Book on hepatitis from page 328 to 337
328 Hepatology 2012
patient procedures, since >90% of complications are detected within the first 24
hours (Piccinino 1986).
Transjugular puncture of the liver via cannulation of a hepatic vein is an
alternative, which can be performed in patients with severe coagulation deficiencies.
It is resource intensive and carries a risk of intrahepatic hemorrhage or capsule
perforation with intraabdominal bleeding. Complication rates are lower as compared
to percutaneous biopsies and range from 2.5% (Mammen 2008) to 6.5% with a
reported mortality rate of up to 0.09% in high-risk groups (Kalambokis 2007).
However, the quality of specimens from transjugular biopsies may be lower because
of the higher fragmentation of specimens and the lower numbers of portal fields in
transjugular biopsies (Cholongitas 2006).
Laparoscopy and mini-laparoscopy are even more invasive procedures for
obtaining liver biopsies. A recent randomized trial showed a higher detection rate of
liver cirrhosis as compared to percutaneous biopsies with lower complication rates
for laparoscopy (Denzer 2007). No data is available for detection of lesser fibrosis
stages. Thus, we recommend this procedure only in selected cases if the results will
have an impact on the clinical management of the patient (Helmreich-Becker 2003).
The quality and reliability of fibrosis staging via histopathological assessment of
liver biopsy specimens depends largely on the size of the specimen and the number
of portal fields. The biopsy should be 20-25 mm long and more than 11 portal tracts
should be visible (Bedossa 2003, Cholongitas 2006, Rousselet 2005). However, in
daily practice these requirements may not be easy to achieve; and even if a large
enough biopsy is acquired, the specimen only reflects about 1/50,000 of the whole
liver. Thus, liver biopsies are particularly prone to sampling errors and may – like
non-invasive markers – have difficulties in discriminating between adjacent stages
of fibrosis (i.e., F1 vs. F2 or F2 vs. F3). Recent studies report up to one stage
difference between specimens from the right and the left lobe in up to 38% of
biopsies (Regev 2002, Siddique 2003). Discrepancies of more than one stage are
rare (Regev 2002, Siddique 2003, Skripenova 2007). Intra- and inter-observer
variability may be unaffected by specimen sizes but can lead to discrepancies in up
to 20% of cases, even if one stage difference between estimates is accepted
(Gronbaek 2002, Petz 2003). Standardized automatic staging via image analysis
may improve interobserver variability (Hui 2004, Calvaruso 2009).
All staging systems for liver fibrosis are based on the definition of categorical
stages of liver fibrosis that describe the increase of deposition of collagen and the
progressive destruction of liver architecture ranging from no fibrosis to cirrhosis
with a variable number of intermediate stages (Table 1). The use of categories
decreases interobserver variation, but also results in a loss of information that may
be covered by more detailed scoring systems (Standish 2006).
Whereas the METAVIR score is considered best in HCV fibrosis, there is a wide
variability in the use of other staging systems in patients with chronic viral hepatitis.
In Germany, current guidelines recommend the staging system defined by Desmet
& Scheuer (Table 1) (Batts 1995, Desmet 1994, Ishak 1995, Knodell 1981,
Schirmacher 2004, French Cooperative Study Group 1994).
Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Viral Hepatitis 329
Table 1. Commonly used liver fibrosis staging scores.
Staging System Fibrosis stages Remark
METAVIR Score F0, F1, F2, F3, F4 Best evaluated in
HCV fibrosis
(The French METAVIR
Cooperative Study Group
Knodell Score F0, F1, F3, F4 No intermediate
(Knodell 1981)
& Scheuer
Analogous to
Recommended by
guidelines for the
assessment of
liver fibrosis
(Desmet 1994, Schirmacher
Batts & Ludwig Similar to METAVIR (Batts 1995)
Ishak Score F0, F1, F2, F3, F4,
F5, F6
(Ishak 1995)
Surrogate markers of liver fibrosis in chronic viral
Liver fibrosis develops as a continuous process rather than in a stepwise manner.
Thus, so-called surrogate markers, which are also continuous variables, may provide
more precise information. Surrogate makers can be subdivided into direct and
indirect markers. Direct markers reflect changes in the content of extracellular
matrix proteins (such as collagen) in the liver. In contrast, indirect markers reflect
alterations in hepatic function, increase in portal hypertension with subsequent
splenic enlargement, and/or grade of hepatic inflammation that may correlate with
liver fibrosis stage (Table 2) (see
Direct and indirect markers may be used alone or - more commonly - in
combination (“composite scores”). The calculation of such scores can be simple or
based on complicated formulas (e.g., Fibrotest/Fibrosure) (Table 2). Most studies of
non-invasive markers were performed in HCV patients, while studies in HBV or
coinfected cohorts are sparse (Pinzani 2008). Primary endpoints of the studies that
evaluated surrogate markers vary from discrimination of no fibrosis and cirrhosis to
the determination of fibrosis stages. However, for the clinical management of
patients with chronic viral hepatitis both are needed. Whereas the former is needed
to identify patients in need of urgent treatment, the latter may separate those patients
with an indication for antiviral treatment due to significant fibrosis from those with
no or minor fibrosis in whom treatment may be postponed.
From the whole range of surrogate markers only a few are in clinical use. The
simple APRI score has been widely studied in HCV and HBV as well as in
coinfected patients (Cacoub 2008, Lebensztejn 2005, Vallet-Pichard 2008, Wai
2006). A recent comprehensive meta-analysis of the performance of the APRI test
showed that its major strength is the exclusion of significant fibrosis, defined as F2-F4, or cirrhosis with cut-offs of 0.5 and 1.0, respectively. However, the authors
conclude that using this marker alone, only about one third of all biopsies can be
avoided. Importantly, the test performance varied with the quantity of advanced
fibrosis in the different patient groups (Shaheen 2007, Shaheen 2008). Fibrotest has
also achieved some clinical significance. However, this test may not be available for
all patients. Recent meta-analyses of the predictive performance of Fibrotest
330 Hepatology 2012
summarize that the reliability for the detection of advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis is
adequate for clinical practice, and a cut-off of 0.6 has been suggested (Poynard
2007, Shaheen 2008, Shaheen 2007). Of note, the reliability for the detection of
earlier fibrosis stages appears to be relatively low (Poynard 2007, Shaheen 2008). In
summary, surrogate markers may support the clinical decision making process, but a
single surrogate marker or score cannot replace the liver biopsy. On the other hand,
attempts have been made to combine different surrogate markers and biopsy in
clinical decision algorithms that aim to reduce the need for liver punctures (Table
2). Increasingly efforts are made to combine surrogate markers with transient
elastography, and it seems that some progress can be expected in precise prediction
of different fibrosis stages, which may eventually replace liver biopsy for fibrosis
Transient elastography
Transient elastography (TE) is a non-invasive technique to assess liver fibrosis
(Sandrin 1999). TE allows the assessment of liver fibrosis by calculating the
velocity of a low-frequency transient shear wave produced by a mechanical probe
that is placed directly on the skin of the patient. The velocity of the wave that
penetrates the liver tissue depends on the actual stiffness of the liver, which in turn
correlates with the extent of liver fibrosis. In practice, a probe is placed in an
intercostal space at a position that is comparable to the position for standard liver
biopsy. Ten successful measurements are usually necessary for the assessment of
liver stiffness. This can be done in less than 5 minutes. At present TE machines are
exclusively available from Echosense (FibroScan
). Liver stiffness is expressed in
kilo Pascal (kPa). The method is easy to learn, quick, results are available
immediately, and a technical assistant can perform the procedure. TE displays
robust intra- and inter-observer variability (Fraquelli 2007) and may be applied in
children and adults (de Ledinghen 2007). Recently a special S probe for testing
children and patients with small intercostals spaces was introduced, and normal
reference values for different ages were defined (Engelmann 2011).
Evaluation of liver stiffness in subjects without apparent liver disease shows that
liver stiffness is influenced by gender and body mass index (BMI). In general, liver
stiffness is higher in men than in women (5.81±1.54 vs. 5.23±1.59 kPa) (Roulot
2008). Interestingly, TE may be used as a screening tool for the general population
to identify patients with unrecognized liver disease (Roulot 2011).
It is important to note that the applicability of TE is limited to relatively lean
patients (BMI <28 kg/m
), patients without ascites, and “cooperative” patients. A
special probe for obese patients has recently broadened the applicability of TE and
is recommended for patients with a skin-caspular distance of >2.5 cm but below 3.5
cm (Myers 2011). In addition, TE is hampered in those with acute liver injury such
as acute viral or alcoholic hepatitis, or chronic viral hepatitis flares, which may lead
to an overestimation of liver fibrosis (Arena 2008, Coco 2007, Sagir 2008). Unlike
liver histology, no published data is available on the variability (“sampling error”)
of TE results. TE correlates well with other surrogate markers of liver fibrosis such
as APRI and FIB-4 (Vidovic 2010). In patients with chronic liver disease eligible
for TE, liver stiffness values correlate well with the stage of fibrosis, irrespective of
the underlying disease etiology. TE has been evaluated in patients with chronic viral
Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Viral Hepatitis 331
hepatitis, PBC, PSC, and NASH. Due to high acceptance by patients, it can easily
be used to monitor progression or regression of fibrosis in patients under
observation or on therapy (Wilson 2006, Wong 2011). TE has been evaluated for
the detection of liver fibrosis in patients with acute and chronic viral hepatitis and
has also been positively evaluated for HIV/HCV-coinfected patients and in patients
with HCV reccurrence post-transplantation (Carrion 2006, de Ledinghen 2006,
Maida 2007). In chronic viral hepatitis, it is unknown whether there is a difference
in TE results between patients with chronic HBV, HCV, and/or HIV/HCV-coinfected patients.
In some clinical situations, e.g., older patients or patients with risk factors for
therapy, a positive decision for treatment of chronic hepatitis B and C is guided by
the diagnosis of significant fibrosis. The presence of F2 fibrosis indicates significant
liver fibrosis, which justifies treatment according to treatment guidelines for chronic
hepatitis B, C and coinfected patients (Sarrazin 2010).
Recent studies comparing TE with liver biopsy demonstrate both high sensitivity
and specificity for the detection of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. However, TE
performance is less reliable for the detection of fibrosis stages ≥2 as compared to
more advanced stages of liver fibrosis (sensitivity 56-67%), resulting in moderate
negative predictive values. Thus, assessment of liver fibrosis by TE alone may
result in the underestimation of liver fibrosis in some patients. Vice versa, if TE
predicts significant fibrosis, a biopsy will not be necessary. One drawback in
clinical practice is that the different TE studies suggest slightly different cut-off
values (Table 3). A recent meta-analysis that evaluated the predictive performance
of TE in patients with chronic liver disease suggested that the optimal cut-off value
for the diagnosis of significant fibrosis is 7.65 kPa and 13.01 kPa for cirrhosis
(Friedrich-Rust 2008). This cut-off proved to be robust, especially in patients with
chronic HCV infection.
In addition to the assessment of liver fibrosis stages, TE may also be used to
predict the presence of portal hypertension and thus the need to evaluate the patient
for the presence of esophageal varices (Rockey 2008). Whether TE is reliable
enough to predict the stage of cirrhosis is still debatable and needs further studies
(Foucher 2006).
Increasing knowledge from studies on transient elastography also revealed a
number of conditions that may produce false positive results the user should be
aware of. These conditions include acute and chronic cardiac failure, valsalva
maneuver, hepatitis flair, pulmonary hypertension, amyloidosis, cholestasis,
pregnancy and steatosis, with the latter being more relevant for HCV than for HBV-infected patients (Fraquelli 2007, Arena 2008).
Another relevant artifact is the examination of a patient within 2 hours after a
meal, which may increase resistance by up to 2 kPa (Mederacke 2009).
The spectrum of interpretation of elevated TE results has been broadened
recently. For instance, a cut-off value of >25 kPa has been associated with >45-fold
increased risk to develop HCC in viral hepatitis. However, the risk seems to
increase in a linear fashion starting from a cut-off of 10 kPa (Fung 2011, Masuzaki
2009). Furthermore, TE values >21.1 are associated with portal hypertension as well
as the risk of portal hypertension-related complications and suggest endoscopy to
confirm or exclude esophageal varices and to initiate or decline the need for primary
prophylaxis with propranolol (Castera 2011, Robic 2011).
332 Hepatology 2012
Table 3. Cut-off values for transient elastography in different study populations.
Study Population Cut off (kPa)
F=0 F≥1 F≥2 F≥3 F=4
Castera HCV
n.d. n.d. 7.1
Se: 0.67
Sp: 0.95
PPV: 0.95
NPV: 0.48
Se: 0.73
Sp: 0.91
PPV: 0.87
NPV: 0.81
Se: 0.87
Sp: 0.91
PPV: 0.77
NPV: 0.97
Ziol HCV
n.d. n.d. 8.8 9.6 14.6
n.d. n.d.
Se: 0.56
Sp: 0.91
PPV: 0.88
NPV: 0.56
Se: 0.86
Sp: 0.85
PPV: 0.71
NPV: 0.93
Se: 0.86
Sp: 0.96
PPV: 0.78
NPV: 0.97
Foucher HCV / HBV
n.d. n.d. 7.2
Se: 0.64
Sp: 0.85
PPV: 0.90
NPV: 0.52
Se: 0.65
Sp: 0.95
PPV: 0.90
NPV: 0.80
Se: 0.77
Sp: 0.97
PPV: 0.91
NPV: 0.92
Ogawa HCV / HBV
3.5 6.4 9.5
Se: 0.67
Sp: 0.95
PPV: .95
NPV: .48
Se: 0.67
Sp: 0.95
PPV: .95
NPV: .48
Se: 0.67
Sp: 0.95
PPV: .95
NPV: .48
6.3 6.7 9.1
Se: 0.67
Sp: 0.95
PPV: 0.95
NPV: 0.48
Se: 0.67
Sp: 0.95
PPV: 0.95
NPV: 0.48
Se: 0.67
Sp: 0.95
PPV: 0.95
NPV: 0.48
Arena HCV
Se: 0.83
Sp: 0.82
PPV: 0.83
NPV: 0.79
Se: 0.91
Sp: 0.94
PPV: 0.89
NPV: 0.95
Se: 0.94
Sp: 0.92
PPV: 0.73
NPV: 0.98
n.d. n.d. 4.5
Se: 0.93
Sp: 0.18
PPV: n.d.
NPV: n.d.
n.d. 11.8
Se: 1.0
Sp: 0.93
PPV: n.d.
NPV: n.d.
Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Viral Hepatitis 333
Other imaging techniques for the
assessment of liver fibrosis
A number of different imaging techniques such as conventional ultrasound, real-time elastography, acoustic radiation force imaging (ARFI), portal venous transit
time, NMR imaging and CT have been used for the assessment of liver fibrosis.
None of these methods has yet achieved an overall clinical acceptance regarding the
detection of early liver fibrosis, either due to low sensitivity and/or specificity, or
high costs. The most promising candidate for everyday usability may be the ARFI
technique that has been integrated in high-end ultrasound machines. This technique
allows the measurement of liver fibrosis in an area of interest rather than a global
assessment as with the transient elastography method. This may be an advantage as
different regions of the liver may be studied separately but may – like histology –
also be a source of “sampling bias” and low reproducability. Compared to transient
elastography the available data from large populations is sparse. A recent meta-analysis managed to combine data from 518 individuals. Nevertheless, in this
analysis the overall accuracy for the prediction of fibrosis stage ≥F2, ≥F3 and
cirrhosis as determined by ROC analysis were 0.87, 0.91. 0.93, respectively
(Friedrich-Rust 2012).
Clinical decision algorithms
Until now, no non-invasive marker for the staging of liver fibrosis has been able to
replace the liver histology as the gold standard. This is largely due to the fact that
outcome studies with clear endpoints like mortality have not been performed and
that a clear differentiation of fibrosis stage by non-invasive strategies has been
unreliable. But the advantages of these non-invasive tests in comparison to liver
biopsy are striking. In order to overcome test limitations and to benefit from their
specific advantages, a frequent strategy is to combine different noninvasive tests,
thereby using liver biopsy only in case of doubt. However, former algorithms vary
greatly in performance and acceptance. Whereas some authors have calculated a
reduction in liver biopsies of 30%, others have estimated reductions of up to 80%
(Leroy 2007, Sebastiani 2004, Sebastiani 2006, Sebastiani 2007). New strategies
with sophisticated algorithms may overcome all these limitations and combination
of TE with FibroMeter achieved results that may give detailed and reliable
information on liver fibrosis stage without any need for histology. However, only
one study from France has described this method, which needs to be cross-validated
by independent groups (Boursier 2011a, Boursier 2011b).
334 Hepatology 2012
Figure 1. Potential clinical decision algorithm for safer liver biopsies in patients
with chronic viral hepatitis.
Non-invasive tests have not replaced liver biopsies today, but smart combinations of
non-invasive tools can save many patients from the more invasive procedure.
Whatever the current standard of care, the patient should be informed about the non-invasive tests, their applicability and their limitations. The decision to biopsy should
ultimately be made together with the informed patient.
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