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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Essential vitamins per couple

Essential vitamins per couple
To each wife and mother was keen on her pleasure, this new group of vitamins necessary for the health of your family.

Vitamin (t) spirituality:

Found in: a study of spiritual, wholesome science laminated hearts or consider, or agree to obey they with kids and sufficient address this dose once a week at least.
Important: very necessary to renew faith, blood cells and remove rust caused by pollutants, it also prevents the heart from the coldness of faith that disrupt life.

Vitamin (v): tolerance of wetghafr:

Found in: moments of serenity, where they admonish one another gently and quiet voice infused with friendliness and love each other, and speak out frankly to him all that simmering in the chest.
Important: to protect marriage from the accumulation of worries and stress which leads to explosion of lifelines.

(M) participation:

Found in: cooperation of both in every decision about your childs or castrate you, even if the husband takes the wife, it is enough to listen to it and State on notice of the importance of their participation.
Important: to prevent selfish fever or uniqueness.

Vitamin e present:

Found in: symbolic inexpensive gift from each other or at least expressive message which reflects each kind feelings towards each other.
Important: protect against cold, and the routine and boredom that infects married life and renew the blood of love.

Vitamin (h) love:

Found in: every look and touch or gesture and whisper, or all said and done reflects the love you both to others and to his home and his children.
Important: antibiotics against House earns infection, and an atmosphere of serenity and cordiality in the House

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