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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Around the building back. Causes, treatment

Around the building back. Causes, treatment

Often feel pain in the back when you engage in activities after this subject highlight some kind

This disease or this situation and is the curvature of the back!.

Image back in normality:

. . السلام عليكم ورحمته تعالى وبركاته كثيرا ما نشعر

بألم في الظهر عند مزاولة بعد النشاطات ، في هذا


The reasons:

1. in childhood:

1. bad habit like meeting the wrong seat or stand or sit long wrong wrong
In front of the TV.
2. some respiratory diseases that cause the rib cage and spread him tight, bend back.
3. low vision and its making the person leans forward to check things.
4. a bug in the curves of the spine.
5. disease of rickets and osteomalacia.
6. tight clothes.

2. in adolescence and youth:

1. bad habit take the wrong conditions in standing and sitting and sleeping on a pillow or soft mattress
2. some of the business and professions.
(Author, user, Porter ... Etc) and continued the work of developing the body leans forward.
3. some rheumatic diseases, lung diseases and paralysis.
4. nod to the long body of the girls their shame of height.
5. accidents, injuries and diseases.
6. as a result of other abnormalities such as rotated shoulders or head fall forward.

3. ageing >> I think a Sheikh us: P:

1. some of the reasons that occurred in childhood and youth
2. muscle weakness
3. erosion of the cartilage between the vertebrae or the same paragraphs

Therapeutic exercises

Exercise 1:

الموضوع تسليط الضوء نوع ما على هذا المرض او هذه
1. in standby mode.
2. lift the arms forward high with the right man to succeed and work back arched backward.
3. bend the torso forward and down behind the front man hands paste.
4-d trunk with high back front man and return to standby mode.

Exercise 2:
الحالة وهي انحناء الظهر !. صورة الظهر في الحالة الطبيعية
1. kneel on your knees and hands behind head sewn on standby.
2. bending the trunk forward down to touch the head to the ground.
3. lift the trunk high access to standby and then work the back trunk curvature with tilt.
4. to return to standby mode.

Exercise 3:

: التشوه : . . الأسبآب : 1- في الطفولة
1. stand and feet are in standby mode.
2. bending the trunk forward down to touch the floor with your hands.
3. lift the trunk forward with lifting arms high high tilt back a successor.

: 1-العادة السيئة مثل الجلسة الخاطئة على مقعد الدراسة أو
4-Mile trunk right
5-mile trunk left
6. reduce arms by down and return to the standby mode

And our Lord keep us safe from disease.

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