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Friday, December 14, 2012

Explain the benefits and functions of the Stomach in the human body

Explain the benefits and functions of the Stomach in the human body

A muscular bag, vertical total, located between the esophagus and the small intestine, and is a settling tank where food ingested, located in the left side, just below the liver and diaphragm, and above the transverse colon.
Opens the esophagus at the upper aperture of the stomach called the "heart Cardia" They include the valve or sphincter, located on the left side of the ventricle, behind the left seventh rib cartilage, and for the eleventh paragraph bra.
The Twelve from below relates to the stomach by contagious slot called "gatekeeper" They contain valve and sphincter working in shifts to allow the passage of food into the intestines, and extends to the right part of the abdomen compared to the bottom of the first lumbar vertebra.
And stomach where Qosan: first small and concave, which is an extension of the right edge of the esophagus, extending between cardiac slots and pylori from the right.
The second large and convex, a continuation of the right pane of the esophagus that is with bending contagious acute angle called "notch stomach Cardiac Notch", and starts from the slot heart, causing an arc up and back and left, called the upper area in Thdbh "bottom Fundus", versus rib cartilage V left, and runs until the doorman. And separates the stomach from the heart of the diaphragm, and when the doorman there Hump small consisting bores internally is "pyloric pocket Pyloric Antrum".

Thus parts of the stomach can be summarized as follows:

A - hole hearted Cardia
B - the bottom Fundus higher convexity in the great arc
C - Body Body extends from the bottom to the pocket gastroesophageal
D - Pocket (Laurel) Anturm extends between the stomach and body slot doorman
E - doorman Pylorus which is in the form of a tube open at twelve

Stomach and borders

The stomach is located in the upper part of the abdomen, and extends from the left side to regions and navel.
And is located in front of the front wall of the abdomen, and the left side of the ribs, left lung and the left side, the diaphragm, and the left lobe of the liver.

Located behind her small bag, diaphragm, spleen, left adrenal gland, the upper Ps left kidney, splenic artery, pancreas, transverse colon.

تركيب المعدة

If we look at the stomach with the naked eye we find is composed of three parts, is from the inside out: the mucous layer, muscle layer, class Albertawanah.
A - mucous layerAn inner layer of the stomach wall is cylindrical cells secrete mucus basal gastric which works to cover the cylindrical cells secrete mucus basal gastric which works to cover the internal surface of the stomach damage Fahmia acid secretions. And contain a lot of gastric glands that secrete yeast forefront of pepsin Propepsin Enzym which can not be turned into pepsin only in the stomach, while chlorine does not produce acid directly from the stomach, but from the reaction of carbonic acid blood with chlorine.
B - or muscle wall layer
It consists of two layers of muscle fibers:
1 - internal circular fiber positioning called circular layer
2 - Foreign fiber longitudinal positioning called longitudinal layerThese layers Tkspan stomach durability and distensibility, where it can expand to become a capacity of 15 - 20 liters, a smooth fiber, in the process of constant low constriction updated worms quiet movement to push food down.
C - layer AlbertawanIt is thin and smooth, and separated from the rest of the viscera inside the cavity, and is working to facilitate movement.

Blood vessels and nerves
Plump stomach of the arteries branching from the trunk Jawafa (Alzlaqa), turn off the aorta below the diaphragm, and the right gastric artery branches of the hepatic artery, arteries and infectious short branching of the splenic artery at the entrance to the spleen.
And back reductase blood from the stomach through right infectious الوريدين and left, which flow into the portal vein, and small veins infectious pour into the splenic vein.
And stomach Masbh nerve X (pulmonary - gastro), and nerve friendly big a solar plexus Solary Plexus, which is about a group of ganglia-related brain and spinal cord, and there amid the abdomen, at the level are feeling pain in cases of stomach ailments.

Explain the benefits and functions of the Pituitary Gland

Explain the benefits and functions of the Pituitary Gland

Is a small gland size, the size of a chickpea, with a diameter of one centimeter, and weighs half a gram, and are found in a special hole in the bottom of the base of the brain, called the Turkish saddle Sella Turcica because the shape resembles a saddle horse Turkish

It consists of two lobes differ from each other in terms of structure and function, and connect with the hypothalamus Hypothalamus by together pituitary Pituitary Stalk, and associated lobes with each other by middle lobe known as the Isthmus Isthmus, which is a stretch tight like frontal lobe origin and synthesis and function.

And pituitary gland is divided into:

1 - frontal lobe glandular Anterior Pituitary

2 - posterior lobe nervous Posterior Pituitary

3 - Isthmus

Microscopic structure of parts of the pituitary gland

1 - posterior lobe, nervous

It is a hormone store for some hormones secreted by the hypothalamus, it is not self-secreted hormones, but stores hypothalamus hormones then secreted when needed.

And composed mainly of nerve fibers is Nkhaaanah deposited their bodies in the nucleus of the hypothalamus, and spreads between these nerve fibers pituitary cells do not know its function accurately

Lobe is secreted hormones are:

A - antidiuretic hormone urinate ADH and also called vasopressin Vasopressine: This increases hormone permeability of renal tubules of the water, Verechh inside pipe to interstitial fluid high tension, which works to the high concentration of urine inside the pipe and low quantity and therefore less diuresis

B - hormone Alaoxa Tosin Oxytocin has two Tathren:

A B - secretion of milk from the breast to the outside, but has no effect on the composition

B 2 - Alert smooth muscle, especially the uterus the raises Tqlsatha, Vivid in Alasirag the process of birth

2 - the frontal lobe, the glandular

Consists mainly of cells, a little fiber, and three types of cells:

- Loathe to color cells Chromophobes, a lovely pale cytoplasmic

- Love to color cells acidic Chromphils Eosinophils

- Love to color cells basal Chromphils Basophils

Love for the color cells of two types, namely:

- Alpha, alpha cells secrete two hormones:
Growth hormone GH, and milk hormone Prolactin
- Beta, beta cells secrete a range of hormones, namely:
Hormone Exhorter pod F.S.H
Prompter thyroid hormone T.S.H
Hormone Almhloten L.H
Hormone prompter of melanin, colored skin MSH
Hormone adrenocorticotropic prompter ACTH
3 - East lobe (isthmus)
Includes colloidal vesicles similar to those found in the thyroid gland, does not know his exact
Anatomical location and relationships:

The pituitary gland is located in the Turkish saddle hole in the base of the skull, and to determine its place is the horizontal line of the Forum forward back starts from the base of the nose and walks toward the back, and the vertical line downward from the middle of the top of the head

Separates pituitary cavernous sinus of all aspects of the dura mater membrane Duramatter down Turkish saddle no greatness Corynebacterium Spheniod which include air pocket. Theoretically surrounded by the pituitary gland arachnoid membrane, but in practice this membrane merges with the pia mater membrane Pia Matter on the surface of the pituitary and about Soiktha in interview mode L dura without that unite them.

Top no point visual decussation Optic Chiasma, and, in the case of pituitary gland swelling occur pressure on the nerves be Alabesria thus leading to blindness that disappears demise tumor

Explain the benefits and functions of spinal meningitis and spinal nerves

Explain the benefits and functions of spinal meningitis and spinal nerves

Chart showing Aalmnatq of medullary (meningitis), as well as the spinal nerves that arise from them.

Graduated motor nerves of the spinal cord in pairs, any one of the right and another left the front of the spinal cord, and enter sensory nerves as well as on both sides of the spinal cord in the back and one from the right and the other from the left, any pair motor and a pair of voluptuous. And this is the case along the spinal cord to feed all the members of the body and also transmits information to the brain. And areas that come out of the nerves in the spinal cord called the spinal regions (medullary) Spinal Segments, called these areas by paragraph in the vertebral column and there are 31 forklift area is divided as follows:

12 pectoral area Thoracic Segments
(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12).
5 cotton areas Lumbar Segments (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5).
5 sacral areas Sacral Segments (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5).
1 Asasah area Coccygeal Segment.
These figures are the same as the number of spinal nerves (spinal) Spinal Nerves that arise from the spinal cord and carry the same label area that arise, for example, the first thoracic spinal nerve T1 Spinal Nerve arises from the first thoracic spinal area T1 Spinal Segment.

Encapsulates the central nervous system 3 membranes and is from the inside out:
1) caring mother Pia Matter.2) the mother spider Arachnoid Matter.3) the dura mater Dura Matter.


The peripheral nervous system consists of:
1) motor peripheral neuropathy Peripheral Motor Nerves and which arise from the spinal cord and feed the voluntary muscles in the body.
2) sensory peripheral neuropathy Peripheral Sensory Nerves that carry a sense of all kinds of pressure and pain, temperature and touch sensations deep sense Bamoda of the brain through the spinal cord.
3) cranial nerves Cranial Nerves have mentioned previously.
4) the autonomic nervous system Autonomous Nervous System, which feeds the involuntary muscles such as the heart muscle, lungs and digestive system, as well as endocrine and vascular wall. Consists of the sympathetic nervous system Sympathetic Nervous System and the parasympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic Nervous System.
The sympathetic nervous system arises from the century profile of the spinal cord, and fiber pre-node friendly Preganglionic Sympathetic Fibers graduated from piece medullary bra first T1 to piece medullary second lumbar L2, and after graduating be held on both sides of the backbone and this series of contract called chain Sympathetic Chain and friendly of this series fibers arise after the friendly node Postganglionic Sympathetic Fibers that nourish the entire body fibers of the sympathetic nervous system. Usually there are 11 knots Thoracic Ganglion vest cotton and 4 Lumbar Ganglion sacral and 4 Sacral Ganglion in each of the two series and is available in the neck 3 contract and friendly.
And a good example of the work friendly device is the case that a person feels when the face of danger, for example, encountered a lion in the jungle, accelerates your heart and expands the apple of his eye and hair stand your body and expands bronchial and blood vessels in the muscles and you feel you can precede Running horse and tightened blood vessels in the skin فتحس cold and increases sweating and shortens valve urinary bladder, and arise fibers of the sympathetic nervous system of lateral horn of the spinal cord.
The work of the parasympathetic nervous system leads to reduce the heartbeat and increased secretion of the salivary glands and increase bowel movement and expansion of blood vessels in the skin and sag urinary bladder and valve stenosis iris and move the eyes of the inside (for clarity near vision). And this device fibers arise from cutting sacral spinal Sacral Segments second, third and fourth of the spinal cord
(S2, S3, S4) and also be mounted in the third cranial nerve VII and IX and X (see the cranial nerves at the top).

Explain the benefits and functions of the brain and the brain

Explain the benefits and functions of the brain and the brain

In the brain are objects neurons concentrated in the outer layer (cortex) Cerebral Cortex and be the color gray and this is called gray matter Grey Matter and axes neurons present in the home and be the color white and this is called white matter White Matter, and in the white matter there gatherings the bodies of neurons and these gatherings called the nucleus Nucleus or node Ganglion. In the spinal cord white matter contrast (axes neurons) abroad and gray matter (neurons objects) at home

Divides medial longitudinal fissure (internal) Medial Longitudinal Fissure brain into two halves is completely separate from each other, and the two right hemisphere Right Cerebral Hemisphere and the left hemisphere Left Cerebral Hemisphere. And the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and vice versa left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and one of them is the dominant hemisphere Dominant Cerebral Hemisphere, people who use the right hand is the left hemisphere is dominant they have and people who use the left hand have the right cerebral hemisphere is dominant for them. Since most people use the right hand often be left hemisphere is dominant.Crumple gray matter in the brain in the form of gyri Gyri and single convolution Gyrus, and this to increase the surface area of ​​the brain and between Allalev no cracks and the cracks have names and important to know gyri different from the brain and will remind Allalev and cracks task them and their functions.

And divided each of the cerebral hemisphere in the outer surface of the four (4) lobes, and two:
Frontal lobe Frontal Lobe, and is responsible for the control emotions and emotions in man and his character, as well as important to learn and practice the skills sensorimotor complex, people who have damage to this lobe can not afford social attitudes and how to act appropriately to these situations and do not control بعواطفه Fterahm laugh sometimes and cry sometimes and anything that comes to mind they are doing without assess whether appropriate action in this situation or not. Also contains frontal gyrus lower in the back than in the hemisphere dominant area Berukas Broca's Area and is the region responsible for speaking and damage leads to aphasia motor Motor Aphasia where that person knows what he wants to say, but he can not speak or be his words slow and incomprehensible, although there is no paralysis of the muscles of the tongue and throat (ENT). Gyrus front of the central part Precentral Gyrus and wall the Central Sulcus central part front containing the motor cortex Motor Cortex responsible for voluntary muscle movement in the opposite side of the body, any motor cortex in the right hemisphere is responsible for movement of the muscles of the left side of the body and vice versa motor cortex in the left cerebral hemisphere is responsible for movement of the muscles of the right side of the body, and damage to this area leads to paralysis on the opposite side of the body. In the motor cortex are members of the representative body upside down, ie the lower part of the motor cortex that controls the tongue, throat and then flip and so on and at the top are the control muscles of the foot.
Parietal lobe Parietal Lobe and contains gyrus postcentral Postcentral Gyrus and this gyrus with the back wall to divide the central contain sensory cortex Sensory Cortex responsible for sensation in the opposite side of the body. And damage this region leads to loss of sensation in the opposite side of the body and be members of the representative body upside down as in the motor cortex.
Temporal Lobe temporal lobe and the superior temporal gyrus contains Superior Temporal Gyrus on the areas of hearing and also contains a marginal gyrus epitaxial Supramarginal Gyrus and angular gyrus Marginal Gyrus and two contain memory read and written words and damage to this area leads to dyslexia (difficulty reading and learned) Dyslexia.
Occipital lobe Occipital Lobe, located in the back of the brain and has a vision center and damage the region lead to blindness

The cerebral hemispheres are not completely separated from each other, we can say that they have been separated from each other at the top, in the inner surface of relation with each other by the corpus callosum Corpus Callosum is a nerve fiber (axes neurons) reached between similar areas in the cerebral hemispheres. And it will be cingulate gyrus Cingulate Gyrus and is part of the limbic system Limbic system, which controls the emotions and feelings in humans. Under the corpus callosum is the lateral ventricle (lateral) Lateral Ventricle, and There Btinan, one left and another right and respect each third ventricle Third Ventricle by central foramen (between) the ventricles Interventricular Foramen or foramen of Monro Foramina of Munro and related third ventricle ventricle fourth fourth Ventricle, which is located in the brain stem by aqueduct of Sylvius aqueduct of Sylvius which crosses through the midbrain. And then related the fourth ventricle central channel Central Canal in the spinal cord and the four ventricles and the central canal contain cerebrospinal fluid (or CSF) CerebroSpinal Fluid

Fee to the internal surface of the brain, the Green Zone is an extension of the motor cortex and yellow stretch of the sensory cortex, the region Baltrquaz is the center of vision in the occipital lobe and the red zone is the exact center of vision

Midbrain Midbrain and bridge Pons and spinal the Medulla Oblongata they are rectangle brainstem Brainstem. And midbrain is located above the bridge and the bridge above the medulla oblongata, which is connected to the spinal cord and cerebellum is located behind them Cerebellum, and related brain cerebellum trunk through superior cerebellar peduncle Superior Cerebellar Peduncle and Lower cerebellar peduncle Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle. There in the midbrain visual reaction centers, for example, when you touch the hands something or you notice something and you want to see or Ttfhs near you heed him and focus your gaze upon or تقربه you and so on. And midbrain also contains the auditory reaction centers, for example, you hear a beep Vtlf toward the sound source to see what it is. And midbrain contains nucleus of cranial nerves third quarter, and the fifth

The bridge contains a nucleus of cranial nerves V and VI and VII and VIII as well, and the medulla oblongata contains the nucleus of cranial nerves IX, X and XI and XII. And cranial nerves Cranial Nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system Peripheral Nervous System and will mention their names in sequential order and function:
Olfactory nerve Olfactory Nerve responsible for the sense of smell in humans.
Optic Nerve Optic Nerve is responsible for vision in humans.
Oculomotor nerve Oculomotor Nerve and feeds the external eye muscles responsible for eye movement all except lateral rectus muscle and superior oblique muscle. And carries with it a friendly neurofibers Sympathetic Fibers responsible for the reaction of the eye to light (reflected photosensitizer) Light reflex as well as reflex adjustment Accommodation Reflex example, adjust the eye to read closely.
Trochlear nerve Trochlear Nerve, feeds superior oblique muscle of the eye.
Trigeminal nerve Trigeminal Nerve, sensory nerve of the face (sense) and the scalp and also carries motor fibers to the muscles of mastication.
Abducens nerve Abducens Nerve and feeds lateral rectus muscle of the eye.
Facial nerve Facial Nerve, and feeds surface muscles of the face (muscles of expression, such as smiling and frowning) and carries sensory pain fibers and the heat from the ear, as well as sensory taste fibers in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and the Valleys fibers Parasympathetic Fibers of the salivary glands.
Vestibulocochlear nerve Vestibulcochlear Nerve, nerve responsible for hearing and balance in humans.
Glossopharyngeal nerve Glossopharyngeal Nerve, carries sensory fibers from the last third of the tongue and the fiber to the Valleys of the salivary glands and motor fibers of the muscles of the pharynx.
Vagus nerve Vagus Nerve fibers and holds Valleys Parasympathetic Fibers for members of al-Sadr and the digestive system and the heart, for example to stimulate the vagus nerve reduces heart rate and increases bowel movement. And also carries motor fibers to the throat muscles, pharynx and larynx.
Accessory Nerve nerve and feeds the muscles of the larynx and pharynx with the vagus nerve and branch it feeds involuntary muscles in the neck.
Hypoglossal nerve Hypoglossal Nerve is the motor nerve of the tongue any feeds the muscles of the tongue
Illustration of the lower surface of the brain shows the cranial nerves and its connection to the brain, and is shown by serial numbers

Cerebellum regulates muscle movements to be harmonious and well balanced in humans, where it is responsible for sensation put the body in space, if a person has damage to the cerebellum, it sways while walking and can not walk in the path of straight and also shivering hands when he wants to pick something , as well as his speech is slow and unclear and improvisatory.
Spinal cord Spinal Cord begins after the medulla oblongata and extends to the bottom of the vertebral canal Vertebral Canal in the Vertebral Column backbone to the second lumbar vertebrae and then end up in the form of cauda equina Cauda Equina. And gray matter of the spinal cord are H-shaped and the front arm called the anterior horn Anterior Horn and back posterior horn Posterior Horn on the lateral century side (lateral) Lateral Horn and gray matter consists of the bodies of neurons, and the anterior horn arises from motor root Motor Root and from motor nerves of voluntary muscles, sensory and posterior horn and enter the sensory nerves from different members of the body posterior horn through the Sensory Root sensory root and are central canal in the center of the gray matter. White matter, which consists of axes neurons surrounding Article gray in the spinal cord and is a neurofibers emerging, such as the way the spinal cerebellar Spinocerebellar Tract, which carries information sensory status of the cerebellum until the person can balance and modify his position, and is another example of the way spinal clinical Spinothalamic Tract, which carries thermal sensation of bed (or hypothalamus) Thalamus in the brain so that the body can regulate temperature. And descending nerve fibers such as spinal cortical way Corticospinal Tract, which holds the command of the motor cortex to the anterior horn and motor from the nerves by motor root to the body movement required of it by position

Explain the benefits and functions of the central nervous system

Explain the benefits and functions of the central nervous system

Consists of the central nervous system in the human brain Brain and spinal cord or spinal cord Spinal Cord.

The brain consists of:

1) Brain Cerebrum.

2) brainstem Brainstem, and which includes the brain East Midbrain bridge Pons and medulla oblongata Medulla Oblongata.

3) the cerebellum Cerebellum.

Explain the benefits and functions of glial cells

Explain the benefits and functions of glial cells

Working as a pillar and support of neurons.

Insulates electric charge between neurons and between the clamps.
Operates as a carrier of food for neurons.
Remover works of damaged and dead cells, and secrete substances stimulating the growth of neurons.
Maintain the ionic composition (electric) Ionic Composition of the fluids outside the neurons ExtraCellular Fluids.

There are four types of glial cells, are:

1) glial cells astrocytes Astrocytes:
Glial cells is the largest stellar glial cells in size, and was named Balndjemah outstanding of the many ramifications to the outside of the cell كشعاع star Astro. Ramifications astrocytes linking between blood vessels and neurons to move the food. And have the ability to convert glucose Glucose to lactate Lactate easier commonly used for energy production in neurons. Astrocytes also have the ability to convert glucose into glycogen Glycogen stored and used when needed to power neurons in cases of low level of sugar in the blood. Astrocytes contribute to the removal of excess electrical charges in the fluid outside the neurons to maintain the Ionian Ocean (electric) appropriate to the work of neurons to the fullest in the transmission of nerve signals. And her role with microglia in the secretion of growth stimulating substances neurons after damage (eg - after stroke - Stroke).
2) few glial cells dendrite (dendrites) Oligodendrocytes:
These cells work on the composition of the insulating layer surrounding Balasbonat in the central nervous system Central Nervous System, rolled and called myelin Myelin Sheaths, of course, these plates (insulating layers) isolating the electrical charge (nerve signals) which travels in nerves from each other so as not to affect shipment on the other cargo and thus the meaning for the brain that translates these shipments into actions and reactions. Glial cells few dendrite not surround themselves around neurons, and emanates ramifications and dendrites are wrapped around the neurons and be insulating layers.

Microglia Microglia:
Smallest glial cells, working remover damaged and dead cells in the nervous system. There is evidence indicating that she is also responsible for renew damaged cells and help guide the growth of neurons (determine by the growth of neurons and their ramifications).

4) Schwann cells Schwann Cells:
Are few glial cells counterpart dendrite in the peripheral nervous system Peripheral Nervous System, and responsible for the composition of the insulating layer (myelin sheets) of neurons in the peripheral nervous system. These cells consist mainly of Lipids and grease that give character buffer electric charge. Schwann cells help to speed transmission of nerve signals (electrical charge) in the neurons, as well as her role in the growth of neurons after damage. Schwann cells surround themselves fully informed about the neuron unlike few glial cells dendrite in the central nervous system.

Explain the benefits and functions of the nervous system

Explain the benefits and functions of the nervous system

Nervous system is divided into two main sections:

2 - PNS Peripheral Nervous System.
The building unit of the nervous system is the neuron (nerve cell) Neurone, and the human nervous system consists of two basic types of cells, are glial cells Glial Cells and Neurons Neurons.
And neuron consists of body Cell Body and axis Axon, and the cell body contains the nucleus of the cell and highlights of its surface Ngsnat or ramifications of the outside have to do in the reception or transfer electrical signals, and receives body neuron electrical signals (nerve) of neurons other by dendrite Dendrites of the body of neuron another or from the axis of neuron another by fasteners Synapsis, and clamp is a space at the confluence Ghosn neuron or axis neuron with body cell neuron last to transfer electrical signals through chemicals called neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters and are numerous and including Alosetayl Colin Acetylcholine and adrenaline Adrenaline and noradrenaline Noradrenaline.
Axis neuron Axon is a stretch out from the cell body and transmits electrical signals from neuron. And axis envelope from abroad plates myelin (myelin) Myelin Sheaths and is a dielectric material axis and necessary for the transfer of electrical signals which, in the central nervous system glia few dendrite Oligodendrocytes are responsible for producing myelin, whereas in the peripheral nervous system Fajlaya Schwann Schwann Cells is responsible for the production of myelin (myelin).
In the nervous system collect the bodies of the neurons in the totals, and these totals in the central nervous system called the nucleus Nucleus or node Ganglion, while in the peripheral nervous system are called these totals, a contract (a single "node") Ganglion.
As well as gathering hubs neurons with each other to be nerves Nerves, nerves are divided in terms of location of the node into two types:

In the nervous system, nerves (axes objects neurons) before node intertwined with objects neurons that arise from nerves after node during clamps in the contract for the transfer of electrical signals. We can say or likened decade stations train to transfer load (electrical signals nerve) from train the last to be finally delivered to the desired member.
Glial cells Glial Cells are support cells for neurons in the nervous system and is not involved in the transmission of nerve signals (electrical). And the number of glial cells nearly ten times the number of neurons in the nervous system, but as glial cell size equal tenth the size of the neuron blocs same understanding of the space (mass) in the nervous system. Label glial cells derived from the Latin word "Gallia" (Glia), which means glutinous or glue or gum to popular belief previously that its core business is connectivity between neurons (such as cement in construction).

Explain the benefits and functions of the autonomic nervous system norepinephrine

Explain the benefits and functions of the autonomic nervous system norepinephrine

Tangles (articulation):

Can be defined entanglement as a liaison between , contact Inorganic, and only connect to a chemical and functional, and is carried out through a gap tangles, and the transfer of alerts nerve where by chemicals called vector excreted from the end of the neuron in gap tangles, and depending on the type of these vectors, divides device self into two parts: - Koleyni, and

Self-cholinergic nervous system:

It is a device that is transferring the nerve Alsialp interwoven through the gap by the substance acetyl choline, is secreted carrier: -

- All the nerve endings by Streptococcus friendly and friendly counterpart

- Nerve endings after Streptococcus counterpart friendly

- Nerve endings after the sweat glands Decadal

Self nervous system norepinephrine:

It includes all the nerve endings after Streptococcus friendly.

Called on the cholinergic system construction nervous system increases the digestion and absorption of food, and the effectiveness of the intestines and digestive secretions.

While the device is called norepinephrine nervous demolition device is working time of emergency, to protect the body, worked to tachycardia, high blood pressure and increased blood supply to the muscles.

Explain the benefits and functions of the device friendly in the human body

Explain the benefits and functions of the device friendly in the human body

It consists of the spinal nerves that come from paragraphs or pieces thoracic and lumbar which are similar in function, and consists of the nerves and incoming friendly, and nerves outgoing and friendly.
contained issued guts and pass through friendly contract without working intertwined, and then enter the spinal nerve and reach the root nodes in the back of the spinal cord, then to the posterior horn of the gray matter, and there (intertwined) with neuron Penny ( connector), and this may be the fact that the first part of the Department of the local reflex.But some nerves follow its progress to higher self-centers in the brain.
Lama issued stockpiles nerve cells connected in the side of the century gray substance of the spinal cord in the area between the first paragraph bra to the second lumbar vertebrae.
Neurons Alennkainip graduated from the root front then pass branches white them to existing nodes directly on the side of paragraphs and called this fiber b fiber by Streptococcus a short, and there follow its progress with spinal nerves front of intolerance muscle visceral smooth like blood vessels and sweat glands, and members of the urinary and reproductive systems, and these are called nerve fibers after nodal a long time.
Chemical carrier in tangles is noradrenalin.

Anticholinergic device:

Consists of cranial nerves, and sacral spinal nerves in the second, third and fourth. And the other is composed of the nerves of the incoming and outgoing nerves.

Fiber contained Alennkainip comes from the guts to neurons located either in the contract in the sensory cranial nerves, or in a posterior root of the spinal cord. Then enters the neuron East to the central nervous system, and it becomes part of the Department of the local reflex, or he walks to higher self-centers in the brain.
The outgoing fiber are found cells in the nuclei of cranial nerves III and VII and IX and X, and in the gray matter of the sacral spinal nerves second, third and fourth. It is enough to make a century in the gray matter similar to the Horn of sympathetic nerves in the device.
Neurons Alennkainip graduated from the spinal cord through the spinal nerve roots forehand to reach nodes located away from the spinal cord, in User wall, so these neurons before the initial Streptococcus long unlike short neurons friendly, and intertwined with ganglion cells stimuli after very short.
Chemical carrier counterpart in the complexity of the nerves friendly is .
What should be noted that the work of the two devices friendly and anticholinergic , thereby reducing the effects of the other, usually the role of the sympathetic system instigator, alarm or sexy, while the role of the anticholinergic negative or inhibitory.
Friendly device increases the strength of the heart muscle or increase the number of heart beats, and causes blood vessels to narrow peripheral, and expands bronchial or pupil and raise blood pressure, but it relieves the spiral movement of the intestines, and narrows vesical sphincter and anal.
The device anticholinergic is energy recovery, it reduces the number of heart rate and increases the spiral movement of the intestines and gland activity, and opens vesical sphincter, and narrows the airways and the pupil.

Explain the benefits and functions of the autonomic nervous system

Explain the benefits and functions of the autonomic nervous system

This device is called Balmata because Aasbha members show self-cramps when placed in the appropriate compromise of perfusion and ventilation is totally separated from the body, and because the contract has its own exist outside the nervous system.

It consists of nerve central and nerve terminals, and works on the innervation member involuntary in the body such as the heart, smooth muscle (such as members of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and reproductive systems ... etc.) and glands, it is responsible for the organization and the balance and stability of the middle interior of the body.

The different nerves of the nervous system among self-anatomically and functionally, and in usability alarm and various stimulants excitement, and based on different jobs or places of presence, the autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts:

- The sympathetic nerve
- Anticholinergic nerve


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