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Friday, November 30, 2012

Wonders of women with accuracy

Wonders of women with accuracy?????

As women love their retaliation
As far as the stupidity of women fall!!

(Dumbest woman can not fool the smartest man)
The smartest woman easily fooled fool man!!

(Women may browse for treason, but do not forget)

(A woman's heart pearl fisherman needs to Maher)

Socrates says:
(The true genius of women in her heart
And her heart is weak point!! )

(Women did not create to be admired by all men, but to be a source of happiness, and one man)!! ... Etienne Ray.

(When women cry .. shatter the power of the man) ... Shakespeare

(Man does not forget the first woman to love her, and women do not forget the first man cheated on her) ... Wise

Satan professor men and women students

(Virtuous women inspire you, smart and be of interest to you, and the beautiful attracts you, and your thin win)
Because utopia does not only come well.
Because smart decrease femininity.
Because beautiful piece of candy.
Because rare coin kind!!

(Run away from the women follow you ... followed by the escape you) ... Philosopher

(Women remain at the age of twenty ... until the last moment of her life)

(I learned women live ... dancing, and treachery, and the length of the tongue)

(Ignite woman shot her ... smile and trying in vain to تطفئها tears)

(Last thing to die in man's heart, and in the women's tongue
Sorry, last thing to die in man façade. The last thing to die in the women's memory)!!

As well as ...

1 - Some women like artificial flowers satisfied remote Mraha;;;
If I approached them and Hmmtha; fell from your eyes

2 - some women if and weighing without powders that put it on her face for the horses
Here it decreased by half

3 - Some women Eranhen Otapennek;;;; though Otabthen Erhank

4 - some women die at thirty;;;; buried in the sixty

5 - Some women do not fit their ears only to carry earrings

6 - 0 Some women can entertain anyone except their husbands
Some women can not love her but notably absent

7 - Some women want the men sitting under their feet worship for their beauty
And praise their beauty;;;;; and Atephanoa in Aredaúhen

8 - Some women if Raratha in the cradle furnished with flowers;; Gvetha drops
Explosive waves by the throne of God;;;;
Viper remained unspoiled Earth Tnfeth including

9 - Some women Mulat emotional so they prefer the occurrence of misfortune
Static situation familiar

10 - some women Aganin a lot of pain to not Arhguenk;;;;
Then Antbehn that completely dominated the life

11 - Some women are Qublthen to their husbands;;;; such as broth Albaath

12 - some women Guenoat;;; do not seek the perfect pair is released affectionate
And a good heart!!!!!

13 - some women usurped smiles;;; each other chuckling cliche

14 - Some women dry land Hbhet that do not germinate only thorns;;;Some Hbhet Balolred parity where lying plants parity

16 - between sixty woman could find one woman can serve as a wife

17 - between my lips women'''' 'everything in this world from the poison and honey!!!

18 - Friendship between women end'' 'when the competition begins!!!!

19 - women than men take whatever you want'' and give less what he wants!

20 - swallow women lying single dose'' 'If selling out and compliment;;;
And drink point by point if she really time!!!!

21 - hear women spinning phrases'' 'Vngamad her eyes to enjoy the meanings
And hear tips;;;; Vngamad her eyes to sleep!!!!!!!!

22 - Taatberg women often'''' 'This silent Bouhachtha admission

23 - She has women for failing in love'' emotional dreams

24 - women and cigarette agree that both'' tired man's chest''''''
And differ in that burn Alchristarh man;;;;;
While women burn

25 - women find it more difficult to resist
Mahin severe auctioneer and comprising deception;;;;; resist love

26 - women find in the work of the house labor;;;; escape node femininity

27 - women find in her dress Mtatan ::::
Fun Akhtia Rh,,,,,,, and fun to change!!!!

28 - featuring men and women are in their ability to representation!!!!

29 - Secret saves only in the heart of the woman who lost speech and movement

30 - women hide her love for her husband and not evoke jealousy'' in order to fuel the fire
Love'' from the fact that skepticism greets Gram

31 - a woman put a lid on the man's eye'' and then تلومه if tripped

32 - Women believes that no errors'' 'even if they are wrong in their actions

33 - Women believes that his men will not'' 'if the work of the advice of a woman
But trust that he has the will of the window if work Bmchortha is!!!

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