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Friday, December 14, 2012

Patterns common disorder in humans

Patterns common disorder in humans

Have common patterns. A. Generalized peripheral neuropathy. B. Sensory roots. C. Single lesion in the dorsal column (reception has a sense of deep and some touch). D. Transverse lesion in the thoracic spinal cord. E. Funicular lesion and unilateral (Brown - ): a bug in the dorsal column (movement) in the approval with thalamic dysfunction complained truck on the opposite side. F. Central lesion in the spinal cord: spinal thalamic loss of the diffusion "Cape Cape". G. Lesion in the middle of the brain stem, the sense in the approval facial with a sense of loss in the bottom of the head body on the opposite side. H. Lesion in the cerebral hemisphere (hypothalamic): the sense in the face and body unlike the scourge.

1. Lesions of peripheral nerves: Symptoms are usually in the peripheral nerve lesions are the humiliating sense and simple (pins and needles). The lesions in a single peripheral nerve will cause as expected disruption in the distribution of sensory nerve. In neurological disorders longer scattered neurons are first affected by giving distributed (gloves and socks) Featured.
If small nerve fibers are preferentially infected (as is the case for example in alcoholic neuropathy) the sense of heat and pain (pin prick) lose while Tsttnya sensations borne the largest sensory nerves (sense of vibration and the status of the joint).
On the other hand, the largest sensory nerves get especially if neuropathy of demyelinating type (eg Gillan syndrome - GBS).

2. Lesions of the nerve roots Nerve Root Lesions: Pain is often a manifestation of nerve roots lesions within thorns Spine or braids nerve in the party. Is often pain in the muscles supplied by nerve root in the sector muscular Myotome more than the leather sector Dermatome. Can be inferred where the lesion in the nerve root of the sectoral pattern leather has sense, although this is often smaller than might be expected because of the sensory areas overlap.:
3. Spinal cord lesions Spinal Cord Lesions: Ascend somatosensory information from the parties to the nervous system via two Tharihieddin devices separate but differentiate in any of these two lies the injury has often diagnostic benefit (the Anzer Figure 16).

Figure 16: main somatosensory ways.
The fiber from the members of proprioception and fiber-mediated delicate touch (including vibration) enter the spinal cord at the posterior horn and pass without intertwined to the rear column in the approval. The fibers that transmit sensory information from the pain and the heat they are intertwined with second order neurons that cross the middle line of the spinal cord before they ascend in the spinal tract anterolateral in the opposite direction to the brain stem.
Lead transverse Transverse lesions in the spinal cord to the loss of all sensations under the hyperbolic level despite the desinger level determined clinically may vary 2-3 pieces. Often be at the top of the bar dotted demise sense of humiliating or hyperesthesia Hyperaesthesia. If the origin of the lesion under review and Aaúaa (though be caused, for example, the anterior spinal artery thrombosis), the third rear of the spinal cord (and hence the feelings of the dorsal column) may be excluded from the injury.
The pests that hurt one side of the spinal cord will lead to a loss of sensory per sensations spinal thalamic (pain and temperature) in the opposite direction and the dorsal column sensations (vibration and the status of the joint) at the same point of the lesion.
The lesions in the center of the spinal cord (such as syringomyelia Syringomyelia) spared columns Alzarien but infect fiber fork thalamus that cross Cross spinal cord from both sides and the infection along the region occupied by the lesion only, which is why have lost the sense of Afterakie Dissociated (in terms of sensations infected) and suspended Suspended (because the pieces above and below the lesion be excluded from the injury). And is often associated with the demise of reflexes If fiber is contained reflective of the arc within the infected bone.
May become the dorsal column alone, particularly in multiple sclerosis, and leads to a sense of malaise annoying Join the injured party with the proprioception, which may severely affect the function party without any sense heat injury or pain.
4. Brainstem lesions: The second order neurons Second-Order in the dorsal cord of the sensory system cross the middle line in the upper part of the bulb to ascend to the brain stem. In the brain stem located these neurons directly to the medial spinal thalamic tract (which may be just decussatio). Therefore, brain stem lesions cause sensory lost both sensations on the opposite side of the body, but the sense in the face caused by brain stem lesions depends on the anatomy of trigeminal fibers within the brain stem.
فالألياف from the rear section of the face (near the ears) fall within the brain stem to the upper part of the spinal cord before then express intertwined second order neurons median line and then ascend with thalamic fiber fork. The fibers that transmit a sense of the areas the front face of it landing a shorter distance within the brainstem therefore have a sense of the face caused by pests brainstem low take distributed "helmet Albalakava Balaclava Helmet" ("a hat woolen covers the entire head and surround the neck)" because fibers trigeminal landing a longer distance within the brain stem that are infected.
5. Hemisphere lesions: Ends columns Alzarian and Sbalan Alhuckaan Almhadian in the thalamus From there Earslan to chaff internal wall across the portfolio, and that is why the cerebral hemispheres lesions affecting all kinds of sense.
Can separate lesions in the thalamus (as can happen in strokes lacunaris small Lucunar) that cause lost for common sense in the entire half of the body on the opposite side. Must be sensory lesions in a Nutshell is very small, (and thus affect only a limited area). To avoid injury motor ways deeper in the cerebral hemispheres.
Occurs in lesions large parietal chaff (as is the case in the big strokes) has severe proprioception and even conscious awareness of the existence of the party (parties) infected. It may be impossible to distinguish loss of function resulting in paralysis Party....

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Photos of football map foot map

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foot map


1.Brain / head.
2. Sinuses / brain / top of the head.
3. Side of the brain, head / neck.
4. Pituitary gland.
5. Spinal cord.
6. Neck / throat / thyroid.
7. Parathyroid gland.
8. Thyroid.
9. Tracheal.
10. Eye.
11. Auditory canal.
12. Ear.
14. Lung.
15. Heart.
16. Solar plexus.
17. Abdomen.
18. Pancreas.
19. College.
20. Liver.
21. Bitterness.
22. Spleen.
23. Escalating colon.
24. Descending colon.
25. The small intestine.
26. Bladder.
27. Sciatic nerve.

Left foot

1.Brain / head.
2. Sinuses / brain / top of the head.
3. Side of the brain, head / neck.
4. Pituitary gland.
5. Spinal cord.
6. Neck / throat / thyroid.
7. Parathyroid gland.
8. Thyroid.
9. Tracheal.
10. Eye.
11. Auditory canal.
12. Ear.
14. Lung.
15. Heart.
16. Solar plexus.
17. Abdomen.
18. Pancreas.
19. College.
20. Liver.
21. Bitterness.
22. Spleen.
23. Escalating colon.
24. Descending colon.
25. The small intestine.
26. Bladder.
27. Sciatic nerve

Map of the body on the soles of the feet as well as the palm of the hand and then of the technical methods to get rid of the pain massage

Distribution of nerves on the soles of the feet

Distribution of nerves on the tip of the hand

Steps sound massage and eliminate pain

Map member Science Panel Members reflectance distribution areas in the bottom of the foot

Explain the benefits and functions of the definition disc or (Spondylolisthesis)

Explain the benefits and functions of the definition disc or (Spondylolisthesis)

Backache may be annoying, but most often be destructive and sharp
To the extent that may cause prevent the person from going to work or even to do ordinary household tasks.

And back pain have many reasons to recall them
1 - muscle strain.
2 - torn muscles in the lower back.
3 - a herniated disc (which is one of the most causes of back pain)
4 - sliding spine (see the painting)

5 - friction and roughness paragraphs.
6 - inflammation of the cartilage and paragraphs.
Spondylolisthesis or called Baldisek ..In order to understand what is disc we must first know the anatomy of the spine
Simply spine consists of vertebrae separated by some fibrous tissueThe inside contains gelatinous substance and on the side of the vertebral body no neural tubeThrough which passes the spinal cord (as shown)
Spondylolisthesis occurs when sliding part gelatoAnd come out through the hernia in the fibrous part of the disc.

This flaccid Djilatyna part sliding toward nerve channelsThe pressure on parts of the nervesAnd thus lead to pain in the back and in the thigh and leg andIs what is known when the sweat of sciatica (open Noon).
There are of course reasons lead to a situation Glide IncorrectWhen sitting, walking, work Calanhanae or carry loads the wrong way or overweightOr acts that cause stressful on the lower back and that weaken the muscles
And thus increase the stress on the fibrous tissue and torn out gelatinous substance of it.And I've mentioned prayer Zahra in the wrong theme of these positions.

The symptoms are

Spondylolisthesis in the lumbar spine leads to pain in the lower backExtends to the back of the hip, thigh and legIn addition to the possibility of concomitant weakening in the foot and leg musclesOr a change in sensation or loss of the ability to control urine or feces.
The diagnosis is made after examining the patient clinicallyAnd hold specialized أشعات such as X-ray and MRI.
And you as an example the following image, a CT scan of the neck vertebrae taken to a patientBy X-ray device CT

Of course, the best way to diagnose is بستخدام MRI

The treatment is divided into two sections:
Treatment conservatoryAndSurgical treatment.
Preventive treatment to be successful in many patients and is at rest for several daysAnd the use of drugs for arthritis and pain medicationsAnd medications sick of the muscles and the use of physical therapy.
We must also avoid any habits or factors that lead to stress on the lower back.

The surgical treatment is used when conservative treatment failsIn relieving the symptoms within four to six weeks.
Magnetic resonance image of an infected neck Banaftaq central cartilaginousParagraph 6 and 7 down the spinal cord

On the right natural magnetic resonance image of the lumbarCompared to the picture on the left to a central disc herniation pressing on the spinal cord.
Photo shows the different types of cages made of titanium.
On the right X-ray image seems the cage between the fifth lumbar vertebrae and the first sacralAnd on the left sketch shows somewhere the cage between paragraphs (company Medtronics Medtronics).

Surgical treatment is the process of eradicating the slider part of the discAnd that put pressure on the nerves through a small incision (2 to 3 cm) in the backAnd using a microscope, usually the process takes 45 to 60 minutes and is performed under full anesthesia.

And the success rate of the operation more than 95%Usually the patient awakes from the anesthetic was still pain الدسك,
The pain wound shall be simple and lasts a day or two
And usually the patient can move and walk at the same day of the operation or the next dayWith advances in anesthesia and spinal surgeryThese processes are considered very safe, a routine surgery in advanced centers.

And the patient can immediately after the operationWalking, sitting and travel by plane or car for short distancesAnd he can return to the work of the office during the three weeksAnd return any other work during the six weeks.

As for patients who do not wish to surgical disposalAnd in some cases can be given a needle in the backContains an anti-inflammatory agent act as corticosteroids may lead to pain relief and inflammation of the nerve.
* What about the treatment of endoscopic disc and enzymes?
- In a very few cases laparoscope can be used to eradicate the slider part of the discThis leads to reduced wound from 3 cm to 1 or 2 cm,
The enzymes and other materials did not prove scientifically that its successful role in these casesOn the contrary, it may lead to difficulty in treatment later.

And can avoid slipping following cartilage Ptba:
1) maintain an ideal weight.
2) to constantly engage in sports and exercise to maintain fitness lower back.
3) the use of the proper ways to lift things and be picked up and moved.
4) to maintain the integrity of the back when walking and sitting.
5) use support Kalmratb devices and medical lumbar pillows.

Explain the benefits and functions of the Trachea

Explain the benefits and functions of the Trachea

Tracheal a tube cylindrical length of about 12 cm, and width of about 2 cm, and consists of 16 - 20 episodes chondrocytes, and begins at paragraph cervical sixth in front of cricoid cartilage (Afattkhi) cricoid cartilage, and episodes cartilaginous incomplete from the rear, they are onhorseshoe shape, opened behind where this slot is composed of smooth muscle fibers can press lightly on the mass food in the esophagus are given a sense of difficulty swallowing.

Internal surface padded respiratory mucous membrane, and fold volatile provider, from the bottom to the top is working to put out mucous secretions from within.

And at fifth paragraph bra subdivided into two sections trachea left and right.

Surrounded by the back of the esophagus and forward in the neck thyroid isthmus and in the chest, thymus and blood vessels.

Tracheal functions:

expand during swallowing to work on re-throat to rest position after they had risen during swallowing.
stay open thanks to the transparent cartilage do not even Tnkhms during inhalation.
change the size of the cartilaginous rings as needed, when coughing expanding at a rate of 30% due to the air pressure on the walls.
Ask and directed by mucous secretions thanks Alahdab volatile.

Explain the benefits and functions of the thyroid gland

Explain the benefits and functions of the thyroid gland

Thyroid Thyroid Gland is a endocrine important and vital in the body.

And These glands Balsme called because they do not have channel through which pour their secretions, but poured directly into the blood.
Control of thyroid hormones in the metabolism of **** bolism most tissues in the body.

The thyroid gland is located at the bottom of the top of the neck, and consists of two lobes Lobes, and right lobe, left lobe linked by the Isthmus of Thyroid Isthmus.

And thyroid adjacent to the thyroid cartilage of the larynx Thyroid Cartilage and linked to it (for this move thyroid up and down during the swallowing process), and the top of the trachea Trachea.

It consists the thyroid gland in the fetus from the base of the tongue and then descend during their formation and evolution to the bottom of the neck.

Thyroid gland consists of follicles Follicles containing thyroid globulin (Thaaroglupulin) Thyroglobulin and which is the source of hormone Althairoxin. Produce and secrete thyroid hormone Althairoxin in Sourtah Althaaronen four iodine Tetra-Iodo-Thyronine (T4) and Althairoxin three iodine Tri-Iodo-Thyronine (T3), and iodine Iodide is necessary for the production and secretion Althairoxin and deficiency leads to goiter (peaches ) Goitre.

Micrograph of a cross-sectional slice of the thyroid gland on the left and Illustration amplifier on the left of the follicles.

Thyroid secretes T4 more than T3, but a large amount of T4 into T3 in tissues such as the liver, kidney and muscle.

And who works on the pituitary gland to secrete hormone turn instigator of the thyroid glandThyroid-Stimulating-Hormone and who works on the induction of the thyroid gland to produce and secrete the hormoneAlthairoxin.

And whenever lack Althairoxin in blood increases the secretion of these hormones and vice versa if the quantity increased in the blood shortage secretion of these hormones and this is called the reflux Baltltakim negative Negative Feedback Mechanism, and its mission is to preserve the natural level of the hormone in the blood for the performance of his work to the fullest ..

Insufficiency (idle) Thyroid Hypothyroidism is the inability to manufacture thyroid or hormone secretion Althairoxin the required level of the body, and also called Balmiksidema Myxoedema. And the reasons for failure are either Primary sense that initial bugs and disease in the thyroid itself or secondary Secondary, and is rare, an imbalance in the axis subclinical pituitary Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Axis leading to a decrease in the hormone-induced thyroid Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
Hypothyroidism of the most common endocrine diseases, and affects more women than men.

1) congenital (congenital) Congenital:Not be thyroid Thyroid Agenesis, the thyroid gland is not present in the body since birth not formed during the development of the embryo.
Remnants of ectopic thyroid gland Ectopic Thyroid Remnants, as a result of the defect in the formation of which only remnants remain in the body.

Iodine deficiency Iodine deficiency:The thyroid gland is not able to manufacture and secretion of thyroid hormone (Althairoxin) due to lack of iodine in the body. And often gets in mountainous areas such as Alps, Alheimilaya, South America and Central Africa, which still suffers from a lack of iodine in the diet.
And iodine deficiency leads to goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) Goitre endemic in some areas (endemic goiter) Endemic Goitre.
Not be hormone Dyshormonogenesis:This is a rare case, and is the result of a genetic defect in the manufacture of thyroid hormone, and infected patient failure and hypertrophy (peaches) thyroid.
Thyroid drugs against Antithyroid Drugs used to treat hyperthyroidism HyperthyroidismAnd other drugs such as Allecim Lithium, Omayudaron Amiodarone and IFN Interferon

Enlarged thyroid (goiter) Goiter3) thyroiditis impregnable Autoimmune Thyroiditis:

- Is the most common cause of hypothyroidism frequently, and is characterized by the presence of auto-antibodies of the thyroid gland in the blood Antithyroid Auto-Antibodies and that lead to the invasion of lymph gland blood cells Lymphoid Infiltration and then gland atrophy and Tlifaa.
- Affects women 6 times more than men, and abound infection with age.
- Be accompanied with other diseases impervious to Autoimmune Diseases such as pernicious anemia Pernicious Anemia, vitiligo Vitiligo and other endocrine glands palaces Endocrine Deficiencies.
Hashimoto's disease Hashimoto's Thyroiditis:
Thyroiditis postpartum Postpartum Thyroiditis:Thyroiditis this is often a transitional phenomenon tracking pregnancy, and can lead to hyperthyroidism (increased secretion of the hormone) Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism palaces or both consecutively.
And is believed to be the result of the necessary amendments to the immune system Immune System during pregnancy and often be the case (hypothyroidism) temporary, but with the presence of thyroid auto-antibodies in the blood turn the situation to the lack of permanent thyroid.

Results from inflammation of the thyroid virus, and are the initial symptoms are fever, fatigue and pain in the neck and Eelam thyroid topical above.
5) hypothyroidism postoperative Post Surgical Hypothyroidism:This, of course, result in removal of the thyroid gland surgical process for some reason, such as peaches or cancer.

Hypothyroidism after treatment with radioactive iodine Radioactive Iodine Therapy, which is used to destroy the thyroid gland to treat hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism.
Neck irradiation External Neck Irradiation is the use of radiation therapy for the disease in the neck outside the thyroid gland which leads to damage and shortcomings, such as neck irradiation for the treatment of lymphoma Lymphoma.
7) as a result of hypothyroidism ترشحات cancerous Tumour Infiltration, this of course as a result of the invasion of thyroid cancer cells from another member of the body and then damage and palaces.

1) Hypopituitrism Hypopituitarism:Generally causes hypothyroidism secondary are very rare, and hypopituitarism resulting deficiency in the secretion of the hormone-induced thyroid Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and is important for the work of the thyroid gland, where it Ihredha to produce and sort the thyroid hormone.

Thyroid gland produces and secretes the hormone naturally, but the cells do not respond to him, leading to the emergence of symptoms of hypothyroidism despite the presence of the hormone in the blood.

Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism Clinical features:
Feeling tired and exhausted.
Intolerance to cold weather.
Swelling of the face and change his features.
Weak memory and large forgotten.
Sexual apathy.
Peaches (goiter).
Bloated eyes.
Dehydration and trichorrhexis.
Dehydration and skin roughness and wrinkle.
Pain of joints and muscles.
Muscle weakness and stiffness.
Menorrhagia abundance or lack of Oligomenorrhoea menstrual cycle in women.
Incidence of psychosis Psychosis.
Shortages in the severity of hearing or deaf.
Injury comatose Coma.
Slowness of movement and speech and deepening of the voice.
Acrohypothermy and swelling.
Carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Children with thyroid possible failure do not show symptoms vernacular, but they have a lack of growth retardation and poor school performance and sometimes fails to adulthood.
Young women Astkn lack Oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhea (stop) AmenorrhoeaOr abundance Menorrhagia menstrual cycle, infertility Infertility or excessive prolactin secretionHyperprolactinemia, must exclude hypothyroidism therein.

Blood analysis which confirms the presence of primary hypothyroidism is the level of induced thyroid hormone in the blood TSH, which is high.
Hormone level Althairoxin quadruple total Total T4 and free Free T4 in the blood is low in cases of hypothyroidism primary or secondary.
In cases of hypothyroidism secondary result of a defect in subclinical pituitary axis TSH level is low or normal with low level Althairoxin in blood.
Analysis of thyroid autoantibodies AntiThyroid Antibodies in the blood be positive in cases of hypothyroidism impregnable.
Other blood tests showing the presence of anemia Anemia
High cholesterol level Hypercholesterolaemia,Low level of sodium in the blood Hyponatraemia, rising some yeasts (enzymes) in the blood, such as AST and CK.
Therapy Treatment:Treatment, of course, is to compensate the shortage lifelong hormone, and is Althairoxin T4, and begin treatment at a dose of 100 microgram per day and for older people or young structure as possible to start with a 50 microgram dose increased to 100 microgram after 2 to 4 weeks. And people who suffer from angina treatment begins with a 25 microgram dose and gradually increase with no symptoms or changes in the fee (planning) heart ECG.And then works check thyroid function Thyroid Function Test to measure the level of TSH and T4 and the goal is to reach them to the normal level.
Regular dose Althairoxin are often 100-150 microgram per day, taken as a single dose.And should continue at least once a year to the work of analysis and thyroid function and this, of course, to note the emergence of or return any offer.Symptoms the patient feels better after taking two weeks treatment, and possible to take the symptoms have improved college for 6 months of starting treatment.
Hypothyroidism and pregnancy:If a pregnant woman infected with hypothyroidism and not treated during pregnancy, will have a negative impact and repercussions on both the mother and fetus are as follows:
1) complications for pregnant women:Anemia.Injury situation before Pre-Eclampsia.Ruptured placenta Placental Abruption.
Defect in heart function (such as congestive heart action) Cardiac Dysfunction.Abortion Abortion.
2) complications of the fetus:
Death of a fetus in the womb, or stillbirth Still Birth.Lack of growth and development of the fetal nervous system Poor Neurological Development.

Explain the benefits and functions of Bone marrow

Explain the benefits and functions of Bone marrow

Definition of bone marrow:
Is the inner part of the spongy bone shape and Channel cores in the long bones and consists of Stroma in vain and cells Cells, and its main function the formation of blood cells and put inside the blood vessels.

Bone marrow components:
As mentioned in the definition marrow consists of:
1. Warp (which consists of connective tissue reticular any form of retinal fibers and cells of the retina). Within the warp related to the arteries and veins and many pockets great and thin walls containing cells in the walls stable retinal lined with limits is clear, but when you need separate and turn in the shape of the phagocyte cells become great free travel in the blood. The importance of blood vessels in the warp (ie, vascular medullary) they are configuring the blood cells and regulate the entry of cells into the blood by the body's need as you بمقام refinery to these cells.

2. Cells ... Namely:• adipocytes Adipose cells• adult blood cells, no red, white and lymph.• fragrances blood cells, a common cell that generate red blood cells and white, and platelets.• cells represent successive stages of the emergence of red blood cells and white, and platelets.• cells Msoria Plasma cells.• hotbeds of lymphoid tissue.

Bone marrow:
• In the fetus, children and adults up to age 21, there is in all bone marrow bone cavities.

• In any adult after the age of 21 years it is:
1. Bone cavities and flat surface, a collarbone and sternum and skull, spine and ribs, shoulder and pelvis.
2. Major parties round bone Kaazam thigh, leg and arm.

Be and the evolution of bone marrow:
- Consists of bone marrow at the end of the second month of fetal, but its significance start of the fifth month and range up at birth and continue throughout life in the production of blood cells.
- During the first seven years of human life there is bone marrow Red (of the many contains the erythroid cells Rouge stages of their formation different) in all cavities bone, then begin to recede from the bones of the parties tyro fingers hands and feet and advanced gradually toward the trunk leaving the place Nkhaaa yellow oily, This change will continue until the age of twenty-first.
- The bone in the ribs, sternum, skull, clavicle, vertebral bodies and pelvic bones remains red line throughout life.
- Both types of spinal tissue (red and yellow) is able to switch to the other type that when forcing the body to quickly meet the blood for emergency blood loss, the bone turns yellow to red marrow active.
The size of the bone marrow and weight:
- The size of the bone marrow of 3.5-6% of the volume of rights.
- And a weight of 1600-3700 g in an adult.

Bone marrow functions:

1. Configure different red blood cells and white, and platelets.
2. Organizing the passage of various blood cells and maintaining the ratio in the blood as it does not present in the blood only when needed and incompleteness.
3. Responsible for the formation of antibodies within the rest of the centers and the most important immune spleen Spleen and lymphatic system.
4. To destroy the blood cells advanced age.
5. His bone formation through the demolition of the blanks unnecessary bone and formation of new bone with physical growth and needs.
6. Is a repository for important in the formation of iron Hb.
7. Contains cells omnivorous (Dermanyssus gallinae).

Explain the benefits and functions of Capillaries

Explain the benefits and functions of Capillaries

Capillaries a channel very precise, like hair diameter ranges between 0.007 - 0.014 mm, ranging along the filament between 0.5 - 1 mm, and consists Jdraha of layer Mobiles one, numbering ten billion Rite, and length combined about 80 thousand kilometers. The combined area of ​​approximately 500 square meters
The key to the blood circulatory system, linking small arteries veins are small, and have permeability that facilitate the spread of nutrients and waste and gases between the blood in the capillaries and the fluid surrounding the cells of the body interstitial fluid
And an extensive network of pipelines is very narrow, allowing a narrow diameter of the blood flow and slow so that it can perform its function exchange of gases and nutrients.

Functions capillaries
Capillaries has the following functions:
- The exchange of gas exchange gases between the blood and tissues of the body - The exchange of nutrients nutrients and quotients metabolism between blood and body - Filter and purify the blood of toxins and waste wastes across whiskers gathered in college known as "kippah renal" - Create peripheral resistance to blood flow - Contribute to the preservation of the venous return and Hesel heart and arterial pressure

Blood pressure in the capillaries:
Blood pressure in the capillaries is not static, or similar, is on the arterial side about 40 mm Hg, and gradually reduce as we head toward the venous end becomes in the middle of 30 mm Hg, and decreased at the venous end of up to 15 mm Hg.
The pressure in the capillaries depends on case of arterioles nutrients, and veins, enlarging arterioles increases blood pressure in the capillaries, and contrast, the narrowing of veins related Balsairat raises blood pressure in the capillaries.
There are several factors that affect the pressure inside the capillaries:
- Neurological factors: Vatharh constrictor nerves bristles lead to higher pressure inside
- Chemical agents: A - a hormone anti urinating A.D.H. Strait of filaments and thus raise blood pressure within B - quotients metabolism such as carbon dioxide or histamine and acid milk telangiectasia blood pressure within T - adrenaline and Nord epinephrine Biqan relieved the pressure inside capillaries W - acetylcholine expanded filaments decreases pressure inside
- Factors mechanism: A - Qatar arterioles: extend arterioles leads to the flow of a large amount of blood it were expanded B - venous pressure: increased pressure on the veins prevents the flow of blood from the capillaries, relieved the pressure in the capillaries T - gravity: reduce the pressure in the capillaries highest level of the heart, and raise the pressure in the capillaries below the level of the heart
- Physical factors: A - warmth works on extended by low pressure inside B - cold working on Tadhagaha and pressure rises inside...


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