the remote link to the name "animated Alnhih".
Skeletal muscle functions:

The skeletal muscle motor functions are mainly related to the joints, and can be summarized movements performed as follows:

- Bending- Tide- Dimensional body- Rounding of the body- Rotation central- Rotation Side
Muscle rating:

Muscles are divided into two main groups:

- Muscles of the central structure include:

1 - spinal muscles2 - the muscles of the head and neck3 - chest muscles4 - abdominal muscles

- Muscles parties include:

1 - upper limb muscles2 - lower limb muscles

He was on the muscle suit names and their diverse characteristics, some of which are called by its shape and the so-called, depending on size, location or function.

Explanation Muscular System

Explanation Muscular System

Muscles are divided into three types

First: voluntary muscles:

Has been so named because they are subject to movements of the human will, it is also called striated muscle because they look under the microscope to form fibrous lines, and some scientists called Name skeletal muscle due to primarily on the skeleton of the body.

Second of: muscle Allrdaeh:

Any that are moving away from the human will, dubbed the smooth muscle because it does not show any fiber lines under a microscope. There are members follicle shrinking machine such as the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, a woman's uterus, and urinary tract.

Third: the heart muscle:

They have characteristics intermediate between the first two types, as is not Ardaeh but planned.

Muscles and their evolution:

Muscles arise stem structure of muscle coupon positioned along the spine. While arise muscles sides of the middle class, which originate from the bone.

The smooth muscle arises from the primary cells of the central leaflet emerging  coupon muscle. As well as heart muscle cells arise from the central leaflet initial intervention in the installation of pipes that will form the heart.

Explain the abdominal muscles in the human body

Explain the abdominal muscles in the human body

The abdomen or Alabdomainal muscle

- Rectus abdominus musculus rectus abdominis: landing on either side of the cut and up to the pubic, and minimum width from top to bottom
- External oblique muscle External Oblique: start of the eighth rib and meet Aledltan from both sides together at the pubic bone, and called line Althamanma "White Line" no central abdominal
- Internal oblique muscle Internal Oblique: located in the middle abdominal muscle is thicker than the foregoing, and broad, and start from the inguinal Association and ascend to the top of the dock rib cartilage last four
- Thin abdominal muscles Transversus Abdominis: deeper and more accurate muscle, starting from the lateral third of the Association of inguinal and iliac crest to the horizontal extrusion lumbar
- Outstanding muscle of the testis Cremaster: starting from when the internal oblique muscle and landing weaved into the scrotum cover problem of the spermatic cord

Jobs abdominal muscles:

- Working to carry and support the abdominal contents
- Sometimes works Ktaderh (in cases of urine, feces, and birth)
- Working to bend the body
- If Anaqbdt all at the same time leads to a strong exhalation movement

Explain the chest muscles

Explain the chest muscles

Also called respiratory muscles

- Intercostal muscles (between the ribs): mission linking rib each other, which is located in two layers:

A - Foreign back of a thick, thin and transparency of Imam

B - internal transparency from the back and thick from the front

- Crane ribs Levatores Costarum - bra objecting Transversus Thoracic

- Lower rear gear Serratus Postero - Inferior or posterior inferior serratus muscle musculus serratus posterior inferior

- Serrated rear upper Serratus Postero - Superior or serratus posterior superior muscle musculus serratus posterior superior

- Diaphragm Diaphragm: thin membrane closes the hole bottom of the rib cage, an inspiratory muscle, is working to raise the ribs and expand the rib cage. (While exhaling muscles cut ribs and narrowing the rib cage)

Explain the functions of the links in the human body

Explain the functions of the links in the human body
Links working to identify the movement of joints, and prevent exceeding the specified limit, it also works to protect the bones of the joints from any harm. Any links function is prevention, identification and protection.

Most important serological joints:
1 - shoulder joint Shoulder joint:
Consists of the humeral head and the hole Alerouhah (Hollow glenoid glenoid cavity) of the shoulder pad, and connects them strong links, and is surrounded by a membrane worshiper covers parts bone is covered cartilage, and there is this membrane intracapsular articular, and no parts detailed tendons, which allow detailed movements , a bending, tide and dimensional approximation, rotation and successive movements

2 - elbow joint Elbow joint:
It kind Rizzi, links between the lower end of the humerus, the upper ends of the radius and ulna. And contains cartilage, and the Commonwealth of the portfolio, and the serous membrane, and links allow the performance of two movements only. Two bilateral bending thanks to the muscle of the head, and the tide by three head muscle Triceps.

3 - wrist joint Radiocarpal joint:
Connecting the lower end of radius, and the back of the wrist bone: navicular Scaphoid and Hilali Lunate and triangular Triquetral, and separated by a disk of white fibrous cartilage. It type Condyloid and can perform all movements, bending and extending away and rounded.

Associated with the bones of the wrist with each other, by one articular cavity, and moving grades two wrist bones Cklhma, on top of each other. The bones of the wrist associated with bone comb hand **** carpus, and associated bones comb, in turn rules the first row of the phalanges of the fingers, and called this link to a detailed stoned Knuckle Joint, and can fingers to bend completely, the bones comb, and it can be extended to more than 180-degree angle, and there are links to fibrous supports these joints.
5 - sacral joint - iliac Sacroiliac joint:
Where linked Baharagafh deficit, by two types of connectivity worshiper and fibrous.

6 - detailed Ani Symphysis Pubis:
They are connected pubic Azmta, by cartilage transparent, and fibrous cartilage, which limits movement.

7 - Hip Hip Joints:
A serological joints, sort of spherical - acetabular, a placed head of the femur in the cavity bone ilium, and connects with each portfolio, backed by a group of links is Association iliac - femoral, and الوركية - femoral, and femoral - pubic, and circular, and can this detailed, do all the movements such as bending and tide-dimensional approximation.
8 - Knee Knee Joint:
A hinge joint. Linking the femur and tibia, where deposited Alalghemtan Condyles two at the bottom of the femur, in shafts Alerohieddin tibiae Glenoid Cavity of Tibia and before them stands patella, helps to stabilize these bones portfolio, and membrane chapel, lined Association portfolio and the inner surface of the patellar tendon, and covers the bone is covered cartilaginous , and there are tablets of white fibrous cartilage, and a group of lipid classes and serological Bursae bags to prevent friction between the bones of the joint surfaces, also supports this detailed three links, one front and two Janpetan.

9 - Detailed heel Ankle Joint:
He of Rizzi Hinge type, which connects the bottom of the tibia, and Ntoih down, and the bottom of the fibula, and lateral Ntoih, and greatness Alchrisua. Surrounds bone cartilage, and supports the joint four strong links, and links the interface between the tibia and fibula and fibrous bundles.

10 - ankle and toes:
It links heel bones among themselves, and between the bones of the heel and metatarsal bones, and between these and the phalanges, and between and among internodes, and is working to maintain the body's balance, and support the foot arches....

Explain the process of dissecting the joints in the human body

Explain the process of dissecting the joints in the human body

Is a joint link or contact between Ossein from the bones of the body between them, or between the bone and cartilage, detailed parts can do the movements required freely.

Types of arthritis:There are three types of arthritis are:- Fibrous joints Fibrous joint:- Fibrous joints Fibrous joint:And the fuse bones among themselves, by fibrous tissue does not allow any kind of movement. With age fibrous thread disappears, to be replaced by bone ligament, bone is overlapping each other composed cohesion, show its effects in the form of a thin line called suture Suture, as is the case in the bones of the skull and jaw teeth link.- Cartilaginous joints Cartilaginous joint:Among the ends of bones adjacent layer of fiber cartilage White, who allows this to happen movements are very light, owing to pressure on this layer fibrocartilagineus, and this is what is known as the joint cartilage secondary, or fibrous cartilage fibrocartilage, as is the case in detail pubic and between paragraphs .There initial joint cartilage, where bone is associated with a transparent cartilage hyaline cartilage, and it's called the joint transparent hyaline joint as attachment rib cartilage shear where there is no movement or are very limited.- Serological joints or Synovial Synovial joint:It is the most important and most widely joints in the body, and characterized by the presence of serous membrane, and can cause all kinds of movements, but this has been divided into five types, depending on the type of movement performed by the joint, namely:

- Serological joints or Synovial Synovial joint:Synovial joint structure:

They are more joints in the freedom of movement in all directions, bending and extending and lifting and zoom and rotate, for example, the shoulder joint and hip

2 - detailed Rizzi Hinge joint:

Allows movement in only one level. Any flexion and extension, as is the case in the elbow joint and knee, heel and phalangeal joints3 - slider joint Gliding joint or joint flat plane joint:

In this type of articulation joints slip surfaces, on top of each other, such as a detailed storytelling - the clavicle and acromion - the clavicle, and the joints between the bones of the wrist, heel4 - detailed orbital Pivot joint:

It allows moving around one axis. In the form of circulation, such as the near and distant thoughtful, between the radius and ulna, as well as between Atlas paragraph, and paragraph outcrop axis.5 - detailed Sarji - condyloid condyloid saddle joints:

Movements are carried out on two axes, allowing to happen to the crease and tide-dimensional approximation, such as the wrist joint, and the joints between the phalanges and the comb.

Serological joints include the following:(A) transparent cartilage Hyaline:

Covers the surfaces of bones at the articulation, which is smooth and solid, so as to allow easy contact and carry weight.(B) The Association of portfolio Capsular Ligament:A package of fibrous tissue, surrounding the joint and bone connecting with each other, so as to allow them to move and supported(C) The components of income portfolio:Portfolio contains some components that are located outside the serous membrane, which is necessary to maintain the stability of the joint(D) serous membrane Synovial membrane:Consists of secretory epithelial cells, secrete a viscous liquid like egg whites, called serous fluid. He gave these joints named serological joints, and is working on the lubrication and facilitate the detailed movements, and works to install and nutrition. The bottom resides Association المحفظية, and covers all the internal parts of the bones in the joint, non-covered cartilage transparent, where small bags called the exchange is working on a buffer, preventing bone friction among themselves, or with links, tendons or skin.(E) extracapsular components:Most joints have extracapsular links, working to strengthen and stabilize the joint.(F) muscle:Associated with the bones of the joint, muscle contraction leads to movement of the joint

Explanation of the anatomy of the eye process

Explanation of the anatomy of the eye process
Consists eye (eye ball) of three layers and is from the outside to the inside:

Solid Sclera, and is the outer layer of the eye and consists of connective tissue strong opaque eye protection, hard not absorb light, but a customer and a white. Damage most solid eyeball only the front part which is the transparent cornea.
Choroid Choroid, and is the layer that lies between the solid eye and the retina, and choroid contain a rich network of blood vessels and its primary function is to support the retina and provide food and oxygen. Choroid cover only two-thirds of the eye ball back.
Retina Retina, and is the inner layer of the eye and cover two-thirds of the eye ball inside the back. The retina is the layer that contains photoreceptors Photoreceptors and responsible for sight, where it receives light actually them and converted to electrical signals transmitted through fiber optical fibers, which accumulate in the optical disk Optic Disc or which also called spot blind (where the optical disk does not contains photoreceptors) to form the optic nerve. containing retinal fovea Fovea is a concave spot in the retina contain large amounts of photoreceptors and used the sharp eye of sight, any eye that circumvents the light is located on this spot.

Eyeball vitreous Viterous Body and is a transparent gelatinous body preserve Kroetha. Related forward ciliary body Ciliary Body and is a control muscles in the form of the lens of the eye so that if shrunk less curvature of the lens and if his vice over convex lens and this process that focuses light on the retina of vision by the body from the eye.Front lens of the eye is the iris Iris and that gives the eye color, and consists iris muscles of circular muscles radial and in the middle aperture called the pupil (iris) Pupil, muscle circular narrowing the pupil and radial expansion pupil by the amount of light, In the dark expands pupil to allow for a greater amount of light enter the eye to facilitate the vision, and when the light is shining Atadhaq pupil to be a clear vision and are not confused.After the iris and in front of the eye are the cornea Cornea and is transparent and does not contain blood vessels where they take what you need oxygen directly from the air and food by filtration of aqueous humor Aqueous Humour, and is the solution that fills the front room and the back room. Front room Anterior Chamber is actually space between the cornea and iris and Algervaih background Posterior Chamber is the reality gap between the lens of the eye and the iris. Aqueous humor fills these chambers and Aterchma through Schlemm's canal Schlemm Canal which lies in the angle between the cornea and iris in the front room. Aqueous humor is responsible for eye pressure Intraocular Pressure, If, and could not get out for some reason can lead to high eye pressure and disease known blue water Glaucoma

System lacrimal Lacrimal Apparatus consists of lacrimal gland Lacrimal Gland which is located in the upper front outer stone eye and pour tears through channels lacrimal on conjunctivitis Conjunctiva and then transmitted tears to the corner of the eye's internal travel through canaliculi lacrimal Lacrimal Canaliculi to the lacrimal sac Lacrimal Sac and whichlocked up the tears that come down at once to the nasal cavity. Then transmitted through the nasolacrimal duct Nasolacrimal Duct pour into the nasal cavity through the slot in the lower nasal fovea

The muscles that move the eye are:

Lateral rectus muscle (side) Lateral Rectus Muscle and eye damage to the outside of any consideration to the outer side (by the eye).
Rectus medial (internal) Medial Rectus Muscle and eye damage to the interior to look towards the nose.
Superior rectus muscle Superior Rectus Muscle and eye damage to look up and to the inside.
Inferior rectus muscle Inferior Rectus Muscle and eye damage to look down and to the inside.
Superior oblique muscle Superior Oblique Muscle and eye damage to look down and to the outside.
Inferior oblique muscle Inferior Oblique Muscle and eye damage to look up and out.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mystery that has baffled the world

Mystery that has baffled the world
> It is said that the number seven has the same energy in the end>>> Fire doors 7>> 7 Wonders>> Vision of the king of Egypt 7>> Ordered the boy to pray at the age of seven>> Circling the Kaaba 7>> Seek between Safa and Marwa 7>> Number of verses in light 7>> Jamarat 7>> Seas 7>> Major minerals in the ground 7>> Science reach to 7 basic types of stars.>> And also reach to 7 of the electron orbital planes ...... Those levels around 7> Nucleus.>> The science reached for 7 colors Lda to 7 visual radiation Lda invisible ....!!>> As well as 7 lengths of those waves of radiation.>> Science also reached that man consists of 7 ... It consists of>> Atom + molecule + Jane + Krumus m + cell + fabric + member>> Good doubling in 7 Sanabel.>> Prostrate positions in the Quran seven.>> Opening Eid the seven takbeers.>> Hajj نطوف 7 times around the Kaaba .. seek 7 runs .. and throw stones 7 times>> Each time throw 7 coals>>> Home spectrum seven>> The number of days of the week seven>> And the moon around the earth four Spat (28 days)>> 7 continents of the world>>> Why musical scale of seven tones?>> Why do we celebrate the seventh day of the birth of the child (Sbua)?>> Why become seven rainbow colors?>> Mentioned in the Quran seven heavens>> Seven spikes>> Seven cows>> In Christianity we find the seven secrets>> In Judaism we find the seventh layer of the tree of life <Ntzakh>>> Seven shade of God shadow day I keep only its shadow:> 1 - just Imam.> 2 - A young man grew up in the worship of God.> 3 - man his heart hanging mosques.> 4 - Two men Thaba in God .. Met and parted ways.> 5 - man invited a woman as Jamal said I fear God.> 6 - man of incredible honesty Vokhvaha .. Even to learn his right spent north.> 7 - Allah free man his eyes ففاضت tears.>>> Mineral salts 7 solution Knub NPK (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus)>> Finally, but not least> Certificate unification .. Number of words seven>> _ _ Only God _ God>> _ Mohammed _ Messenger _>>>>>>> Puzzling scientists (not dissolved, but God knows the Almighty

Electric Lightning is a natural phenomenon

Electric Lightning is a natural phenomenon.

Foggy that day Franklin went to the field, carrying with him silk cord and kite, expectant remained to that time.

Began promising thunderstorms with rain, issuing a paper plane tethered wire silky flying high in the sky, and connect the wire with a metal rod and غلفه insulation of wax.

A few minutes were separated from ascertaining the identity of those amazing phenomenon that has baffled many scientists it is a phenomenon of lightning.

LACK near the penis from the ground sparked a giant spark-like lightning, proving timely truth of what he was thinking when months ago, they make sure that lightning is an electrical natural phenomenon, and what is not an electric spark caused by the confluence of two power plants Mtaackstan shipments.

It is true that the information obtained by Franklin very modest equivalent tools used by this experience, as equivalent to the time that he lived in, which is the middle of the eighteenth century, however, he appeared first step and paved the way for scientists after him, and they much of experiments after relied on boats Satellite and radar, computers and cameras, They found knowledge complex stages lightning and accurate, and this was achieved only at the end of the twentieth century.

Why did God choose crow Cain knows how to bury his brother?

Why did God choose crow Cain knows how to bury his brother?
He says (and recite to them the news of my son Adam right as closer offering smelters accept from one did not accept the other said to Oguetlink said accepts only God of the righteous (27) While simplified to your hand to kill me what I Bbasit hands to you to kill you, I fear Allah, the Lord of the Worlds (28) I I want to assume conscious of the iniquity Vtkon owners fire, and that penalty oppressors (29) Aftuat him himself to kill his brother and killed him became one of the losers (30) recreate God grappa looking at the ground to show him how to mask pudenda brother said Iaoilta incapacitated to be like this crow Voara pudenda brother became regretful (31))

These verses prove the following: that the first murder of a human was between my son Adam (the brothers Cain and Abel) when Cain killed his brother Abel and why he is the devil and the jealousy and hatred and aversion to Adam and his descendants seek refuge with Allah and beware of evil devilAnd God Almighty sent grappa to teach the children of Adam bury their dead and did not send another bird. So the role of the crow in this story is teach a man how to bury their dead, why God has chosen without creatures to be the first teacher to humans??!!Scientific studies have proven: that the crow is the smartest birds and Omla at all! And explain that the crow has the largest size halves of the brain relative to body size in all known birds. Among the information that proven studies Slokaaalm animal courts crows and the trial group anyone goes out on its own according to the laws of justice innate set by the Almighty God and each offense when a group crows punishable own * The crime raping dining Chicks young: punishment requiring that a group of crows Bntf crow feathers aggressor until it becomes incapable of flight small Calverakh before growth is complete. * The crime of rape the nest or demolished: only crows court to compel the aggressor to build a new nest to nest owner victim. * The crime of assault on another female crow: eliminate crows group of killing the aggressor beat Bmanakirha to death. The court usually sits in the field of agricultural fields or in the vast land, where the Court is clustered in time, and brings crow accused under heavy guard, and the trial begins Phoenix head, lowers his wing, and refrain from crowing recognition of his guilt. If sentenced to death and proved the group of crows on the comet expansion apart Bmanakirha sharp until he dies, and then holds a crows beak to dig his grave, consistent with the size of his body puts the body crow dead then Yehiel it dirt out of respect for the sanctity of death and thus establish crows divine justice in the earth. . Better than hosted many of the sons of Adam Crow in modern science: Scientists have proved specialists to study science behavior of animals and birds in their research that crow among other animals and birds which to bury its dead. Hallelujah and blessed (of the verses of the scientific miracles of the animals in the Koran)


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