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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New video game to help blind people to interact with the ground

New video game to help blind people to interact with the ground
لعبة فيديو جديدة تساعد المكفوفين للتفاعل مع أرض الواقع

He said researchers at Center for the blind, Carol developed a virtual video games, which use sensory signals to help the visually impaired in their development when they move between the real-world environments.

The game has been built according to the designs of some public buildings, known as acoustic signals used to help players find a group of blind people and remove them from the premises, with their avoidance of monsters stolen jewelry and then hide them in a different location.

Researchers hope that the interaction in that game, over time, to help the players to create mental maps not only to simulate buildings, but the real world in General.

And Dr. Lotfi mrabet, a neuroscientist at Harvard University, commenting on the game, to video games for the blind is not to play, but to interact with them and enjoy them, and also use to do constructive things.

Dr. merabet published a video explaining the experience, saying that "we can use the audio signal and measure the performance of the transition from virtual to physical world game."

It should be noted that this technology will benefit approximately 285 million blind people around the world, as well as other visual disabilities, cognitive disability or disease.

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