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Monday, November 19, 2012

Peripheral neuropathies neurological diseases

Peripheral neuropathies neurological diseases

Include diseases that occur on the nerves causing disruption lead to faulty motor or sensory or sensory motor. Was known in the past inflammation of the nerves may replace the loss of name inflammation sense Alamradi in many of them.Multiple neuropathies have many reasons but they are similar in terms of clinical whatever reason. The infection is either sensory or motor or sensory motor. Be symmetrical, most at the end of parties in the root. Injured parties usually Ambasslian before parties Alawites also be got tougher.The following are some of these disorders in detail:Sensory events (immune) acute: a Guillain-Barre syndrome and neuropathy late Aldfteraaúa and serum neuropathy and muscle atrophy neurotic.Guillain Barre Syndrome: believed to be immune Thal affects young men and women in particular may appear without any justification or start after injuring the upper part of the respiratory system in the form of influenza B 3 to 12 a day. The cause of complications and infection mononuclear cells. Simple and septic hepatitis may also occur in the context of diabetes and after vaccination against smallpox and hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenic purpura and other immune diseases.The disease starts in 40% CLASS sudden in the lower limbs, and then extends to the parties Alawites may begin at the two sets of proximal and distal muscle in that one or may precede hit one over the other. And absent tendon reflexes In 40% of cases have disease begins to feel Benmel and numbness in the limbs and in 20% of the complaining patient since the beginning of the weakness of kinesthetic and disorder sense may become couples cranial especially couple Alugeaan (in one third of patients) may occur paralysis and weak muscle Engine for the eyes.Increasing severity of the disease through / 24-48 / hour or during the first two weeks of its inception and remains unchanged for a week or two weeks and then begins the disease better and 20% die respiratory muscle paralysis unless treated illness. Most patients improve within a few months only 5% of them have a severely disabled as walking patients walk Maaoda in a small percentage of patients.Spinal fluid may be together but that protein is increasing in most cases a significant increase without an increase in cells. Can not be considered cell separation Alahina and descriptive because it may also appear in other diseases sore severe spinal and brain and multiple diabetes neuropathy in diphtheria in poliomyelitis after the second week of the start.In clinical terms, the presence of a sense of numbness, ants and sensory changes differentiate between Guillain-Barre syndrome and polio. Neuropathy varies in Alborforeh acute presence of abdominal pain and hypertension and mental confusion and Alachtlajobelh Alborvoria The multiple neuropathy also must be distinguished from other causes of rapid ascending paralysis, a dog and dog vaccination and tick paralysis and potassium intoxication and periodic paralysis.Stop the progression of the disease when treated steroid during the first weeks of infection and given 60 mg Bronzulun or 120 units ACTH And ease gradually over several weeks.Neuropathy Aldfteraaúa: There are two forms of the packer and late. Arises morbidity Baker toxin bacteria within two weeks or three start sepsis and nerves driving starting sailboat palate and Muscle pharynx seems Balkhna and return food nostril may be difficult for the patient vision and reading from nearby paralysis adjustment infecting ciliary muscle Organization of hunched body crystal has infected myocardial face also.The late risk Aldfteraaúa neuropathy occurs after 6-8 weeks of sepsis, a peripheral neuropathy allergic symmetrically particularly affects motor nerves and clinically resembles Guillain-Barre syndrome. Kmma shows examining the cerebrospinal fluid separation only cellular حيني.Neurotically muscular atrophy: pain in the shoulder and one hand or shoulders, followed by muscle paralysis Waistband shoulder and mild sensory disorder. Occur half Allantgahh infections of pharyngitis, lung or after simple surgery or during the three weeks of glaucoma or serum after a blood transfusion. Family may be a bug as well.The disease starts in severe pain in the hand shoulder has spread to the elbow and lasts from two to about a week and the demise of pain appears paralysis in distribution muscle of a nerve such as muscle serrated big injury - pectoral nerve long or Alhuckatin injury nerve above board or deltoid injury axillary nerve was injured Asban or more in that both are affected example Cokitan and deltoid and keep the spinal fluid normal cells may grow and a little protein.And heal the patient often during a month and a half to three months may be delayed healing even a year or two, leaving the vulnerable always IM Almaov addresses steroids.Diabetic neuropathy: and usually occurs in the form of chronic or unattended. There are four models of it is:Neuropathy multiple: complaining patient from pain and hypersensitivity voluptuous in acromelic private and lose a sense of vibration and disappear sense vibration and disappear tendon reflexes or weaken may increase protein cerebrospinal fluid and improves 1/3 patients effective control on diabetes has infected patient ill joints painless rarely resembles what seen in Charcot's disease also may develop the disease piercing in the feet to have a sense of disorder perfusion.Injury asymmetrical Badil thigh: complaining patient from pain in the thigh and one harbored Adilha This is called atrophy muscle diabetes and is believed to be produced from poor roots femoral nerve and increased protein in the spinal fluid increased significantly and improve the illness during several months of diabetic control.Independent neuropathy: care and lead to nocturnal diarrhea and urinary retention is painful and orthostatic hypotension.Ill single nerve: It is believed that the facility clogged vessels and nerve particularly affected the sciatic nerve or one or sub-median nerve or the third cranial pair (with the safety of the pupil) or cranial pair sadistic and improve symptoms usually within months.Heavy metals: such as arsenic, gold, mercury, lead, and all of these metals except lead inhibit oxidation sugar causing neuropathy similar to vitamin A deficiency (b neuropathy sensory or sensorimotor) The lead poisoning afflicts nerves driving, especially all of the radial nerve, medium and popliteal brutal. The most important symptoms of foot drop as a result of Msm to play coated materials containing lead while other neurological events breezes shot it encephalopathy in children, especially convulsions and atrial and Halima nerve edema sight and proximal muscular atrophy.Cancerous neuropathy and poor protein gamma: The preceding clinical manifestations of cancer or accompanied Xrtanat bronchitis and breast and ovarian cancer in particular has become the sensory nerves or sensory motor and increase protein in the cerebrospinal fluid or immune.May occur neuropathy existence Braprutin Shan what happens in disease Hodgxan and lymphomas of non-Hodgkin's, lupus erythematosus and multiple myeloma and Globinat blood large and disorders protein gamma single strain and possibly multiple strain also believed to be diseases in poor Alaasaa This is immune origin.Leprosy: caused neuropathy lepromatous to be placed bacillus of leprosy in the nerves there are two forms of جذم: Aljzm oncogene or dermal Vtkon resistant patient the weak appears skin lesions may become viscera in many cases are not affected usually nerve becomes interaction Wasserman positive liar and remains interaction Allberman negative and mixed disease TB amyloidosis and bad warning. The second model is defined by leprosy Alderney and be resistant high patient and pretending nerve injury the nerve Vttkhan appear in the skin patches devoid of pigment and the sense. Wasserman reaction as the reaction becomes negative positive Allpramen. Warned Hassan.Hereditary neuropathy: manifestations may accompany this neuropathy other injuries Kakaddm Alkhmassae forks or cerebellar signs or hierarchical sometimes signs. These disorders include:Peroneal muscular atrophy: PERONEAL MUSCLE ATROPHY or Charcot Carey Tooth disease and leads to weakness and atrophy of the lower limbs in particular. And spreads toward Dystrophy party to stop in the middle of the thighs and lose a sense of vibration to the hock.Hypertrophic interstitial neuropathy: a Lasry disease appears in adulthood and usually swells the nerves may be accompanied by pain telegram united Benvie and Atxia in few cases

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