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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Adoption of yeast home to eliminate cancer?

Adoption of yeast home to eliminate cancer?

The world on the brink of a new era based household yeast to eliminate cancerRevived Research Professor Mamdouh Ghoneim world in immune diseases hopes of millions of cancer patients following the discovery of the ability of yeast home on elimination of cancer cells through to eat for yeast and then self-suicide.And Ghoneim, who serves as chairman of the scientific research at Charles University is contained in Los Angeles in the United States of, stressed the importance of the findings of discoveries about the treatment of cancer on the one hand, and prevention on the other hand, considering that the world, with this discovery, close to the beginning a new era for the completion of the cancer, which is a terrifying obsession any man Maava or for millions of people living with the disease.Being Professor Ghoneim, an Egyptian origin and reside in the United States, currently research to determine the dose yeast appropriate for a person with cancer after the vote several successful experiments on mice, which proved that cancer cells gobble yeast binge and then explode and ends her without any negative side effects.
In experiments on mice infected with cancer, conducted Ghoneim operations cure for cancer cells injected in a group of mice, and after nearly 4 weeks the rats were treated with yeast recovered and improved health and increased weight, and lack of size cancerous tissue rate ranged between 50 - 80% according to the dose yeast given, compared to a range of cancer-bearing mice and untreated yeast.And between Ghoneim that treatment with yeast still in the experimental stage to the bodies of animals to now, pointing out that it would be the trend for the treatment of patients with cancer of the liver and lung, which promise of cancers bacillus that stump modern medicine incapacitated, adding that the use of yeast is by being injected into the cancerous tissue directly or through an intravenous dripGhoneim advised cancer patients not to start yeast treatments that are advertised by the competent authorities.The following is the text of the interview:Cancer is a disease of modern?
- Cancer is not a disease fashionably, have discovered ancient Egyptians several cases of breast cancer patients, and it should be noted that the cancer has spread to many countries of the world such as the United States, China, Jordan, Egypt, and proved to the latest statistics, there are nearly half a million Americans spend annually due to cancer , research also proved the existence of a close relationship between smoking and the appearance of cancer, Smoking usually modern bad and promoted by manufacturers promotion tremendous increase sales and spend money for the sake of appearance known actor and loved by the masses which smokes making his fans and his fans Ikldonh and this pest has spread in the rising generation the new states Many, such as Japan and China, there are certain types of cancers is closely linked to smoking, such as cancer of the tongue and gums, throat and lungs, and quite true to say to drink alcohol.
Tell us about the beginning of discovery about the possibility eliminate yeast cells, which announced since the beginning of this year?
- Can be yeast beginning of the era of the end of cancer and this is what I see before me, have started this discovery in one day in July (June) of the year 1986, through the remarkable microscopic using the light microscope, and where we found the cancer cell embraces and eat brewer's yeast (yeast household) After several hours, we found that the cancerous cell break down and die.

What type of yeast most effective to kill cancer cells and reached by the overall experiences?
- There are various types of yeast and mostly bad except yeast we are talking about a brewer's yeast (or yeast household used food), and that of coincidences strange that yeast is a fungus, and penicillin (an antibiotic known) extract of mushroom is another mushroom Penicilli who kills species Many of the bacteria, while yeast fungus is characterized by his amazing ability to kill cancer cells.
Can you explain the mechanism of action?
We boiled the yeast for an hour until you die before you put them and mixing them with cancer cells, when death yeast will move cancer cells at them and swallowed, then crumble the cancer cell immediately after and within a maximum period a few hours, and we found a marked increase in the level of calcium within the cell cancer after ingested yeast was this reason to destroy the cancerous cell.

How direct experiences proved that scientific discovery and medical important in the ability of yeast to eliminate cancer cells?
I noticed that cancer cells eat yeast called this phenomenon Balaltham (Phagocytosis). We began to conduct experiments on three stages, the first stage is to work out of the body, which showed that cancer cells are attracted strongly to the yeast, then start the cancer cells to digest the yeast cells, and then explode a cancer cell, and the second phase was conducted experiments on animals with cancer in areas inaccessible (such as cancers that formed under the skin).
The third phase is the testing of an infected animal cancers as far away as lung cancer.
Any type of cancer cells kill the yeast more than others?
- Brewer's yeast destroy many kinds of cancers, such as breast cancer, tongue, skin, colon, prostate and others, all Sticky scientifically and published in international journals since 2005.
How can reach injection yeast to cancer lies within the area of ​​the body can not be reached directly lung Kmentgueta and liver?
- I think that the problem of modern medicine that stands helpless before the cancers remote such as lung cancer and liver which are difficult to treat, so we work experiences primitive and published in the conference of the American Association for Cancer Research in the first of February 2010 to prove access yeast of cancer cells located in the lung, We found that when injected animal yeast tail region carried by the blood to various areas, including the lungs cancer cell فتراها and assaulted them to eat.
When a cancer patient, where are the injection process to eliminate the cancer cells?
- Treatment with yeast still at the stage of animal so far, and when the time comes the opportunity in the future for the treatment of patients with liver cancer or lung using yeast will trend then by injecting yeast inside cancerous tissue directly or intravenous, and advise cancer patients not to begin treatments yeast even been announced by the competent authorities.
Are these safe way to non-infected cells of the body?
're Trying to reach the dose that destroy cancer cells do not cause collateral damage. And we have conducted a test to make sure only kill cancer cells, yeast Fodana on normal breast cells and found that breast cells do not eat.
What is the scientific explanation for that?
- The reason that the body's cells natural his condition normal where there is no phenomenon engorgement only two types of white blood cells called cells Alokolh It (Maikarovaj and Newtrovilz), and normal cell when it begins the transition to a cancerous cell under the influence of what, begin to acquire new features, including property engorgement. While not have that property when it was a normal cell.
But remaining in the final stages of those experiences, can you tell us about that?
- We can now use the yeast in the treatment of domestic dogs with cancer to the similarity of the way in which cancer develops in dogs as in humans, but it is also possible to enter into the application stage treatment yeast cancer patients without reference to the dogs.
Do you eat food yeast by giving the same interest?
- Yeast intervention on the stomach and break them by enzymes infectious, it becomes a role limited to the role of the activator of the immune system, but in our research this our, you on the cancer cell to be close to yeast, where attracted desperately located بالفخ, so call this phenomenon "fatal attraction."
How can conduct confirmatory tests to prove the validity and effectiveness of this treatment?
- The results of this research were published in international journals, namely:
1 - International Journal of Oncology
Cancer Immunology
Immunotherapy -2
Anti-cancer research -3
In vivo-4
Cancer detection and prevention-5
Since most of this research provider numerous microscopic images showing details engorgement and the death of cancer cells.
How long the treatment of cancer cells by yeast?
Took the mixing process in the tube (experiments outside the body) about four hours. We found that most cancers responded. As for the treatment of cancer within the body it takes from two to four weeks. This depends on the size of the dose and frequency, and also on the size of the cancerous tissue.
What about your attempts to get support by the authorities concerned to support scientific research and medical discoveries, especially for the development of research on yeast to address the growing cancer in our time?
We send our reports and the results of our tests for the National Association of Health, which is responsible for the support of scientific research in the United States, to try to get support. Since 2004 until now, read by world experts and appreciated the results and content, but unfortunately without the support material.
What do you think the reason for not receiving unsolicited support for your research of these stakeholders in America?
- In my opinion, the alternative medicine do not receive much attention in the United States, especially since the budget devoted to the study of alternative medicine is estimated at only $ 700 million, with an estimated budget for the rest of the treatments several billions of dollars.
What about the University, who heads the Department of Immunology, not to support certain research of this kind?
- Cost the university to conduct a scientific report photographer about scientific discovery of the yeast and its ability to eliminate cancer cells at a cost of 24 thousand dollars, and this report photographer posted on "YouTube" and a 4 and a half minutes and anyone can review by searching his personal words "Cancer Ghoneum", The university has also delivered the substance of this research to other destinations in order to attract donors.
What are the obstacles that confront you to complete this research and be used to treat cancer patients?
- Now we are faced with a large deficit in the completion of our research result a noticeable lack of financial support which has led to a standstill at the moment for the completion of this research.
* What is the scientific explanation that links between cause stress and injury to the body nervous cancer?
Proven through testing laboratory for more than 20 years on the white blood cells, particularly nature killer (NK), that these cells escape toward the bone marrow for the duration of stress, anxiety and depression and remain inside whatever the time frame, thereby leaving the body vulnerable to attack diseases, as well as the length of survival of these cells in the bone marrow loses borne genes, the genes responsible for the attack cancer cells, exposing the body of cancer.

Does the same interpretation applies to the link between those cells exposure to different kinds of pollution, whether polluted hydraulically or pneumatically or food, and causing disease?
- Also in the event that the white blood cells nature killer (NK) of contamination, either through the air or water or food, they lose their genes, and thus lose their ability to attack cancer cells, and emphasize the need for attention anyone to stay away from all stress factors, smoking and exercise even for 30 minutes, in addition to spirituality that supports the health of the soul and body.

Treatment of hemorrhoids ... Without Surgery

Treatment of hemorrhoids ... Without Surgery
Is a vascular stretch pockets expand and swell inside or outside the anal muscle, due to constipation or diarrhea or local pressure on the veins, and sometimes there is reason Dalma
To prevent:
Warns against eating peppers, spices and foods that cause constipation also advised to make a lot of foods that contain fiber abundance such as brown bread, bran, fruits and vegetables
Of the most beneficial treatments for the disease private honey and honey and honey pine oak and honey Curculionidae municipality where they are mixing three tablespoons of honey with three of dry figs, ground with a glass of water until the honey dissolves completely and then drink twice a day
And uses of herbs
Three beads from a thermos with a glass of water every morning,
Chicory drink of boiled roots tender with three tablespoons milk or soak the leaves, flowers and drink the multiple doses per day
For Tlbej:
Boil some cabbage leaves and stained patches is also used as well as the heads leeks in boiling six liters of water and water after abated and cools placed in a vase sitting patient.
To uproot hemorrhoids:
Caraway seed and burns heal hemorrhoids.
. Process Hemorrhoids
That your treatment is not in frequent surgeries not agree to the surgery only after it has ascertained that the surgeon has a good experience and Amina does not betray his profession and patients
Because frequent surgical procedure means taking part of the muscles of the director, and whenever they took filmmaker muscles may lead to muscle weakness that can not meet the director strongly slot, so impurity continual discharge of director
So preferred drug on the process.
Is there a cure for hemorrhoids herbal or animal products?

Yes there is a cure herbal and animal products.
Onion ONION and the way that the Lishui onions and then runs over with fat and then painted by hemorrhoids, it is very useful and continue the patient to use this recipe a day until your hemorrhoids, you should not use this recipe if hemorrhoids have started bleeding, you should wait until the bleeding stops and then use the recipe, can also boil half a medium onion for three minutes in a liter of water and then filtered and cooled so that the flat and then injected anally.
Suppositories eggplant EGGPLANT eggplant herbaceous plant Muammar height ranges between 2870 cm his papers mystical large lobed and flowers purple and fruits large violet color. Knows eggplant scientifically as Solanum melongena and part of the plant used suppositories fruit and fruit juice, fruit and leaves. Contains the fruits of eggplant on a protein and carbohydrate and vitamins A , b, b 2, Jtstaml fruit fresh eggplant mash and placed on the hemorrhoids once a day, either Cones fruit eggplant He grabbed with bitter almond, almond green and then used on hemorrhoids painter.
Banana BANANA Banana perennial plant known scientifically as Musa spp where there types of this race and the user benefits. Use bananas for the treatment of hemorrhoids where taken pills and divided into two parts and then cook steamed half-baked Bakcherha even be soft too and then eaten twice a day once in the morning on saliva and once before bed and this recipe is one famous Chinese recipes.
Teen FIG and user part of the fig is the fruit is mature and securities where boiled leaves the fig tree in the water by three papers in one liter of water, then cooled and washed by hemorrhoids or can sit in it, also eaten grain to TWO of figs immature on an empty stomach daily.
Herb hemorrhoids PILEWORT herbaceous plant reaches a height of between 10 and 30 cm his leg hollow soft carrying papers large Khtafah heart shape, flowers yellow shiny know scientifically as Ranunculus Ficaria part of the plant used: aerial parts, contains plant substances soap and proto أنيمونين and أنيمونين and materials Afsip and vitamin c. Use plant in the form of an ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids and plant should not be used by mouth.
Sowing Qtona PSYLLIUM and knows this plant also known as hashish fleas and there are three types of this plant and part of the plant used seeds and seed husks. Seeds contain fluid materials and the most important compound in the gel is Arapinnocsaalan and also contains fixed oil rose 2 5% and carbohydrates and used sowing Qtona to treat hemorrhoids where scientific studies have shown the U.S., German and Scandinavian seeds Qtona have a softening property and anti-diarrhea, and there is a preparation of seeds Qtona sold in Chidagliat for this purpose
Alhmamils ​​(joint syphilis) WITCH HAZEL perennial tree height of about 6 meters and grows humid forest on the outskirts, has been named the witch hazel tree that magicians Indians imparts supernatural magical power. Known scientifically as Hamamelis Virginiana user part of the tree leaves and peels. Contain Securities and cobalt materials Afsip by 8 10% flavonoids and materials once and volatile oil (Securities only). Use peels and leaves to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation and stop internal and external bleeding and use boiled leaves and peels after cooling bit where can a person who piles sit in this solution, and there is another way, which is that dipped pieces of cotton into the solution and then placed in the refrigerator and after patient takes a bath, put cotton saturated solution and chilled in the refrigerator into the rectum to hews blood vessels expanding, it can work ointment extract cobalt and paint the hemorrhoids, and recipes are plant effective Alhmamils ​​to this purpose.
Handal Colocynth herbaceous plant Muammar outrigger on the ground his papers lobed covered Bsairat white, flowers yellow to whitish, his fruits big green striped green light and at maturity turns to yellow. Knows Handal scientifically as Citrullus colocynthus and user part of it fruits. Contain fruit Handal on the core is the active ingredient and contains pulp resin materials and the most important compounds Aalatirin (A) and Aalateresin (B) also contains alkaloids and pectin and materials soap used Handal as facilitating strong, but for hemorrhoids, the use varies where taken fruit before maturity while still green and then divided into four cut and used every piece of fat hemorrhoids and this tried and tested recipe.
Linseed LINNSEED small herbaceous plant height ranges between 30 - 100 cm has beautiful blue flowers, and scientifically known as Linum usitatissium Part user sowing and oil seeds .. Seeds contain fluid materials and Gelokozydat phenolic and enzymes and pectin and fixed oil and protein also contains Flavo Nadat and Sterolz. Uses linseed oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids where paint hemorrhoids if external or dipped pieces of cotton in the oil and interference in the anus and this recipe useful..
Acol ALHAGI a herbaceous plant stacker Muammar known scientifically as ALHAGI GRAECORUM one of endemic plants in Saudi Arabia and the user from all its parts. Contains Gelokozydat انثراكينونية and materials gall and resin and سيترولات unsaturated materials soap and carbohydrate. Use all parts of the plant drink or incense or coating even cold One hundred to treat hemorrhoids, also used the plant كضمادات to treat hemorrhoids to ease her pain.
* Important Note for patients with hemorrhoids: hemorrhoids patients must work any kind of sport and best walking, as it should treat constipation because it is the basis of the problem and should limit the intake of fish, beef, citrus and hot spices and continue in the fat of the anus

What should you know about .. Pressure .... and harming ... And how to prevent and cure!

What should you know about .. Pressure .... and harming ... And how to prevent and cure!
For high blood pressure has significant impacts on the whole body, where the damage is not limited to the arteries that makes them narrower and cause hardening, but can cause damage to the heart, brain, eyes and kidneys. And those members known as 'target organs' by high blood pressure.
When talking about blood pressure out of control, it means any high level, because the danger remains continues to be reduced to below 120/80 mm Hg.The higher the blood pressure for this increased level of risk.The first step should be to anyone with high blood pressure take is to control blood pressure.This means for the physician you reduce the level of blood pressure to less than 140/90 mm Hg.

Commitment to the principles
* Fortunately we know what to do about high blood pressure. And require to control high blood pressure throughout life commitment to a healthy lifestyle and take advantage of drugs to the maximum extent possible. And help all of the elements of a healthy lifestyle in the control of blood pressure. Certainly not to be bound by these basic principles is what leads mainly to high blood pressure.And those elements are preservedA healthy weight,And a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods,As well as regular exercise,And not smoking.
Care more
* What can be done more than that? Did you do everything in your power in relation to abide by the fundamental principles and want to increase attention for high blood pressure? Here are some things you can do to you and your physician for you.
Follow the custom diet to control high blood pressure, which can reduce the system, which includes eating a low sodium, your blood pressure at 10 degrees or more.This diet focuses on a lot of eating fruits and vegetables and reduce the intake of saturated fat and salt.
[U] is to reduce salt is an important aspect, but this system is to reduce the amount of sodium to 2,300 mg per day. Studies show that to reduce the amount of sodium to 1,500 mg, for those who are middle-aged or elderly and those suffering from high blood pressure, greater effectiveness in lowering blood pressure.[/ U]Blood pressure monitoring: to monitor the level of blood pressure at home several benefits, including visibility blood pressure over the long term. As well as some blood pressure rises when they are in a doctor's office, so it helps to measure blood pressure at home to avoid this effect.
Benefit from drugs
* Drugs play an important role in the incidence of high blood pressure, where they help to reach blood pressure to a normal level. Drugs prescribed by a physician is necessary to control blood pressure, it is often not taking drugs to the extent appropriate - either because the doctor did not describe to you and either your refusing you from eating those described by your doctor - is the primary reason for the withdrawal of blood pressure control.
The «scan to check for health and nutrition information are important, as we know from the survey data, which covered the period from 2005 to 2008 that one-third of people with high blood pressure out of control already taking drugs. However he ate 7 of every 10 in this group (called «receiving treatment for high blood pressure, but out of control») a drug or two drugs. That was the category includes people from the elderly and others at risk for cardiovascular disease more than people with high blood pressure controlled with the same number of drugs.
Was of course a lot of men prefer not to deal with additional drugs to their unwillingness to pay more money and exposure to the side effects of these drugs, but over time it can be a lack of control over high blood pressure consequences.And can help your physician you access to the required level of blood pressure by describing more of the drug to reduce the level of blood pressure through the «psychological control circuits within the body. And says Kurmuz: «be necessary to describe some additional drugs for some patients to control the level of their blood pressure. You are trying to choose different types of drugs even complement each other, not to be repeated.
On the other hand, can help nutrition and sports training and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle in reducing these drugs, may enable you to get rid completely of these drugs.
The devastating damage to blood pressure
* Called high blood pressure the silent killer because you do not feel the consequences of it directly,But over the years, growing impact of high blood pressure, so as not to become quiet, but becomes loud and noticeable. In the end not only high blood pressure damages the blood vessels, but also extends to the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes. These members are targeted by high blood pressure and are more vulnerable because of this disease.
[U] stroke: high blood pressure affects arteries weak, may rupture in the brain leading to stroke in the brain, or happen clots can block blood flow, leading to heart stroke.[/ U]Clogged arteries:
Harms hypertension walls of the arteries leading to inflammation resulting in the emergence of bacterial plaque deposits and narrow the artery. The cause high blood pressure, also to hardening of the arteries.
Heart attack:
Cause high blood pressure to change the shape of the arteries, where increasing the thickness of the middle class, and weaken the lining and become more prone to clots. Will be a clot in the coronary arteries to a heart attack.
Cardiac arrest:
Have the heart to double the effort because of the narrow arteries. And increases in thickness and stiffness of the left ventricle, which is the main chamber to pump blood, as a result of the need to contract more forcefully. And solidifies thick wall which has increased leading to obstructions in the heart. And over time become abnormal arterial walls leading to weaker myocardial hypertrophy and the loss of power.
Kidney Damage: causes high blood pressure in the tight and weak and low elasticity of the blood vessels that carry blood to the kidneys, which reduces the blood reaches the kidney tissue. Also cause high blood pressure, damage and kidney filtration units.
Loss of sight: this may result in high blood pressure in the arteries narrow eye, leading to bleeding and serious damage occurs the light-sensitive retina. It is possible that high blood pressure is also to swelling of the optic nerve.
Dementia caused by vascular abnormalities bloody:
Could decline in the blood that is pumped to the brain damage accumulates over time, eventually leading to an imbalance in mental function.
Can result in high blood pressure to impotence or erectile dysfunction or maintain a degree prevent the completion of the process of citizenship as a result of damage to the arteries that carry blood to the penile.
Harm to members of the general:
Converts narrow the arteries and blood clots without blood supply and oxygen and adequate food to members. And tissue damage accumulates over time.

Important Information about disease and treatment of cancer and ways to prevent it!

Important Information about disease and treatment of cancer and ways to prevent it!

Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in the world, but despite the seriousness and extent of human refuses to accept the idea of ​​infection either because of the shame of recognition or because of the fear factor.As feared the social consequences and misconceptions that spread among the general public on this topic.Because of these concerns and ideas, increasingly dangerous disease as the non-acceptance could lead to delays in the detection of the disease and delay in treatment which contributes to its development at a great speed.
For all the facts related to cancer and treatments available to him and the development of means of early detection to be detected in the first stages, which allows to treat it effectively, you the following guidelines:
- How can a general definition of cancer?Cancer is a tumor that grows locally and spread and transmitted to elsewhere in the body. With reference to that there are more than 290 types of cancer.
- What are the factors that increase the risk of cancer?There are several factors that play a role in increasing the risk of cancer. They are no doubt known to play a significant role, most notably:Smoking.Spirits.Nutrition was found that a third of cancers linked to a factor of nutrition. Note that the Middle Eastern table characterized by its diversity and its benefits that can focus on them instead of resorting to fast food preparation.Certain types of jobs that increase the risk of cancer for those working there.Exposure to sunlight because frequent exposure to the sun increases the risk of cancer.Environmental pollution.Certain treatments for other diseases can increase the risk of cancer for those who dealt with.In addition to viruses, which show that the infection increase the risk of cancer Kkabad »b» and «C», which may lead to liver cancer, herpes virus, Papilloma virus that causes cervical cancer and others.
- The extent to which the genetic risk factor in cancer?Genetic factor plays a role in cancer by 5 to 10 percent. On the other hand, it must be said that the genetic factor is not a major cause, and play races, and even a role in the areas of injury.
- Are certain actions help reduce, if a certain percentage, of developing certain forms of cancer?There is no doubt that it can reduce the risk of cancer by avoiding risk factors or in part, at least as smoking so you must refrain from smoking and inhaling smoke (passive smoking) and exposure abundance of sun and work in certain jobs are dangerous without taking preventive measures and avoid treatments that may contribute to the increased risk of injury.Can also be commitment to a healthy diet and reduce foods that increase the risk of injury. But there are other factors you can not control environmental pollution, in addition to genetic factors, of course.
- Studies show that the incidence of cancer is increasing?There are types of cancer incidence dropped out for various reasons as increasingly looked percentage in other species. For example decreased incidence of stomach cancer with the development of methods of food preservation and improvement and the existence of good domestic refrigeration.It is also clear that the increased awareness among the people so they realize, for example, the damage from eating meat grilled on coal, which has also contributed to reducing the incidence of stomach cancer. Also decreased incidence of cervical cancer existence feud allowing examination to promote disease prevention.As percentage of alcohol which has contributed to reduce the incidence of cancers associated with this group. On the other hand increased incidence of other types of cancer such as prostate cancer, which increased prevalence is clearly in the developed countries as a result of the increasing average age and the development of means of detecting diseases.As shown by the increase in the incidence of breast cancer, but this is caused by the development of means of early detection, diagnosis and increase the detection rate of the disease which gives the impression that the rate of spread of the disease on the rise as opposed to the actual reality. On the other hand, the higher the incidence of Bsrtani bladder and lung due to the prevalence of smoking than ever before.Also, increased incidence of melanoma (a type of skin cancer) as a result of the spread of habits excessive exposure to the sun and exposure to burns on the skin. As well as with the spread of citron 'b' and C trailing by increased incidence of lung cancer as well.- What are the main treatments that currently rely in cases of cancer?It must be noted first that the treatments have evolved to a large extent today. And increase the effectiveness of treatment to the extent that the early detection. The techniques known treatment is surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and treatment Mahdv treat immune.With reference to that in each case may be resorting to one of these therapeutic techniques or more according to the situation and the type of disease.
- In certain cases, it seems futile treatment and remains unable to stop the progression of the disease or eliminate the patient prefers not to continue treatment and avoid exposure to side effects, as long as it is active, the validity of this idea?
It must be clear that the treatment of cancer does not always aims to eliminate the disease and the patient recovers completely.Undoubtedly there are cases is curable, but treatment remains essential, and indispensable for its role in providing a better and longer life of the patient, which if declined treatment would be for complications of the disease that is difficult to endure.I would like to add that the cure rate of the general cancer in adults stood at 60 percent today, and the proportion to 85 percent in children.
Often grow tumors and develop cases because of people's fear of the disease and the shame of infection and the social consequences that may result from it, prefer not to acknowledge the existence of the disease and rejection rather than confrontation through treatment.
For example, form of breast cancer cases in the Arab countries one-third of cancer cases in general. The most important thing to do is early detection of cancer to be treated more effectiveness of breast Xrtanat and prostate, cervix, lung and colon that are available means of early diagnosis.
Breast cancer
- What actions can be taken to detect breast cancer in the early stages?First: breast self-examination conducted by every woman who crossed the age of twenty, once a month after 7 days from the date when the menstrual breast less Thgra.Second: The medical examination of the breast: conducted by all women after the age of forty once a year by a doctor. There may be a need to conduct before the age of forty.Third: screening mammography Mammography conducted once a year after the age of forty.
- Approved treatments for breast cancer?There are a number of techniques in the treatment of breast cancer, and treatment program varies according to each case. Based techniques highlighted in this case are:Resection of the breast with radiotherapy.Complete removal, which is not always necessary.Aesthetic Restorative therapy when the desire and conducted according to the results of examination of tissues and the stage of the disease.Resection of the contract under the armpit.Chemotherapy.Anti-hormones.Medicines Mahdfah.
- To what extent can affect the diet of breast cancer and what preventive measures can be taken?There is no doubt that nutrition plays a role in breast cancer, but can take some preventive measures throughAvoid weight gainEat foods few calories.Eat more vegetables and fruit at a rate of 4 or 7 servings a day.Eating Khadr Kalmalafov and broccoli and cauliflower.Eating too much high-fiber cereals.
Lung CancerStatistics showed that lung cancer ranks first among the various types of cancer in terms of prevalence. The first causes him is smoking.Because the pathogen seems clear in the case of lung cancer, we must call to stop smoking because of its dangers and straightforward here. With reference to the most cases appear between the ages of 40 and 50 years and above, after the damage smoking has accumulated over the years.
Colorectal cancerShows the risk of colon cancer after the age of 50 years, whether for men or for women. But in this type of cancer, and نأكد here the importance of early detection available by the telescope. Through it can detect warts in the early stage of the disease and avoid its development.It is advisable after the age of 50 years make the telescope colonoscopy once every 10 years. It is also being an examination of the faeces. With reference to the presence of 287 cases of colon cancer among men and 292 among women.
- What are the main indicators, which calls for resorting to the doctor to the possibility of cancer?There are 7 indicators calls to consult a doctor due to the presence of the cancer risk. Note that both of these indicators may indicate a different type of cancer, which is
The presence of tuberculosis continued for a period is relatively long. May be a benign tumor, but in all cases it is better to consult a doctor.The presence of moles that change shape or tip or color.And there is difficulty in swallowing.The long delay before wound healing.Exposure to abnormal cough or change in the sound.Note malfunction or problems in the urine or feces.Bleeding or exposure to abnormal secretions.

Element diet vital to the health of the nervous system ..... vitamin B 12 ».. One of the reasons for memory loss

Element diet vital to the health of the nervous system ..... vitamin B 12 ».. One of the reasons for memory loss
* Vitamin B 12 »
With age down our ability to absorb vitamin B-12 from food, as well as at least we dealt with food items rich in this vitamin. Can you get a lack of vitamin B 12 without warning, leading to the emergence of many different symptoms that can lead to the wrong diagnosis or be seen as a manifestation of progress in life.
* Diet vital element
* The vitamin B 12 essential vitamins important to the human body, it is essential for the health of the nervous system and the production of DNA and the formation of red blood cells.
And result in an acute shortage of this vitamin to anemia, which can be shown by analysis of normal blood.
It is less serious symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, muscle weakness, fatigue, chills and unstable movement of limbs and ill mood and cognitive problems, such as poor memory.
And differs from the normal level of vitamin B 12 from other laboratories, but according to most references, the level of vitamin in the blood is low when it is less than 250 Bekograma (pico part of a thousand billion) per milliliter of blood sample.
Like all types of vitamin B, is vitamin B-12 soluble in water, but the body stores the extra in the liver and other tissues. If one does not get too much of the vitamin from food, for some time, maybe it does not appear shortage in the blood sample for years. And if there is no sufficient stock of the vitamin in the body, the shortage could increase during the year, and this happens at a faster pace in infants.
The dose ranging intake of vitamin daily and 2.4 micrograms, in people aged 14 years and older, and 2.6 micrograms of pregnant women, and 2.8 micrograms in nursing women.
Except in cases of inability of the body to absorb vitamin B-12, can be reached these levels of the vitamin from a balanced diet that contains animal protein. Vitamin B 12 »naturally in animal foods, especially the liver (83 micrograms per 3.5 ounce - ounce is equal to approximately 28 grams). Examples of foods rich in vitamin red meat, turkey, fish and shellfish, while at least in foods such as dairy products, eggs and chicken.
* Risk of vitamin D deficiency
* More than face the risk of vitamin D deficiency are vegetarians, since plants do not contain only a tiny amount of vitamin B 12, and the process of absorption of weak. So vegetarians and infants who rely on breast milk only taking supplements or breakfast cereals plus vitamin to get the necessary quantities of it. Some organisms, such as bacteria Spirolna and some algae on the vitamin B 12 false body can not take advantage of it, but it may lead to wrong reading measure of the level of vitamin B 12 in the analysis of blood.
No longer seaweed 'Lever' sources of this vitamin that can be relied upon, despite the claim to the contrary. There are vitamin B 12 in mixed animal protein foods, and must be edited by acid and enzyme in the stomach so that the body can absorb. So face of eating suppressing drugs for the secretion of this acid such as «Prelozak» and «Brifaced» and «نيكسيوم» as well as drugs to cure stomach ulcers such as «بيبسيد» and «Tagamet» risk vitamin «B-12» and often need supplements daily of vitamin .

* Age * With age, low level of acid secreted by the stomach. And may suffer 30 per cent of the elderly from a lack of stomach acid needed to absorb the amount needed by the body of the vitamin from natural sources. It is advisable who Tjazoa the age of 50 eating rich in this vitamin or supplements regularly dose ranging between 25 and 100 micrograms per day.
Does not support vitamin B-12 which is found in industrial and food supplements fortified with the vitamin, the stomach acid in the absorption, but the body does not absorb only part of the vitamin B 12 »whether natural or artificial.
And can be dealt with larger doses of vitamin by the need of the body in the context of the treatment of vitamin D deficiency.
* Intake of vitamin B 12 »
* Must be accompanied by a vitamin B 12 from natural sources and industrial protein secreted into the stomach called «internal infectious agent that is absorbed by the intestine. And this deficiency can be treated by injecting vitamin B 12.
Although most doctors are quick as injection vitamin «B-12» for patients to treat deficiencies in this vitamin have, the evidence indicates that doses sufficient disks that are placed under the tongue or from Adhesives skin benefits such as injection vitamin in people who suffer from problems in the absorption of vitamin or patients with pernicious anemia. And try eating a daily dose of supplements of 2,000 mg for one month, then take a lower dose of 1000 mg daily for another month, then reduce the dose again to 1000 micrograms weekly. The tablets can help «B 12 which are placed under the tongue or Adhesives vitamin that are placed on the skin of the people who need supplements, but can not swallow tablets.
It is people at risk of deficiency of vitamin B 12 »
Who eat large amounts of alcohol, which limits the ability of the body to absorb vitamin, And who have undergone gastric bypass surgery in order to lose weight Or who suffer from a stomach ulcer, As well as the people who eat amino acid for the treatment of tuberculosis Or drugs «Mytvuormin» for the treatment of diabetes and trade name «Glukovadj». And facing patients taking «Vintwein» or «phenobarbital» or «primidone is the same danger.
Can hinder overdose of folic acid discover deficiencies in vitamin B-12 and lead to a permanent imbalance in the nervous system, if they are not maintaining the presence of vitamin B-12 is at its natural level. And hinder potassium supplements absorption of vitamin B 12 »in some people. Although the lack of vitamin B 12 can increase the level of the amino acid homocysteine ​​in the blood, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, supplementation did not reduce B 12 »risk of cardiovascular disease.
While linked to the level of acid homocysteine ​​disease «Alzheimer's and dementia, is not sure that taking supplements B 12» could help improve cognitive abilities. However, the study showed women do not eat foods rich in vitamin B 12, vitamin supplements helped greatly in reducing the rate of deterioration of cognitive abilities have....

Genes and the genome revolution

Genes and the genome revolution
A lot of talk the last few days about genes and solution complete human genetic code, or what is known as the gene map or the human genome.In order to understand what the gene and intended cryptographic genetic must take the idea of ​​a simplified first on the work of the cell and let our simplified model and in the urgency of an organism with a single cell, a microbe E. coli and a single cell organism is one of 100 the size of a human cell.Can you imagine this cell, such as a plastic bag with water float where some sediment from the routines and other enzymes in addition to spiral wrapped bar of life acid DNA ATAs in the shape of the cell is described bar consists DNA in the cell E. coli than four million base pairs and these rules stacked in about 1000 Jane.The gene is simply a form protein and is usually the model enzyme used in a chemical reaction of the enzyme is a protein that speeds up the process of a particular chemical reaction.For example one of the thousandth enzyme (Jane) in a molecule of DNA Aya AT coli is broke molecule maltose to two molecules of glucose and as the simplicity of this interaction, but it is vital for the object, which could not benefit from maltose only after the turn into glucose through this enzyme and then post cell ÇáÇě coli convert glucose into energy by other enzymes, HA has begun understand what the gene and when there is a defect in a specific gene or the absence of this gene here happens imbalance (illness)The disease is often caused by a genetic defect which dubbed genetic diseases such as the absence of an enzyme specific necessary to convert pulses to material benefit body occurs a problem that causes the occurrence of allergens and bleeding and problems that may threaten the lives of the infected person in order to make the cell enzyme needed for the interaction of certain they are doing copy of the gene, which holds the required form on DNA bar AT(Any gene described or model leads to interaction to perform a job and should be already exists Any inherited Any character that appears this interaction already exists, but will not be interaction and thus will not appear adjective)For the printing of this enzyme could make thousands of copies of a particular enzyme and several copies of the last but total thousandth Jane ÇáÇě coli contain different species that need the cell to work jobs that enable them to life, which to eat and drink and multiply ....So in any living organism and any living cell, the DNA bar any which contain the genetic material that makes enzymes that are chemical reactions needed for the life of the cell is the right material to life. I think things have become clear! Right? ...Sexual reproduction bacteria multiply asexually.This means that when divided bacterial cell, the two halves be identical ie they Ahoian same version of the bar DNA AT (reincarnation) as he does two types of cells are complementary Any male and a female and I think that some of you who wonder about reincarnation or reproduction knew now that reincarnation is asexual reproduction Any production version of the copied cell means when Dolly the sheep was cloned cell were taken non-sexual cells(Any egg is not taking)And copied Any make it a divided asexual reproduction Flaeugd here a father and son also output a replica of the motherland.Supreme Lama objects and finest, they reproduce sexually, such as insects, plants and animals and man, of course.That sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual reproduction, which produces a replica of the Father) produces tremendous diversity in genetic traits in species for example when there is a couple with many children All these kids are different from each other and from their parents in اشيا many eye color, for example, skin and hair and platoon blood, how did this happen?!Instead of a long strip as in the case of ÇáÇě coli, the insects, animals and plants and humans have chromosomes bearing strips that any parents in arrange baseline متوالى.Rights has 23 or 46 chromosome pair, Drosophila has 5 pairs and dogs have 39 pair and some plants have 100 pairs of chromosomes in pairs matrix, each chromosome is a row Mdcock of DNA bar any.There two bands of DNA AT meet together in a knot called Sntermar to configure the form x arm of the mother and the arm of the Father because there two arms of the (two bands) of DNA AT, it means that animals (including humans) have two copies منكل Jane Unlike bacteria such as E. coli, which to have a single copy when manufactured male sperm and the female egg, the DNA bar any must meet in one bar.Any that every sperm from the father and an egg from the mother contribute to create a copy of each chromosome and Atkabla to give the new baby two copies of each gene! Without understanding need?!To form a single tape in sperm or egg at the beginning of the composition must prefix number of chromosomes means half to 23 and simply so that number at fertilization 46 (23 of sperm and the same egg)Since the normal cell in human 46 chromosome it to manufacture sperm or egg must prefix number to 23 in a split Maozy meaning that it will be half the number of chromosomes to load a new cell (sperm or egg)Here are Achtiarginat without other at random pairs of genes in each chromosome(Simply means if you have 46 people from all sorts of people standing with some in any mode Ibnakhadd half from any direction is important half)These qualities transmitted selected to the new baby note that all sperm(Each egg)Carries different genes from other there genes are similar but inevitably there different genes and therefore find that the brothers there are some similarities, but inevitably there are many differences Every child carries a mix of genes different from his brother, though they of the same father and the same mother, but they are not of the same sperm or Sperm gene as previously mentioned not only a model for the synthesis of an enzyme that is necessary for the completion of a chemical reaction.This means that any animal or plant there two models of each enzyme often are similar and sometimes differ, but that they disagreed, the one prevails over the other example for plant peas along pill described prevalent and Palace pill called recessive means if if met recipe cm (Jane) Recipe palace(The other version of the gene)Prevail recipe cm means be pill resulting long and are not pill resulting short only in the case coincides with the presence of qualities Almtnhatin (minors) together and can happen in the generation that followed or Agile other distant by random selection grade genes with each other at Meiosis to shorten the number chromosomal halfUnderstanding the genetic map of the typeTotal diversity in all qualities in a particular sex is a genetic map of this type also announced for deciphering the genetic code complete genome of humans, which we will talk about this later.Our model here to understand the genome is the fruit fly, there are some facts about this fly is that bar de that any where consists of 5 chromosomes and there about 250 million base pairs in the tape genetic salary so that they are exactly 13,601 Jane (any recipe) Any that the total gene map in the fly (all possible qualities) is 13601.Each gene appears at a particular place on a particular chromosome and there are two copies of each gene as previously knew.Increases type genome when mutation occurs and the success of this surge makes it inherited in filial new Kjan!!And it influences environmental and mating تباعدى and other but if faced type endangered the genome much less low number of individuals remaining, leading to a lack of diversity and the emergence of genetic diseases that were unclear or attributed to emerge a few because for example, that Janha recessive either have fewer genes van opportunity to meet Mtnhyan genes became high hence the advice to keep away from marriage relatives to avoid the accumulation of genetic map in a negative direction while the breadth of genetic map lead to reverse an increase in the diversity and the lack in genetic diseasesMap of the human genome untangled symbols of the book of life:Been announced for deciphering genetic factors to the Book of Life and completeness of the final map of the human genome, Maryland America and the presence of 6 countries are Germany, Britain, China, France and Japan in addition to America includes genome 3 billion characters of symbols genetic and that control and represents all the functions and human life, which led to becoming paving the way for treatments genetic and which is the title of this century! and Bdibalfl much research and appeared promising results from the use of this map in revolutionizing the treatment of cancer, diabetes and neurological diseases, infertility and some Pediatric especially after the announcement of the development of this information and symbols genetic bank information making it easier for scientists all over the world have access to these symbols without restrictions, thereby benefiting the human health, a McCann Chimera a few years ago began the first of these steps reaching to read content Genetic cell human and which contains the 23 pairs of chromosomes comprising the strip of acid de that any length about 2 meters and consists of 3 billion of incremental nuclear bases(Symbols genetic) hence can understand the work human cells and their functions vital complex more accurately, as well as understanding the causes of diseases and tumors and other as well as to stand on the causes mutations that lead to genetic diseases and treatment also remains hope for gene therapy in cases of infertility and Pediatric for reemployment gene or purified !Or even case Bakhrslam or rate can even prevent genetic disease or control as well as control of certain genes that have been detected it causing some oncology and diabetes but that it arrived with some pharmaceutical giants it has produced a small slice can on the way to identify and select appropriate medication for a person alone!!As pharmaceutical companies raced to produce a drug for leukemia building on the basis of accurate Genet which revolutionized the field and Mamak Alabdaih


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