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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The benefits of wheat bran

The benefits of wheat bran

Do not deceive white flour ... Venkhalh wheat that tend it contains the bulk of the medical benefits, and so was the Prophet eat whole wheat and prophetic miracles ... To read ....

When people disarm wheat bran abounded diseases and after a long time shows that this bran a number of medical benefits! After experiments and studies also show that these peels contain a number of vitamins, minerals and essential minerals to man, and when tend peels lose this material, so doctors advised today, especially diabetes and heart and blood pressure, Ansahounam eating wheat fully with Akecorh, and these benefits were not clear until the twentieth century .
Valenkhalh contain minerals essential for insulin secretion, and this benefit diabetic patients. There are recent studies emphasize the importance of bran in the prevention of cancer. Other studies have shown that whole wheat is a good food for children, and shielding them from asthma.
There are loads of antioxidants found in wheat bran, and these materials useful in stimulating cells and prevent cancer. In the new studies show that eating whole wheat useful for heart disease and hardening of the arteries and other diseases.
Strange O my lovers that the Prophet of mercy peace be upon him was eating wheat full did not tend Akecorh never as narrated by Bukhari in the modern right: (what he saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him pure, from time Aptosh God even grip of God), did not tend Akecorh, Knowing that this process was known the time of the Prophet peace be upon him. And here realize that the miracle is not limited to the sayings of the Prophet, but in all it does miracles and clear ... Glory to God!

Information you from here and here

Information you from here and here

دلك الى 70 مرة في حالة الارق.. هل تعلم ان
Most people are turning in their sleep ..
About 40 times during the night ..
The up to 70 times in the case of insomnia ..

الزرافة لطول رقبتها.. فهي لا تنام في اليوم الواحد الا
Did you know that the length of her neck giraffe ..
They do not sleep in the day, but nine minutes ..
It is not the time and Ahdhanma 3 stages ..
Each time 3 minutes ..

تسع دقائق.. وليست على مرة واحدةانما على 3 مراحل.. كل
Said screws Alhaddedla fixing to install oak ..
And knead because of the chemical in the wood ..
Which cause steel rivets.
.مرة 3 دقائق.. ان مسامير الحديدلا تصلح في تثبيت خشب
Did you know that the natural child ..
Begins to focus his eyes on Alashiyaoualtrkh ..
And moving his limbs in the sixth week of age ..
In the same period the Bostagib votes surprise ..

البلوط.. ودلك بسبب المادة الكيماوية الموجودة في الخشب.. والتي تتسبب
The size of the heart is different from one person to another ..
As well as the dimensions The average weight is 325 g ..
For men the average weight for women 245 g ..
But varying with body size and weight ..

في صدأ المسامير.. هل تعلم ان الطفل الطبيعي.. يبدأ في

Bats discover the quality of his food at an estimated distance of ..
1600 meters and can also determine whether food ..
Mature or not .. and all that by ..
Waves over fired Alsotahalta ..
The rebound process which reaches its frequency ..
To 100,000 Hertz ..

تركيز عينيه على الاشياءالمتحركة.. وتحريك أطرافه في الاسبوع السادسمن عمره..

Stars that color blue or bleached blue ..
Is the hottest star ..
With the coldest star ..
Are those that the color red ..
Kalndjem known as the heart of Scorpio.

Alnoam on the ground

Alnoam on the ground
Most of us now complains of back pain and arthritis and other pain scattered throughout the body _ what is the reason _ came in power (
Akram body Ihnk and sickly body Akram) and we all now our first concern is the entertainment of our bodies so we have been busy
For our souls and hearts _ unfortunately did not implement the teachings of the Prophet in the care of our bodies _ but Tmadina even Ackermnaha overly _Prophet Muhammad, blessings and the God of peace and he slept on the Heer even after his side Sharif and never complained of any pain inHis body _ and Experience Athbataatat that sleeping on the ground or on an inanimate object (Nashef) has many benefits including:1_ that man wakes up in the very activity in time, who wants to wake up in it, even if sleeping hours which Namha few2 _ The man who sleeps on the ground never complain of neck pain, arthritis or back pain or any in any area of ​​the body3 _ rigid sleep on the thing or on the ground helps human volatility much during sleep and can also easily fluctuates4_ from returning to sleep on the ground he is training himself to sleep anywhere it throw conditions may sometimes be a guest at one of the people can not find what sleeps but the ground, even if he had to sleep in any place he will sleep easily and advised that brushing rights underneath a bed thin like (blanket) and put pillow under his head average and ask God to heal us all from all diseases and virtual inner God bless oversaw creation Prophet Muhammad and his family and his companions and peace

Rest assured .. Overcome anxiety

Rest assured .. Overcome anxiety
Represents anxiety ranked first in the spread between mental illness,
And there is a difference between natural anxiety desirable, as anxiety, for example, exam days,
Between anxiety patients to require doctors to intervene ..

* Feeling nervous, fear and lack of sense of comfort ..
* Somatic physiological Aloaraad, as heart palpitations and jerk hands,Or chest pain and cooler parties, stomach disorders and other ..

[Tips to overcome it]

1 - Live your present ~
More anxiety caused by regretting the past or fear of the future ..These two dimensions you lose control of them ..To take advantage of the experiences of the past and plans for the future prospects ..

2 - faced fears ~
Most fears are fact, be brave in the face of the difficulties ..

3 - accept reality ~
Your vision is your reality .. I know what your concerns then I study well ..

4 - remember the dangers of concern ~
Physical ailments as heart, skin and stomach, chest and headAnd back, inflammation and disability and mental illness .. Etc.

5 - Engage yourself Bamufad ~
Banned yourself Ptnasa anxiety,Drew interest to the people and work and ambitious goals ..

6 - Learn the art of oblivion ~
Learn how to forget to live ..

7 - Make a smile ~
Smile address and the key to happiness ..

8 - Practice relaxation ~
Relaxation going concern because it relaxes the mind, use relaxation exercises ..

9 - out of the meaning of love ~
Learn how to love your Lord, your religion, your country, yourself, and your family ..

10 - Follow the recipe positive ~
Start mentioning earlier in the day, remind yourself Balaajabaat owned ..

11 - a sure recipe for treating anxiety:
Prayer, supplication, male, trust, think well of God

If you talk to yourself, make sure you talk to a man understands

If you talk to yourself, make sure you talk to a man understandsLatest trend launched by doctors Almaalnevs and experts Engaged psychiatry and behavioral medicine professorsAre talking to the same is one of the most successful ways to treat stress.If you find you are talking to yourself including interviewer problems, or what's going on in your head whispers do not panicBecause talking to the sameThen be a way to determine the ideas and try to get to a cure for the problems that worry you.Psychologists say Lada you feel worried or tension try and you individually how to talk to selfTruthfully without bias might discover the truth.This addition to Alvdvdh by speech, confirms psychologistsThat registration of the feelings and emotions on paperHelps prevent diseases.In a study strong 63 unemployed engineer asked a third to Asrdoa how they spent their time since laid off from workThe last third did not ask them to do or write somethingAnd found that those who expressed their feelings at losing their jobs were more successful in finding a new job because they have expressed their angerAnd rested and not Ihamloh them to find him Mnevsa in interviews that they conducted later in search of a new job.You find these tips to help ease your anger- Write on paper what it feels like, and not just what you've done.- Write only talk to yourself, and do not let anyone else read it.- Write about things and Oqlguetk.- And always thought hard about what paper Strth.Writing on paper is the best way to express feelings they have much to gain from just organize your thoughtsAnd express your feelings and try to remember and activate your memory to see the assets of the stress experienced by

Why do we dream nightmares?

Why do we dream nightmares?

There are several reasons may secrete scary or disturbing dreams:

1 - religious prophet told us, peace be upon him that the devil is trying to scare rights and Tuterh.
2 - some types of medications.
3 - high heat.
4 - the growing concern of a particular case.
5 - The scarcity of Dreams makes dreams nightmares by some psychologists.
6 - Traffic bad experience.
7 - foods high spices.

Treatment of nightmares:

1 - religious ablutions before going to sleep and read Almaumat.
2 - scientifically must know the reason for treatment

Video for mosquito sucking blood

Video for mosquito sucking blood

Video was filmed with high accuracy for a mosquito sucks blood from human skin, note in the back of the mosquito video how to fill with blood, Hallelujah.

Why expires share / 45 minutes

Why expires share / 45 minutes

Question always ask ourselves him
This has two possibilities ...

1 / Final share and boredom
2 / enter into new share new and boredom
Or that this desire of the Minister of Education
Or accidental

You answer
Do you know Mamaa quota changes every 45 minutes,,,
Because the author of several brain centers ... And its center can work for 45 minutes
And then creep fatigue and boredom him and needs to rest .... The best comfort is to change the type of work
To begin with other sections of the brain to work, for this we have to change our activities and practices ..
If you are studying mathematics, for example, a certain part of your brain works, other parts
Ftertah ..... And if you read poetry after brain, the part that was working in mathematics
Relaxes and begins another section to work .....
Change is a fixed ... He Atorna and يجددنا constantly ... When you something I enjoy
Took it .. And totally engaged with all your heart, and with all physical faculties and your feelings
I hope Astvdtoa of information ...

Information strange like Mvidha and beautiful

Information strange like Mvidha and beautiful
To get rid of ants: Put peel option in place tastiest ... me out of it ants
........................For pure ice cubes ... Boil the water first ....
.............................To make mirrors shine ... Wipe Balsberto ....
...............................To remove chewing gum from clothing ... Put clothes in a freezer refrigerator for an hour ..................................Laundry to ... put it in boiling water plus lemon slice for ten minutes, then wash
...............................To give hair shinier ... Add a teaspoon of vinegar to hair and then wash it well ...
.................................To make the lemon gives the largest amount of juice .. Put it in hot water for an hour before his time ..
............................To remove the smell of cabbage while cooking ... Place a piece of bread over the cabbage in the pot ...
.............................To remove the smell of fish from your hands .... Wash your hands a little apple cider vinegar ...
.............................To prevent tears when peeling onions .... Chew gum ..........................To ensure the validity of mushrooms .... Sprinkle a little salt on the mushrooms, if turning color to black color, it is good, but turning yellow in color it Sam.
............................To cook potatoes quickly ... Potato peel from one side only before boiling
...............................To cook eggs quickly ...... Add a little salt to the water.
.................................To melt the frozen chicken .... Placed in cold water plus two tablespoons of salt ...
............................To see fresh fish ... Put it in cold water, if surfaced it fresh ...
.............................To see fresh eggs .... Place the egg in the water, the deposited horizontally it fresh, though I fail diagonally, 3-4 days old, and deposited in a vertical, 10 days old, though they floated corrupt .... .
..........................To remove ink from clothing ... Put the amount of toothpaste on the ink spot, and allow it to dry completely, then wash as usual
..............................Peeling sweet potatoes quickly ... put it in cold water immediately after maturity ...
.............................Foran to prevent milk ..... Wash bowl with cold water (from the fridge) before boiling milk .....
...............................To remove weeds from the roadside .... Salt spray ... .
...............................To get rid of rats .... Sprinkle black pepper in places there may be rats, then find rats fleeing quickly graduated! ....
..............................To keep the mosquitoes out, especially at night ... Put a few fresh mint leaves close to the pillow around the room

Monday, December 3, 2012

Antibiotics children's exposure to inflammatory bowel

Antibiotics children's exposure to inflammatory bowel
Warned a recent U.S. study of children addressed some types of antibiotics at an early age, exposing them for bowel disease.
The study says that whenever drug use among children at an early age and the higher doses, increased their risk of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
States that already earlier studies that pointed to the existence of a relationship between taking antibiotics and disease intestine, but most were limited, while discussed the current study, recently published in the Journal of Pediatrics, the more data than a million children under the age of 18 years.
It was the follow-up of these children for two years or more during the period between 1994 and 2009, researchers found that about 64% of the children ate certain types of antibiotics at least once in their lives, and that about 58% of them took antibiotics that target the bacteria that do not need oxygen to grow and known as antianaerobic antibiotics.
In the follow-up period show that almost 750 children infected with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. The symptoms of these diseases in the continuing suffering of stomach pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and increased risk of foodborne illness among children who ate those antibiotics before reaching one year of age, but less than these risks significantly greater age of the child when dealing with these drugs.

Snoring during pregnancy is associated with high blood pressure

Snoring during pregnancy is associated with high blood pressure
A Hadth study warned that snoring, which begins during pregnancy may be an indicator of breathing problems increase the risk of high blood pressure, which causes serious complications of pregnancy affecting the health of the mother and fetus.
This study has shown that a mother who show symptoms of snoring during pregnancy increase their risk of high blood pressure associated with pregnancy or signs of pregnancy spasm twice more than the woman who does not suffer this health problem.
The ratio remained constant after the scientists took into account other influencing factors, such as maternal age, race and smoking habits and weight gain during pregnancy. It is known that high blood pressure during pregnancy is associated risks the birth of a premature baby or a small size.
Researchers have found that if this problem breathing during sleep increase the blood pressure of a pregnant woman, the nearly 19% of cases of high blood pressure during pregnancy and nearly 11% of pregnancy cramps, can be treated with therapy snoring problem.
"These results demonstrate the need for a comprehensive examination of the pregnant woman to identify women most susceptible to high blood pressure," study author made the remarks Louis O'Brien, assistant professor at the University of Michigan.
In a study published earlier this month proved that children born to mothers who suffer problem Albehr (repeat sleep apnea) are more likely to enter care units for infants at birth.
The current study indicates to the fact that any increase in weight during pregnancy puts Ms. face the risk of breathing problems during sleep, including snoring problem (Algtit). Past studies have linked the problem of snoring and problems of high blood pressure among the wider population.
In this study, the researchers analyzed data on more than 1,700 pregnant women at some point after the 28 th week of pregnancy, has been recorded whether they suffer the problem of breathing during sleep, including snoring.
It was found that 34% of women respondents suffer snoring problem repeated three to four times a week, and that 25% of them have the problem began with the start of pregnancy.
As it turns out that 10% of women who suffer from snoring since the start of pregnancy infected with high blood pressure versus 4.5% of those who do not suffer from snoring. The 13% of the women who started snoring problem with pregnancy suffered from signs of gestational cramping in compared with 8% of those who do not suffer from the problem of snoring.
"Any problem impeding the process of breathing or cause the stoppage briefly during sleep increase the activity of the nervous system, which results in high blood pressure." O'Brien explained.
The breathing problems during sleep associated with an increased incidence of infections in the body and which are believed to play a role in the occurrence of pregnancy cramps.

Excessive sugars may befall you stupid!

Excessive sugars may befall you stupid!

Despite the rush of children and their continuing desire to eat foods that contain it, sugar is one of the poorest food in terms of value and interest. It is true that sugar provide the body with energy in cases of falling circulation, but nonetheless one of the most food injury obesity and fat accumulation, not to mention his liver with some disturbances during the exercise of its functions essential, affects individual apathy and desire continuous sleep and loss of concentration, and evolve it to the extent of chronic diseases.The recommended amount of sugar daily intakeChildren acquire wrong eating habits without the awareness of the extent of the negative effects on their health and physical well-being in the future, either as a result of excessive pampering or absence of family control, and develop problem while retaining those habits when accessing adolescence. Doctors recommend should be careful when eating sugars should not exceed the amount of daily intake teenager about 150 calories, while teenage Vhzaa the amount of sugar is two-thirds of the amount permitted for men, 100 price.Dangers of excessive sugarTeen get an increase in weight due to increase the body's need for calories, what may evolve to limit excessive obesity and related chronic diseases, such as sugar, heart and other diseases resulting from a circulatory disorder.Are all materials that contain sugars harmful to the body?Of course not, Valfoake, vegetables and cereals that contain sugar within components gives the body energy and doubled his ability to perform daily tasks required and is not harmful at all, unlike candy, sandwiches and Muslaat carbonated water and juice is natural that infect the body accumulate in fat without giving him the necessary energy or double immunity against diseases.Replace some adolescent girls sometimes Jbathen sugar-rich foods, is the danger to their health?Some teenagers may resort to eating sugary foods to gain energy, especially during the run-up to the exams last year with a high temperature, which compounded a sense of loss of appetite. Although the calories you eat adolescence in that case limited to the food intake sweetened, it never sing diets incomplete elements.Are infect candy teenage stupidity?!A recent study indicates that excessive intake of sweets affects individual us losing the ability to focus and slow understanding and declining ability to retrieve information, and the reason for this lies in that a chemical they contain candy affect brain function, and perhaps in that explains idle state and to refrain from performing the usual functions. Of course not advisable to dispense adolescence useful in periods of food to prepare for exams and replace them with candy, thinking that it will be awarded by the energy, on the contrary, they will gain from the absolute ability to achievement.How does teen diet?Reveal some research conducted on a wide range of adolescent girls are less eager to eat a healthy diet than other members of society. Sometimes it is up to the desire of some to avoid high-fat foods to keep fit and calendar Exterior, usually comes at the expense of their health, especially if they replaced adolescence and meals including u think less dangerous to agility. Some teenagers trying to eliminate the anxiety and stress disorder eating large quantities of chocolate, while others accept to eating junk food and containing excess calories and fat are harmful during shopping trips with friends, all of which are negative should be avoided.It is noted that adolescents generally accept to eat food saturated fats and sugars, affects physical health. Dispense adolescence unconsciously food is very important, such as iron, calcium, minerals and vitamins, in order to obtain a tempting meal of candy and soda water, all meals no longer harmful to the body benefit. Meals incomplete elements is indispensable in order to maintain the overall health of the teenager, and here comes the role of the family in the supply of teenage food and proper control behavior and food paid for change if they were observed by weakness and inability to interact with the study requirements as required.

A new study suggests that men "balding" characterized by force and the greatest influence on those around them

A new study suggests that men "balding" characterized by force and the greatest influence on those around them

A new study suggests that men "balding" characterized by force and the greatest influence on those around them, as well as being more trustworthy, compared with men who prefer to maintain their hair.
The study, which was published on the magazine "Time" U.S., that men who shave their heads completely, perceived by others as more manly, and more able to impose their control on around them.
The study showed that balding men have jobs leading center more than their peers of men who keep the length of their hair, because masculine traits that appear obvious to them, which connects them to leadership positions at the expense of men with hair.
The study revealed a number of images of men baldness and other hair, where participants were asked to search the record numbers upward for images that appear above features the power and ability to influence, in addition to more people trustworthy, the figures show that balding men occupied the highest ranks.
The study showed that some images that were to familiarize participants it was for the same people before and after shaving their heads, where results showed that balding men appear longer by about an inch (2.5 centimeters), in addition to their backs look stronger than their pictures before shaving their heads and 13 percent.
The researchers advised men who suffer from hair loss problems and balding, shaved their heads completely, as this would lead to the lifting of charisma compared with people who suffer from hair loss problems and keep what's left of their hair.

Butter disease, not food

Butter disease, not food

Fat component only harmful and that makes the taste of burgers and attractive smell buns

Most of the effects of butter unwanted medicalA. D. Jabir bin Salem Al QahtaniComplement to talk last week about fatIn which we confirmed that scientists recommend reducing consumption of saturated fatAnd advise vegetable oils animal fats.Also made it clear that eating fats of animal originExcept fish fat raises, as we know, the amounts of fat and cholesterol in the MemberAnd arterial sclerosis occurs, while most of the vegetable oils do not lead to such aIt.Health damage of fat:1 fat and coronary heart disease:Reminded that the blood fats are located mostly in the form of cholesterolAnd composite triple Cilredat with the problem of the so-called protein protein BaahmyatLipoprteins consist each coupon or molecule Parlicle of this material from the center containsCilredat Triple Triglycerides and cholesterol Mastr and an outer layer consistsFree of cholesterol and lipids phosphorous Phospholipids and Lipids can be dividedFor several types of protein, such as:1 Dkiet Akosé Chylomicrons which is a result of metabolismFat in the intestine and enter the blood circulation through the lymph channels and consistMainly triple Cilredat with cholesterol and part of it is converted in the bloodBy lipase enzyme in the lining of the capillaries into free fatty acids,Enter the cells of the body and is oxidized to get some energy or become partThem to new triple Cilredat, and up part of the liver where it is processedThe Aleihloulih enzymes

As well as the smell of baked buns just
Lysosomal enzymes secretion of free cholesterol, which is used in:A bile salts industry.Manufacture of cell membranes.C manufacture cholesterol esters which are stored in the liver.2 proteins, lipids very low density Verylow density Lipoproleins (VLDL): These Cheimat made in the liver and is made upCilredat triple and cholesterol, and when they enter the blood is processed enzymeLipase which frees them what is known as a medium-density protein CheimatIntermediate Density Lipoproteins (IDL), which was known previouslyAs Cheimat beta protein from a B - Lipoproteins.
Is converted low-density lipid proteinDuring turn-around in the blood by the enzyme lipase in the blood vessels toLow-density lipids protein consisting mainly of cholesterol free. During theTurn-around in the blood part of which is captured by its own receptor in cellsLiver is converted to cholesterol to be used in the processes mentioned above. TheThe other part of Abu cells macrophages Macrophages deposition in the liningBlood vessels, particularly the arteries Alxlinah Cronary arteriesAnd Albehr arteries Aortas updated so-called arterial sclerosis العصيدي Artherosclevosis therefore called on the name of harmful cholesterol lipids.
Are manufactured high-density lipid proteinAnd also known as lipids protein alpha-type Lipoproteins AlphaIn the liver and intestines and then enter the circulatory system where they are concentrated core missionCapture cholesterol free (loose) and esterified by the enzyme carrierAcyl Zmrat which is known as Lecithin Acyle Transferase which reduces orWeakens the deposition of cholesterol free on the lining of the arteries. During this rotationCheimat in the blood are associated with some protein carriers calledAlabubrocinat Apoproteins E-borne liver where it is converted toProtein lipids medium-density and very low then it is converted toLoose or free cholesterol consumed in the processes mentioned above.

There is no food increases the waist, as do obesity fat
Thus, the primary role of the protein lipidsHigh density is transferred free cholesterol in the blood to the liver, leading toReduce its level in the blood. This is called on this name lipids lipids officesOr beneficial.What are the dangers of excessive or increased protein lipids?The danger of excessive low-density lipid protein in the blood in their ability to help create a human infection in several diseases, including:1 atherosclerotic arteries Atherosclerosis.2 clots in the blood vessels Thrombosis.3 angina Anginas e.g. Angina Pectoris.4 cardiac infarction Myocardial Infarction.5 inflammation of the pancreas Pancreatitis.Thus, the high level of proteins, lipids highDensity lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood leads to reduce the incidence of these diseases. AsSome research indicated that reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood by 25% leads toReduce the incidence of heart disease and blood vessels by 50%.The impact of animal fats and vegetable on human health:Nothing similar taste juicy burger sandwich,Or the smell of baked buns just slave or taste of ice cream,The only component that earns these foods taste delicious only componentThat makes it radiate smell and flavor attractive and gives it the mainstay robs kernels and broadcastWithin us a sense of satisfaction is unmatched by anything, is fat.But unfortunately, there is no food increases obesityWaist, as do the fat, and there is no other food expose us to the risk of obesityAnd high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even cancer, More than fat.If we look at the effect of butter Butter on human healthWhich contains the fat by 86% and water by 20% and cholesterol by 3%And protein by 7%, and milk sugar (lactose) 1.7% and 2.5% salt and vitamin ABy 3500 IU of vitamin D by 28-40% and metals unit by 066%And Tokoverulat by 0.0024%. As butter contains some hormonesSteroidal also contain essential oils that gives butter smell.Revealed to us medical research and studies of foam that thisFood in the whole disease, not food. Most of the medical effects undesirable.To sum up study is alert some patients to avoid the abuse of this food, including patientsHyper Alchollstrulimih and lipoproteins and triglyceridesSuffering from atherosclerotic arterial disease and patients with blood clots and strokeRespiratory and hemolytic anemia and high blood Dgd arterial and arrhythmiasCardiac. And depending on what study illustrated the ability to weaken the manufacture butterAlmothinat in the body, he should be advised pregnant women to avoid abuse butterPregnancy, especially in the last month it as these Almothinat have the ability toIncreased uterine blood perfusion and ensure the continuity of baby food fully and whatIts ability to facilitate the birth process. For people who do not sufferOf any of the previous diseases, there is nothing wrong use of butter, especially those who sufferOf اليوريميه disease Uremia and Hemophilia Haemophilia who suffer from bleedingBloody.

Paul adult bed and hope for healing

Paul adult bed and hope for healing
Paul bedding or urinary incontinence during sleep is a common condition in children occur by about 5% to 10% of them at the age of 7 years. Although about 15% of those cases heal automatically and without any treatment a year with the help of God Almighty, but some continue to years of puberty by between 1.5 to 3% and caused despair and anxiety, confusion and mental disorders, family and social these men or women with such alarming situation. Some studies have shown that the continuation of such modern case age of adolescence and adulthood reflects the existence of a special category of Paul bedding that represent somewhat more complex and resistant to treatment with social and psychological impact of a toll. Moreover show that there is a strong correlation between treatment failure in children and diagnosed a lack of capacity bladder dysfunction where, and which will continue over the years despite many treatments failed Vings the lives of patients and adversely affects the quality of what drives some to accept, fearing to expose them and their confusion offer their experience on worker and their shame in discussing or mistaken belief that there is no cure. A recent study has shown by Dr. "Young" and his colleagues at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 18 menAnd 29 women with them were aged between 16 and 43 years old and based on tests and analyzes full, which included planning speed flow of urine and damaging Almtna and LED external electronically urography radiotherapy voice that about 79% of these patients were suffering from incontinence poly moderate or severe any holder of more than 3 nights a week or in a sustainable manner Lilia and about 38% of them complain of urinary symptoms during the day as well. It turns out that about 93% of them are bladder neurological outcome clogged functional urethra or bladder neck because of the scourge of functional in the urine or dyssynergia between the bladder and the LED or external pelvic muscles by 73% Furthermore, the study showed that a blockage in the urethra in men and a lack of capacity bladder (less than 300 mg a liter) in 53% of these cases. The study proved that and other global studies different reasons and benefits of the case when children and adults and explained the lack of a psychological factors Tnamah symptoms in these patients with age.In some tests of modern children infected urine mattress made clear some pathogens that case included excessive urine during sleep and a defect in the secretion of the hormone Adh responsible for absorption renal water and salt Mufrosen in the urine during sleep, and the imbalance in waking up when you feel the need to urinate and pests career in the bladder and tension in nerves and a lack of capacity and increase Tqlsatha involuntary job as a result of the blockage in the neck or the urethra and excessive secretion of calcium in the urine during sleep.The focus of treatment by etiology If someone overgrowth in the amount of bedwetting used the drug "Desmoprien" or "Maneryn" with or without alarm night, which favors its use in cases of tension bladder nervous with the lack of capacity and can merge the two treatments together in the event of failure to respond to the child of any of them solo. As for the occurrence of such a case when adults can follow similar treatment as a recent study showed the 29 patients over the age of 18 years and they still complain of Paul mattress Vtm successfully treated using "Desmoprien" by 65%, but with relapse situation in the majority when you stop taking the drug and Then night application Mounbh therapy with good results in 33% of these cases and re-treatment "Baldasmoprien" when failure treatment Mounbh with success in about 60% of them and the failure of about 17% of the benefit of any of the treatments. The study Chinese that we have mentioned earlier, about 93% of adults were infected bladder nerve or excessive activity, while 70% of the causes of that case included obstructive career in the urethra or tension bladder nervous with the lack of capacity, which may explain the failure of treatments familiar in the healing of those cases. These researchers have been classified ChinaLyon that case into 3 categories. (1) bladder neck obstruction career delays in Artakaúh and openness by direct urinating. (2) dyssynergia between the bladder and the external urethral valve, (3) the scourge of functional urination process with no relaxation of the pelvic muscles during urination. Moreover blockage may occur in the urethra in about 7% of those cases involving endoscopic surgery to correct it. It is axiomatic that pays the physician attention to the possibility of the occurrence of such urinary disorders and functional and anatomical lesions in those cases to be able to determine the root cause of each of these cases and the application of treatment for each to reach good results.


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