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Friday, April 26, 2013

Report: Smartphone shipments beyond traditional counterpart for the first time

Report: Smartphone shipments beyond traditional counterpart for the first time

"IDC" published research on communications and information technology market, a report confirming the number of shipments of smart phones during the first quarter of this year 2013 traditional counterpart for the first time in history.

According to the report, it was until the end of March more than charge 418.6 million mobile phone all over the world, so the share of smartphones including 216.2 million, with an annual increase amounted to 40%.

He said researchers at IDC, "Kevin rstivo that time you were using mobile phones to make calls and exchange text messages, is gone, he said, adding that the adoption of the makers of cell phones to smartphones, led to a preponderance of power balance vs. traditional counterparts.

Although the report of the company "IDC" did not enter into the details of shipments of smartphones and traditional phones by region, but previous reports had indicated that the emerging markets, such as China, Brazil and India, the largest share in contributing to the growth of shipments of smart phones.

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