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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to be a good speaker

How to be a good speaker

People spend most of their time talking, but they're terrorizing the talk before the big collection of people, this natural feeling among all people. We will give here some tips that removes this feeling and make you more confident in yourself and your collaboration in the preparation of speeches and words and speeches.

Prepare a talk

To prepare talking six steps: 1. find out the characteristics or quality of the audience. 2. choose a theme. 3. determine its purpose. 4. collection of information. 5. Organization of content. 6. how to talk.

Audience characteristics

You must have a general idea about the characteristics of listen to you: average age, level of education and their attitudes towards the question, the size of this audience.

Age and education

Different people's ability to understand linguistic in legitimizing their earnings depending on their age stages, depending on their level of education, speaking about the Phoenicians, for example, for a group of children under 18 must be different from speaking on the subject for students in secondary school. The difference is usually in the vocabulary and structures and the types of facts and information.


If you speak in a controversial topic, you need to know the direction of your audience so; do most tending your point or they don't mind? If their direction contrary to your direction, or if they're indifferent, you are required to collect many facts and information to convince them.


Many newly number group requires more of the small group, talk to a large group may be a platform or platform, while talking with a small group and you are sitting in your seat. This is in addition to the impact of the size of the audience in the style of throwing.

Pick a topic

When selecting a topic sponsor:
First, choose a topic you care about or know about him, in that help you to be a good audience response.
Second: keep in mind the concerns of the public, and people from the interested and concerned.
Third: make your voice appropriate to place accents talk; talking about a topic in your organization differs from a topic of conversation in a sports club.
4. Select the topic accurately, and collect information, select a time to talk, to be able to cover all its aspects.

Identifying purpose

The conversations often to achieve one or more of the following main uses:
1. news and provide facts and information directly.
2. persuasion, while trying to convince the public of the need to act, or a certain idea, which depends on the facts speak to the emotions of the audience.
3. fun, and make the experience feel your audience happy and cheerful, and is usually less in his official character types.
Collection of information

If you do not have information on the topic of conversation, or your information a few follow: 1. see topic nature; if talking about recycling of newsprint then you need to visit the factory. 2. use the library: books, magazines, newspapers, movies, maps and other contain a wealth of information. 3. use electronic sources of information in digital libraries and electronic or by using a personal computer. Among these sources: direct connection, floppy disks, CDs, compact laser discs (cd-rom), Internet, multimedia, e-journals, Digital DVD. 4-interview with experience and knowledge of your subject, was speaking on the impact of the size of the education budget, you need to conduct interviews with a number of school teachers in the region or district. (See: directory of research skills to learn how to conduct research).

Organize content

Requires a successful talk-on the written report-organized by: (1) introduction, (2) the Board, (iii) conclusion.
Make your introduction you attractive, grabbing the attention of the public, and telling them to talk to attract public and not alienate him, don't start by saying: I was on. But you opened by an unusual personal or poignant terms.
As a modern and solid, the main points and supporting both the evidence and details. The main points made by several faces, arranged by importance; more importantly first and then later, resulted in time sequence. If you think that point absorbed is difficult, try to simplify the facts simple gradient, or turn to what he knows the audience.
And the finale concludes, the talk is another opportunity for you to make a deep impression on the audience, try to conclude your speech, inter alia, invites the audience to think. And may help in conclusion cited quotes from important sources or statements of dignitaries.

How to give talk

You need to decide early how somebody to talk to, there are four methods:
1. read the talk from the leaves, or a laptop.
2. invocation.
3. modern improvisation.
4. enhanced improvisation.

1. read the talk
Looks easy, and it will not forget the advantages of certain points in the talk, and talk to the time available, but its disadvantages, including that you may take in reading and do not face the public, and have read routinely lost interest, as it is difficult to modify the contents of what you read to the public reaction. And you if you choose to read your speech to type carefully and accurately. And some speakers write their separate cards or different computer pages; allow them to follow the reaction of the audience at the end of each card or page.

2. invocation of Hadith

And intended to save talk, is a difficult process, take hours or days, depending on the length of the talk, and its flaws you might forget when you drop important points, it does not allow for modifications in the talk for the audience. If you decide to keep talking when he should be calm and normal.

3. modern improvisation

Rarely used in official discourse, and is used in meetings of committees, clubs and teams, being spontaneous and vital, and often fits the mood of the public. And disadvantages: it-if organized by delivering leads to neglect some of the points, so it improves before improvising to organize your thoughts, record the main words on paper.

4. enhanced improvisation

It is a compromise between reading speech writing and improvisation; it does not write, but write the main points and key words or sentences which starts at each point, and flexibility advantages; you can add to, or delete as public reaction, you can face the audience and know their impressions. And require the enhanced improvisation to collect a wealth of information, used as contemplated by public responses to your speech.

Training delivery

It is essential for all modern forms: readable, and pure improvised, impromptu. Training is an effective means to increase self confidence, attract attention, are important factors to influence the public.

How do you practise?
Start training based on the initial plan to talk, use sound recorder if possible, then listen to your speech in a critic, and can then be talking in front of a mirror and ask one of your friends to listen to you, so that you can know how's BHR, potentially helping to influence your audience or distracting his attention. This affects the success of dumping many factors, you should pay attention to when training, including: loudness, fast performance, and tone of voice, clarity of pronunciation.

Speak out

Intended volume, the basic rule is that the public hears voice speaks clearly to take into account the size of the place speaks, do you use audio or not, is there a noise to your voice. In any case, should be in size ranging from voice, raise your voice to emphasize an important point, and sometimes the sound decreases on purpose to attract attention of the public.


Try to adjust your speed in talking to fit the time available to you, and you only speak quickly where words, indistinguishable and understood, can slow the pronunciation of a certain word or phrase, it considers of importance in influencing the public.


The intonation to help understand the question; let us question tone, and interrogative tone, and the tone and emotion exclamation tone, and so on. So you have to talk the talk ranged in tone, to avoid monotony, in an effort to influence the public.


Pronounce words with the utmost clarity, and pulled out the letters of the phonemes, accent pronounce method different from the Seine, dhall contrasts pronounced Zai.

Your appearance and your moves
Talk in public; impact wear clothes suitable for the position, without exaggeration or flashier they disperse the attention crowd. Do not rest the slack on the podium and tried to appear upbeat. In your gaze to the public, not to the ceiling or the floor or Windows. If you recently received written, doesn't make the papers block your vision to the public. Help gestures and movements to confirm what you say, but you need not go overboard, unless you use routinely make public notice them more of its attention to what it says.

Audio and video

As maps and color photos, drawings, graphs, illustrations, models, slides, tapes, lozenges make your conversation alive and raise public attention and helped remembered more than merely speaking the words. And you have to choose the means to ensure the following:
1. to serve a specific purpose, method, model or a model of the ear serves more than just draw to the ear when you explain the parts and functions of the ear, and listen to the recording for the local dialects is useful when discussing these dialects.
2. use the tools as you need them, without profusion; it does not display the map for all of Africa, you are dealing with the most important battles in World War II.
3. choose the appropriate sized vehicle to show the public, keep in mind the size of the room and the number of listeners.

Practise using tools of your choice. And remember, you use means the following:
1. prepare method before being you, and make it far from the attention of your audience, until the right time comes to be used, and this avoids fragmentation of the audience's attention.
2. proven methods on tripods, and not adhering to your hand and you talk.
3. use any means must not interrupt the Visual communication with the public.
4. test the electricity Sockets and devices before talking to ensure their safety.
5. pass the method the public conversation get distracted, and-if necessary-to scroll before or after the talk.
6. remember that the audience is end; it occurs to him; and rather than the means.

Stage fright
The term refers to the anxiety experienced by some speakers, and some worry that success, in order to avoid tense nerves, preoccupied with a follow-up talk you, when your turn comes, take a deep breath, trust in yourself, remember that the audience at your side, and then start talking, you'll find that concern began to disappear.
Make sure that listeners understand what you are talking about, and make your phrasing suitable for their abilities.

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