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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Cat with seven lives?

Cat with seven lives?

Often echo the ideals of folk costume cat with seven lives without thinking because the label on the cats, and the secret footprints cats and ears, the fact that cats don't from the rest of the creatures with the body of flexible help her bear the shock falls from high places without catch only a few scratches, so maybe give us a suggestion that cats can come back to life after the fall of the fatal accidents, traffic, and the ability of cats to bear that fatal accidents, and other animals do not naturally possess owing to seven Lives as rumored, but several features owned, small size, and her bass, which reduces the impact of colliding with the earth when falling from great heights and deadly, furthermore kittens
Middle-ear gain a sense of breaking balance, which is essential when going down on

This balanced position sense, a drop from the Modify mode her body quickly, ensuring her landing on four feet, since cats landing and is based on four feet, the feet as a tool to absorb the shock felt by the common man on impact with the ground,
Furthermore, the cat can collapse itself when landing, to work like a mildly pads, adopt its muscles and joints during the fall, making their bones from fracture, but the surprise that might raise eyebrows that the greater the height at which landing of the cat, the less the risk of death.

After that the body goes a certain distance it airs up to maximum speed on landing, and that the body in the air friction slows down the speed of the fall, the less body mass, the more space that landed them, slow, and after that the body goes a certain distance, it falls in the air, up to maximum speed,

And come back to cats, after landing a high floor cats, stop accelerating, you unwrap their feet like a parachute, it increases the area of their feet while a person dwells on the air, and so

The more friction in the air generates more speed, and may God love cats in particular keen sense of sophistication to balance, so that by the time of landing exercises in preparation for her fall on their feet the entire four, either on the cat that falls from a height, they do not have enough time to perform these steps, such as extending itself to distribute the shock fall over a larger area of her body, or reduce speed, or create four feet landing shock

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