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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Measles Measles also known as PAL rubeola

Measles Measles also known as PAL rubeola:
Has been described by al-Razi in his book: (book on smallpox and measles), who lived from 860 to 932 Mladeh. This is the first scientific description of the disease and its description.Measles is said to have killed percent and fifty years past 200 million people in the world, has isolated the virus that causes measles in 1954 for the first time from 11-year-old child. Doctors now know 21 types of this virus and in 1963 produced a vaccine against it.
What is measles: get the child for three days cough and fever, colds and redness of the eye and go up the temperature to 40 degrees Celsius, and possible to see spots inside the mouth called Koplik's spots are private with the disease and help to know the disease, a small red spots where the center white small and are found in the mouth on the tongue and cheeks from the inside. And its name from the American pediatrician who described for the first time in 1896. But unfortunately his time and go as quickly as possible to patient Anraha.Rash appears on the skin, three days after the start of the disease and be in every high body maculopapular, erythematous rash and red in color and starts first in the head and then spreads to the rest of the body (ie, such as douches) and cause itching. Rash changes color from red to dark brown and then disappears.
Diagnosis: the story of fever (at least 3 days) and signs associated with rash in the mouth (if we were able to see it)As well as mixing with people who have measles because the virus is transmitted by sneezing or coughing any of respiratory secretions.As laboratory tests, it is the proportion of antibodies in the blood of type positive measles IgM antibodies and Ejad genetic material of the virus from respiratory samples.Some people become have inflammation in the lung as a result of measles.
Complications of the disease:
More complications in adults than in young children.Whenever the body's immunity stronger whenever the body was able to defeat the disease.No vaccine is given before that on the basis that the child has antibodies in his blood had been taken from his mother during pregnancy. The second dose of the vaccine to be between the age of four and five.Thanks to said cases of measles vaccine

Measles Virus:

Friday, December 14, 2012


Here is a quick summary of the topic:Follicles in the skin there are hairs hair follicle and every one opens gland fatty sebaceous gland called the hair follicle and sebaceous gland together pilosebaceous units any pilosebaceous unit. In adolescence than hormones, which leads to change the type of secretion of the sebaceous gland and clogging opened gather clogged gland secretion was inflamed.More known type of acne is known as acne vulgaris diffuse any acne, and it becomes in adolescence and early youth and appear on the face, neck and upper chest and back.
May be mild or may be big and leave a mark and therefore prefer to go to the doctor if acne annoying. The most important impact of acne is its impact on the psychological state of a man may lose his confidence and Ictab. So necessary Flajh.
Cause of acne: As we have said, the reason is clogged sebaceous gland slot in the skin. The first change gets is Hyperkeratinization be plug of keratin keratin and sebum.May be of heredity role, as well as hormones during adolescence especially male hormone "androgen," nervous tension because it stimulates the secretion of certain hormones from the adrenal college adrenal (stress) glands, gathering dead skin cells, bacteria that enters the openings of the sebaceous glands, certain medications, exposure for some chemicals.
Treatment needs time to show its effect.

Fatty glands present in every skin except the palms and soles of the feet.Sebaceous gland opening to the hair follicles and secrete a fatty substance on the hair, so that a lipid covering strength of the hair, and possible sebaceous glands that exist in areas of the skin where there is no hair like eyelid. And here, the fatty material go to the surface of the skin.At the edge of the eyelid no special fat cells called meibomian glandsThese secrete a fatty substance layer tears that cover the eye to turn off the spigot so fast evaporation of tears.Of cholesterol produced by the sebaceous glands called sebum which is made of fat and fat cells are dead.

Causes of hair loss

Causes of hair loss:Flaking hair naturally grows in place new hairBut others most hair loss is normal prayers when pregnancy and childbirth, certain medications, blood type, genetics, anemia, lack of vitamins, thyroid disorder work, use of hair dyes incorrectly, pulling hair continuous and others. Said to be the type of shampoo has nothing to do with the fall of hair and God knows.Scalp differs from the rest of the body:The rich blood processing, heavy fatty substance from the sebaceous glands, onions T. hair grow long hair to become. Are exposed to the sun, cold and heat more than the rest of the body. As well as for cosmetics such as hair dye and relaxing more than other parts of the body.Sometimes there are scales on the scalp:Reasons:Crust: Dandruff: The scientific name is pityriasis capitis. The situation is rife. What happens is that the skin consisting of in accordance with T cells are falling dead cells, and other cells replenished. There dandruff fungus named Pityrosporum ovale, but multiplies faster in people who complain of the crust as well as the fall of the skin cells is faster than normal and cells Taatlasq with each other and cortex that we know works.Treatment with anti-dandruff shampoo that contains a substance that destroys the parasite, and if the case is severe you review the doctor.You can try the following method: Take one teaspoon of olive oil and mix with two tablespoons of milk and put it on your hair for an hour and then wash it and you'll see a good result, God willing.

Baldness: Alopecia

Baldness: AlopeciaAlopecia areata is hair loss in patches in the body, usually the scalp.Alopecia totalis is hair loss of all scalpAlopecia universalis is the loss of all body hair
Alopecia areata: occurs in young people, for example, adolescents and young adults with show spot or bald spots in the scalp. But can occur at any age, and have infected people do not complain of a particular disease is, they generally healthy.Types: diffuse alopecia areata any scalp, Alopecia areata monolocularis any one spot, Alopecia areata multilocularis any in multiple spots, Alopecia areata barbae any in the beard area g
Reasons: not infect baldness. It seems that the role genetics. Also seems to be linked to autoimmune disease autoimmune diseases where it is believed that the cause of hair loss is that the body attacks itself Fahajm onions and inhibits the growth of hair hairs. Observed the presence of T cells T cell lymphocytes clusterAbout these places.

Symptoms: soft spots free of hair and shape of any form but mostly rounded. Be on the scalp or beard but can infect any other place in the body where hair.Possible that the situation will improve on its own for some time and perhaps the disease disappears.Shape of the hair like any exclamation mark (!) Exclamation point hairs and this means that the hair be thinner in its near part of the surface of the skin and thicker as we got to the top. Therefore can Nshabha easily Venqtaha.
Treatment: Because the reason is not clear, the non-specific treatment. Almost half of the patients will grow hair on his own within a year without any treatment, and 90 percent of them will return hair to grow in that place.
Also used Minoxidil, topical immunotherapy cyclosporine irritants, anthralin or topical coal tar.Grain الكورتزون possible that a temporary benefit but its impact and its side-effects.Hair transplant is possible, but the problem is that the bald area as possible to get bigger.Wigs can help
Predictions: more influence for baldness is myself lost for humans to catch depression, tension and awkwardness of meeting people. As well as those people have a greater susceptibility to happen they have asthma, allergies, lack of action of the thyroid gland. Lose the hair that protects the head from the heat of the sun. And loss of nose hair increases the symptoms of allergies, possible that they have defects in the nails as well.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis:
dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. Contact any because of contact.
Inflammation of the skin due to an allergic reaction:Is a skin reaction after it comes into contact with the substance raises the sensitivity and reaction called Article (allergen) any felt by the body as something strange and works allergic reaction against it. Sensitivity called allergic contact dermatitis, Or that comes into contact with the skin thing irritant irritant sensitivity called irritant contact dermatitis, and there is a kind of sensitivity due to exposure to sunlight Phototoxic dermatitis.
Due to contact dermatitis allergic contact dermatitis with a particular substance foreign to the body and be the outer layer of the skin is where interaction occurs any in the epidermal layer and the outer layer of the dermis ie those under the skin. This lasts for days and then disappear with the disappearance contact with irritating material.Sometimes be a large reaction in the skin and painful and the itching and possible to take days to weeks to heal.The first contact with the irritating material interaction but does not work body Sathss in contact next interaction will happen. Area of ​​affected skin often specific location contact.Reasons: types of soap (soap Attorvi), cosmetics and cleaning and ornaments made of certain metals such as nickel, and some plastic plants or paws, citrus, and even certain medications if in contact with the skin as possible to operate sensitivity.
For kind of reaction in the body due to an irritant irritant contact dermatitis get because of contact with an irritant such as detergents and other chemicals. The area of ​​affected skin may be significant.
Symptoms:- A red rash appears immediately after contact with irritating material (for sensitivity, it may appear after a day or two).- Bubbles may appear in the skin or a red rash high for the rest of the skin, called hives.- Itching and feeling like burning. Article irritants cause more symptoms and be more painful and itchy.- Article irritants affect most often hands because it is being of chemicals such as detergents.- If it seemed the interaction of the body may take four weeks to heal.- If your symptoms do not go you go to the doctor, especially if allergies on the rise.

Treatment:Beyond the things that cause allergies. And possible to be difficult to know which material is the reason. Possible that we examine the sensitivity to know what the article.If touched article irritants wash place with soap and water in order to distance it from the skin.Do not put powders or materials on the skin to relieve symptoms because it is possible that the increase it possible to put Calamine lotion a Chidelah material relieve itching and pain. Doctor will prescribe antihistamines such as antihistamines, and الكورتزون.Must rub the area because it increases inflammation.If your doctor described treatment Valtzm to heal.If I knew the reason, avoid it.

Causes skin cancer squamous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC

Causes skin cancer squamous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC
Is a malignant disease as possible get into the membranes Blindfolded lips, mouth, esophagus, bladder, prostate gland, lung and reproductive internal organs as well as the skin covering the body. Possible to discover the disease in its infancy when it's still in the same place and did not spread in situ, or whether he had crossed into other tissue invasive, and this can spread to other organs process spread by blood or lymph.Squamous cancer is the second most skin cancers in terms of access, as the skin cancer that affects the basal cells of the skin is the most common. And after them comes cancer-producing cells Mlanin melanoma.This cancer occurs in places exposed to the sun and in the people who said their immune systems.He therefore more cancers that occur in the head and neck.Symptoms as possible to be: a wound in the mouth does not heal, change the sound to the voice hoarse and rough, and what he does the doctor is that eradicates cancer (possible to be a major operation if the cancer has spread or old) and then gives treatment with radiation to the region to eliminate the remaining cells cancer.

Here means that cancer cells have been exposed to harmful substances changed the DNA genetic code to the extent that the cells become abnormal and start to behave abnormally, here are toxic substances is smoke cigarettes and alcohol to see this cancer be something more in smokers .. In alcoholics.
Esophagus cancer soon place on one side of the mouth. If we discovered at the beginning you نبعده possible that the body and heal the infected person if either diagnosis after the cancer has spread Treatment is: chemotherapy and radiation.

Prostate: If there is a cancer in the prostate, it actually be malignant and discovers only too late.
Pay attention to the case of the Keratoacanthoma a case of cancer is low slag low-grade malignancy in the skin and arises from the pilo-sebaceous glands sebaceous glands and its shape resembles the shape of squamous skin cancer, but this has a mass of keratin.Bowen's disease is a disease of the skin because of the many sun, which leads in Next to skin cancer squamous.Marjolin's ulcer is a type of squamous cancer arises from the ulcer does not heal or wound occurred from burning.

Reasons skin disease shingles, shingles

Reasons skin disease shingles, shingles:
Herpes zoster, Shingles


Is a disease caused by a virus varicella zoster virus _VZV himself Gana him and said that he causes chicken pox, after humans to chickenpox, and cured the virus as possible to remain in the body and live in hiding latent in the bodies of nerve cells without causing disease. When they come for less than the human immunity, the virus is possible that strengthened and out (possible be done after decades of injury chickenpox) and walks the virus way through the nerves to the skin to cause inflammation in the skin in the area where Aavea the nerve causing rash painful.Not yet understand exactly how hiding the virus and how to return to cause rash and still human being research, trying to know why.]Why exactly Ajdt?Human feel headache and fatigue and a rise in body temperature, and these symptoms occur in many diseases, and then felt burning pain in the human area in the body with Aouhsasah itching excess of heat and cold, light and touch. May be in place very, very painful skin humans call it Kars or Ktanat of terrible pain.After a day or two (to the extent of 3 weeks) shows a distinctive rash on the trunk and possible to be somewhere else, such as the eye or the face or elsewhere. Zvh appears on the skin area, which fueled truck and one nerve dermatome so it is similar to the belt but on one side of the body and not the Central Line to the other side of the body.Name Shingles, also called herpes zoster is taken from the Latin word, French sense belt because the rash caused by the virus have formed such as belt wraps around the trunk.
Then becomes rash vesicular any are tiny bubbles blisters with continued fever and fatigue, and then turn the bubbles to color dark and filled with blood and then open after 7 to 10 days and remain above crust then falls peels and heals skin but sometimes remains skin color variable than in the past.

If there injury in the nerve nourishing to the skin in the eye area ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, the situation called Herpes zoster ophthalmicus a wounded virus nerve sensory which feeds the eye area and will happen inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the eye and keratitis and uveitis and paralysis of the nervetheoretical and possible causes chronic inflammation of the eye.

Believe it because the virus is transmitted from the facial nerve VII facial nerve to the auditory nerve VIII vestibulocochlear nerve that causes Trcha and feeling dizzy.

Reasons chickenpox skin disease: Chickenpox

Reasons chickenpox skin disease: Chickenpox

The virus is spread by sneezing atoms of the infected person or from contact with the affected area in humans.(Human patient be contagious from two days before purification rash that Ttibs bubbles).
Symptoms begin after 10 -21 days after the injury:Human feels at first as suffering from a cold and his eyes Tgh then purified small dots characteristic of chicken pox on the trunk and the head (more than on the hands) and feel infected by severe itching and then open this small bubbles and heal without leaving a trace in most cases.
After injury and be healing for humans immunity from life-long disease.Disease is rarely life-threatening is if infected adults, the symptoms are more severe than symptoms in children. But who are at risk are pregnant women and people with little immunity,Bubbles here blisters are small (2-4 mm), red and non Menttma shape a rose petal, then made up a transparent bubble on the surface dew drop and this characteristic of chicken pox. After 8 - 12 hours open bubble and Ttibs and the fluid that comes out of them is very contagious, and stiffness falling after 7 days and sometimes a few trace like slot volcano.May start some bubbles fade but purify new bubbles at the same time to continue the case how many days should the child does not go to school only after the bubbles may Tibst.Problem in pregnant women is that if the child was virus might get him distortions:Brain damage: an inflammation of the brain encephalitis, the small size of the head microcephaly,, hydrocephalus hydrocephaly.

Defects in the body: Palace, one of the parties or trunkDiagnosis:Of injury: man was not hurt by the chickenpox then developed distinctive and bubbles around people who may have contracted the disease. There is no need for tests to prove the disease.If we need tests to prove the disease also subject to taking the means of one share of bubbles and plantedOr a blood test to see antibodies
Vaccination: A vaccine is given in some countries, but does not give strong protection and must be brought back after 5 years.
Treatment: Using moisturizer to soothe severe itching which calamine lotion which contains zinc oxide. Should pay attention to the cleanliness of the skin in order to avoid getting hurt human infections in open places in the skin. Injury in adults to be more severe and the severity of children Vlhma may use anti-virus medicine antiviral drugs is Aciclovir and whether immunity patient few or the many eczema, the biggest risk of this given drugs against the virus. In the United States, have adult infection rate very few compared to children but the majority of death from injury occur between these (possible infected with encephalitis and pneumonia)
We can give paracetamol to ease the pain and hassle of diseaseAs well as the use of antihistamines AntihistamineBut it does not give aspirin to children for fear of liver disease called Reye's Syndrome.People who have weakened immunity such as AIDS patients and cancer patients are at a greater risk of the disease may suffer other infections as well Secondary infections

Reasons to blow fever skin cold sores

Reasons to blow fever skin cold sores:(Herpes simplex virus (HSV

A virus is widespread all over the world and the most prevalent viruses. Be of two types: Type 1 affects the lips and face, and type 2 infects the genital areas.The first thing for humans to catch Balvyrus call this: initial injuryAnd the initial infection mostly without symptoms do not observe human thing. But in one out of every ten people spoke mild symptoms, and 1 percent of those infected are obvious injury. Virus enters the body through mucous membranes or skin. If symptoms appeared, they appear after 3-7 days. Virus multiplies in that area of ​​the skin or mucous membranes, and infects the lymph gland in place to swell and swell and become painful. Injury appear tiny bubbles means and after a period of open and covered with a layer of dry or become Kalegrahh any open, and after days heal without leaving a trace.The virus does not leave the body, but he goes to the node in the nerve that injury Vieih it appears from time to time any It is a life-long injury.May virus affects the mucous membranes as well.
Virus Herbez belongs to the family Herpesviridae, this family can 8 members that infect humans. They cause diseases such as blow fever and chicken pox and types of cancer and inflammation of the brain. All of which remain in the body if entered.They walk into the nervous system of humans and hiding it, and therefore remain in the body.Injury Pfyrus الهربز cause bubbles in the skin and mucous membranes. After the initial infection initial, or primary, infection, the virus becomes hiding latent in the bodies of nerve cells. Sometimes transmitted virus that causes symptoms of skin again a painful bubbles. Here, the infection occurs be transmitted the virus to another person. Adawi get touching and by saliva and secreted by mucous membranes, and the possible moving of the virus from mother to child during birth and this is possible that the cause of the child strong inflammation leads him to death. The reason is because the child's immune system has not yet strengthened so can the virus that causes him inflammation in the brain and destroy the brain. But less likely to move if there were no bubbles.

Cover the Balvyrus Ocean cleave specific receptors on the surface of the cell in the human body, the two Vilthm and gets the virus a chance to enter into the cell. When the virus reaches the cell nucleus enters the inside of the hole a nuclear entry pore enters the DNA of the virus into the nucleus. Hence begins to reproduce.
If he stays virus lurking in the cell, there is certain circumstances lead to that activates again and this Trov is like: nervous tension and common cold or Alanfelzenza or another reason for fever or menstrual cycle in women or exposure to strong sunlight or fatigue physical and other reasons.Treatment: There are medications to help reduce the painful bubbles and accelerate healingMedicines against the virus are nucleoside analogs, are materials that have a shape like the form of DNA or installation or RNA, a genetic material of the virus. When multiplies the virus will use these materials resulting genetic material line of virus which leads to the resulting virus would be disabled, leading to its destruction and death decreases numbering. But these drugs should be used first human reflecting the return of symptoms in order to work well.Sometimes Nhanaj for the use of these drugs every day for years in some cases.Of these medications is Aciclovir, BrivudineThere are drugs that prevent the fusion of the virus cell wall turn off the spigot of entry into the cell, such as DocosanolThere are other drugs and studying the effectiveness of drugs.Possible to resist the virus treatment and this could be up to 1-2% of cases and increase in infected human weakness such as AIDS.Researchers are still trying to making Alttiam against the virus and the latest reports say that there is a new vaccine experiment on women in the United States and Canada have proved to be effective in 70 percent of women, but it does not work in men!

Here is a picture of how the virus replicates

Skin Rash reasons

Skin Rash reasons:

Is a change in the skin where the skin changes in color and texture and possible to be in one place or the skin. Man believes that his skin has changed color and feel itchy and warm skin swells, and they appear bubbles or Etips in the some places and cracks and be painful.

- Tension (mental state).
- Sensitivity, for example, some types of food, paints, pinch insects and some Kalzenk metals and nickel.
- Skin contact with an irritant, for example, cleaning agents or certain clothes, for example, of nylon.
- Bacterial infection or Vairose example virus chickenpox chickenpox, smallpox ordinary smallpox, measles and measles fever blow cold sores and.
- Fungal infection, for example, the so-called ringworm.
- A reaction to the vaccination.
- In the skin disease such as eczema (skin allergy) and acne.
- Exposure to the sun ((sunburn) or extreme heat.
Uncommon reasons:
- Immunity to disease the body's own tissue autoimmune disorders
- Lead Poisoning
- Pregnancy



Pay attention to the following:Form rash: Is red spots do not disappear if you press them (it's a sign of cerebral meningitis the Meningococcal septiaemia and the patient's condition will deteriorate quickly and die) or as a sign of inflammation of the blood vessels vasculitis

Be coarsely Lhald was the sand and this is happening at a fever, scarlet fever
molluscum contagiosum:This inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes due to the virus, a virus carrying genetic material DNA and type POXVIRUS and the four types. Affects any part of the skin but mostly in Alhza, arms and legs. It is spread from direct contact with infected or using infected tools, for example, the towel.
The disease after infection a week Balvyrus to six months.Symptoms: swelling in the skin appear the same color skin and thanks such as the dome, size from 1 - 5 mm, and its heading back inside. Infected usually do not complain of pain, but possible to feel itchy and if rubbed it hurts the skin and lead to more inflammation and destruction to those areas of the skin. In 10% of patients show sensitivity (eczema) around the injury site. And sometimes bacterial infection occurs where bacteria enter through the skin with delicate cracked.Center (PSC) contains a virus which spreads to other places of the skin process name autoinoculation, and the kids especially spread rapidly and sometimes be severe.Treatment: remaining domes of 6 - 8 weeks and then heal itself but may continue to 3 months sometimes. The problem is that the virus spread itself, so the infection may remain and purification of the rash of long months to years .. Sometimes up to 5 years.Treatment: usually does not need to Alah but of course depends on the location, number of domes (the injury). Treatment may be necessary for the following reasons:Bleeding from the place of injury, bacterial infection, itching and pain, eye injury, the form of injury embarrassing in front of the people, the fear of being transferred to others.Even if removed all places injury, the virus is present in the skin and purification will resume in another place in the skin. So still places injury whenever re-purification. In the end, the body will overcome the virus and expelled, although it takes time up to years to happen.
Other methods of treatment: that يجك place injury every day for five minutes Balbitadin Betadine, but pay attention to that man does not have the sensitivity of Albitadin or iodine. This article does not penetrate intact skin, so you should Nthagb skin with a needle in order to be a good treatment. But do not use it if the skin had been cracked by itching or inflammation
There medicines placed on the injury may deadens places layers skin Moahudh in place of injuryPossible use of salicylic HamusOr some type of stimulus Haaz immune to eradicate the virusPossible to treat injuries Cryotherapy: cryosurgery, where liquid nitrogen is used to freeze and the elimination of injuries and is working to bring something like burning in the place where it touches. What the doctor is performing he enters a wooden stick in her head Qatna in a special tube containing liquid nitrogen and then come out and stick touches the injury moments بالقطنة. The patient feels a sense of heat was touching that area, and sometimes must be touching a cotton ball injury for a period of ten seconds or around this time. After a period of a person to see that the place which touched a cotton ball may change has created a bubble in place and then fall in a week to four weeks. Then heals the place. Here treatment eliminates injury if destroyed the place well saved, rights of injury but heals place a small white scar.
Laser treatment: proved that laser therapy has very good results Valchwee be within two weeks and to Enzk scar in Lhald. Problem is that the treatment is expensive compared to the rest types of treatment eight device is not available in many clinics do not forget that the elimination of injuries does not mean the elimination of virus and new cases as possible to re-appear.In order to prevent the spread of the disease: do not scrub the place, avoid sharing with others in Mnschwth or tools.

Skin disease psoriasis causes and treatment

Skin disease psoriasis causes and treatment

Password Dermatology, a pathologist leather comes from the Greek word skin δερμα meaning. It involved the skin and appendages disease poetry and sweat glands and other

Psoriasis psoriasis:

Psoriasis affects 2% of the population of the globe, a chronic disease mentioned came from thousands of years. It is a chronic disease where thickening occurs in the skin in places have clear boundaries and rises slightly above the surface of the skin, and silvery color like fish scales. Become overcome often on the back of the elbow joint and knee and dandruff. Because the epidermal layer of the skin cells are made quickly and crust. The patient's skin psoriasis renews itself every seven days (while it must receive it in 28 days in the normal case) In times of life increases the severity of symptoms and then come times of calm symptoms. It is not contagious. . Reason: I do not know .. But heredity psychological Dorwaltotr and smoking and drinking alcohol. And stimulates the appearance in humans infected by friction and inflammation Stervtokokas bacteria or certain medications such as lithium carbonate and beta receptor Marqlat. Symptoms: show places in the skin have clear boundaries and rising from the skin remaining plaques and be red and shiny by silvery scales - pink and if I tried to Knit peels it will fall as if wax remains place where points bleeding on the skin red (this is called a sign Auspitz a task to disperse psoriasis from other of skin diseases such as eczema). Also, in 20 percent of those infected show sign Copnr fenomena of Koebner here consists of psoriasis places where, for example, not an event where you are burning or scar.
Be changes in the skin either in one place or be bigger to include the whole body.
Are sometimes changes in Alatafr are only change. In arthritis psoriatic arthritis: Possible infect any joint in the body but most involve the joints of the hands and feet.
Aksmunha to plaque, pustular, guttate and flexural psoriasis: (Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris: Most frequent types, called by that name because they are inflamed high places on the surface of the skin and cover themselves with a silvery white layer of crust.
(Flexural psoriasis (inverse psoriasis: Inflamed soft spots in the folds of skin at the top of the leg and armpit and under the breast (inframammary fold) and increase friction and sweating and fungal infected easily.
Guttate psoriasis: Many small spots like tears over the trunk and limbs and head. Related inflammation of the pharynx.
Pustular psoriasis: Small blisters filled with Besdid but it does not contain bacteria (pustules). The skin around the blisters have red and painful.
Nail psoriasis: ...

Alakzimh disease skin causes and treatment

Alakzimh disease skin causes and treatment
Alakzimh Eczema: (Also called dermatitis): Is the name of a group of diseases that share common characteristics, for example, that all the itching (but not all are itching eczema). The skin is red and swollen and scaly and choppy and feel human troublesome itching. And small bubbles appear pompholyx and bleeding, and possible bacterial infection occurs above the skin. If this continues for a long time skin Steitkhan and texture it becomes solid.
What happens is that the skin loses Dikth inhibitor for the entry of materials from outside to inside and vice versa.
1 - atopic (constitutional) eczema: is part of allergies in some children ATOPIC SYNDROME. Cause of these allergies: genetics, environment and human immune Alntam. They have human antibodies ANTIBODIES of type (E (IgE if exposed to certain substances that felt by the alien to the body ALLERGENS. And this UFO where certain proteins shall be the body against antibodies and attack it and works on formation reactions inflammation whenever entered his body or touched his skin or Agsheth mucous becomes him: asthma, chronic rhinitis, and inflammation Organization eye any mucous membrane Ocean reel eye on the front and lining the eyelids, and the sensitivity of the spring, eczema or allergic reactions in the skin and appear on the forehead, cheeks, face and neck and inside the facility and the knee and ankle, but possible that we see in any place in the body where the itch and be more powerful thing in the kids. Cells Almufosaat that to be effective in the case of allergies are: Type T HELPER 2. (Note: T HELPER 1 be responsible for the reactions to defend against bacteria). The T cells HELPER 2: working CYTOKININ INTERLEUKINE 4, 5 and 13. Interleukin-4 and 13, which stimulate the production of antibodies Ig E and attract cells Alaazinowals EOSINOPHILS a type of white blood cells favorite.
In recent decades, said bacterial and viral diseases due to increased hygiene allergies.
In all three of the four children patients Balakzimh of Internal sensitivity type: symptoms appear in the first years of age And place in which they appear is the face (but do not appear in the area around the mouth of any area that puts anesthesiologist suppression anesthesia) and is possible to expand to the trunk and limbs - In the case of acute be affected skin is wet and it means icy then place red line becomes scaly and the grains and bubbles and crying baby and can not sleep quietly because of itching Possible thereafter completely heal sensitivity does not reappear again - To show sensitivity in the Annex and within the knee and around the wrist and around the ankle and be reddish and bubbles and sometimes pus and sometimes land and Mttkhna but severe itching - Or disappear but subsequently purified attacks and their place within the facility and inside the knee, but also the neck and face, hands and genital area and be skin Mttkhana and the pills and between now and then spoke of allergy attacks wet.
Cause of allergies in children is: Genetics - the environment - food is said to be breastfeeding as possible to protect the child from allergies, but must be given to the child for at least six months and then possible to start giving him a normal food gradually.

2 - contact eczema Contact eczema: If there is contact with irritants irritants or materials allergen allergens. Such as the sensitivity of nickel in the accessories and belts.
3 - because the skin is exposed to many times a day with soap and water: for example cleaners.
4 - eczema caused the swelling of the leg (such as the bottom of the leg in case of malfunctions blood vessels in the leg) - Please read Multi leg ulcers annotated later - and this type of eczema the skin is wet Michqqa and treatment is that we connect leg pressure bandages Adgz equally on all leg to help to pay excess fluid in the leg to circulatory system instead of staying in the leg, and treatment of leg الكورتزون ointment, and after the demise of the swelling must wear a medical patient Aljorab compressor that will be measured.
5 - seborrhoeic aczema: or dandruff They are found in areas where there are high sebaceous glands such as the scalp, behind the ear and folds between the cheeks and mouth and chest area of ​​the center and the back of the upper and middle, caused by a type of fungus.
There are other types of eczema you can find in books or online
The first change in the skin is swollen inside layer of the skin due to collect fluid between cells, but because they relate to each other strongly, what happens is swollen like a sponge called spongiosis. Then you may get what is known as hyperkeratosis, a thickening of the stratum corneum layer And parakeratosis which remain nuclei in the cells of the stratum corneum. The inflammation also occurs
Treatment given الكورتزون pomade to the skin in the case of allergies and be الكورتزون kind center in strength because strong lead to peel off the surface layer of the skin In the face and eyes described ointment Kortizon weak Recommended infected to stay away from the causes of the situation Possible a skin examination to find out what are the things that cause an allergic reaction Must keep the skin moist Bdehnh بمرطب skin...

Some of the changes that occur in the skin and causes:

Some of the changes that occur in the skin and causes:
Redness erythema: due to the expansion of the blood vessels in the skin.
Bleeding under the skin purpura: because of bleeding from blood vessels in the dermis.
telangectasia: thin blood vessels are visible in the skin
Macula: a place in the skin may change color Fama became dark or become a conqueror more than normal skin. Is a change in color only in the skin. For example due to an increase or decrease the pigment melanin.
Plaque: place a little high for the rest of the surface of the skin form such as disk, may consist of a group of Union beads or granules such as in psoriasis.
Papule pill: a high place of specific skin a diameter of less than 1 centimeter occurs due to changes in the dermis or skin, for example, in the case of Alvalol, skin tumors or tumors of the dermis or skin accessories such as hair bulb.
Nodule large pill: a limited place in the skin diameter greater than 1 centimeter caused by changes in the skin or dermis, or under it.
Pustule grain of the skin filled with pus pus due to inflammation caused by Staphylococcus bacteria staphylococcus or other
Vesicle small bubble: a fluid Mmtla place in the skin or underneath may be aggregated for example: injury Pfyrus Herpes Herpes simplex or allergies or eczema
Bulla large fluid-filled bubble
Weal is a high place in the skin are its borders and dark pink and light position, which consists quickly as possible to disappear quickly, such as in the case of allergies Urticaria which may be itchy.
Lichenification: place in Mttkhan skin sometimes because of friction for a long time
Ulcer Ulcers: is in place with skin no deeper layer of the skin or even up to the bone. Their edges may be flat or elevated and be cured slowly or is turned off, caused by either the place or injury due to poor circulation in the place and smoking
Atrophy skin thinning: A Place in the skin becomes thin and lose the usual signs on the surface of the skin
Scale peel: because of thickening the upper layer of the skin and fall easily
Excoriation: is a very injured medial sometimes because of scratching the skin
Crust Crust: liquid because of the drought over the skin or wound such as liquid pus or blood or other

Of course, these examples The reasons are many and do not know, but the doctor who diagnosed had studied dermatologist


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