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Friday, November 9, 2012

What is cardiac catheterization?

Kstrhkulb Pictures

What is cardiac catheterization?Is to insert a small tube called a catheter inside the heart chamber or Oeith (coronary arteries) through a needle puncture in a blood vessel, either in the wrist or neck or groin and is most commonly used. And put in this hole pipe to get the catheter and after placing the tube is the introduction of wire guiding metal through the tube to find his way cautiously to the shell bloody in the heart area requiring diagnosis or treatment and who embodies visible by X-ray continuous (endoscope FISH), and is therefore entering a catheter to make their way By extension cord until you reach the desired location and then perform the desired process of catheter according to the needs of the patient and immediately upon completion of the necessary procedures are directed catheter and then the wire extension. After the completion of the process of the catheter and remove the catheter and tube enter catheter is pressed for a few minutes with a bandage clean the wound to stop the bleeding and placed after the dressing on the area and prevents the patient from moving the catheter or movement by Place catheter. And cardiac catheterization or cardiac catheterization is the general term for a group of procedures which are made using this method, including what is exploratory diagnostic and therapeutic is, once placed are the work of many operations according to the needs of the patient, which in its entirety is divided into two main sections:
Diagnostic catheter (Diagnostic).Therapeutic catheter (Intervention).

Photo shows the introduction of catheters and tube Aladkhal to coronary artery

What are the diagnostic catheter?Is a diagnostic procedure to determine cardiac problem closely and decide the optimal treatment for this problem Examples include:Catheter imaging of the coronary arteries: It is a medical dye injection in the coronary arteries and under X-ray imagery with high accuracy to locate blockages stenosis.
Left ventricular catheter: It is a valuable dye pumping left ventricle at high speed in a short time to portray the movement and strength ventricle pumped blood.
Catheter to expand and open arteries: It is a therapeutic catheter to open and expand the constriction in the coronary arteries of the heart by little Blonat and Damat very fine metal and placed in a small place المتضيق to maintain blood flow to the heart muscle required quantity and cafe.
Catheter electric heart: a diagnostic procedure is the introduction of a catheter electric to the right side of the heart in order to measure the ECG from within the heart and closely and measuring vibrations electric issued by the system electrical heart and that enables us to detect any electrical redundant in the heart and that is why in generate heart palpitations.
Ironing warming catheter to the heart: and remedial action is the introduction of a catheter containing electrical metal on top of a very small tears that cause electrical places excess Fakulb.

Image shows an expansion and a metal prop open coronary artery
Are catheter only for adults?There are several types of diagnostic and therapeutic catheter How many species are there special catheter for children and are quite different from adults in terms of Aihtajha are experiencing cases of birth defects either for diagnosis or treatment of examples on catheter children:
Catheter plug a hole in the heart and is a therapeutic procedure used to fill holes cardiac ventricular or Aloveanyh.Catheter pulmonary pressure gauge used to measure the pressure in the pulmonary artery and is considered a diagnostic procedure.Catheter to portray constriction in Alhrain and cardiac valves and manifolds and are used to diagnose birth defects, severity and determine the optimal solution according to the degree of sharpness.
When we need a catheter?To find out whether a person is infected with coronary artery disease.To see how the need for surgery or any other procedure to expand the blood vessels clogged.For the treatment of coronary artery disease expand blood vessels.Resorted to when the symptoms of clogged blood vessels or symptoms of coronary artery disease.When asked the physician should be made to doubt in a blockage and the need for treatment, whether or calendar pillar of vessels, or transformative surgery.To assess any possible occurrence of symptoms coronary artery disease.Evaluate the pumping function of the heart and measuring the pressure inside and the inside of blood vessels.To determine whether there were defects in the heart and assess its degree, and in some cases may use a catheter to correct this defect.Assess blood flow through the heart after surgery.To determine if there is a disease of the heart valves, and to find out the extent of need for surgery.In order to take tissue samples from the heart.
Catheters and heart attack (stroke):Is the work of cardiac catheterization in emergency cases of heart attacks because they are here to serve as immediate treatment to protect the heart muscle from damage and cell death where where catheter is inserted in a coronary artery impasse and be inside a balloon is filled with air to open the deadlock in the artery and put prop metal, and in some cases other than stroke, blood may be injected through which drugs to dissolve blood clots, such as (Streptokinase) and restore blood flow in the artery.

A picture of coronary artery before and after the catheter and put a metal pillar
How to prepare the patient:
The following measures should be taken before a catheter:
1. Commitment system (NPO) no not to eat and drink after midnight.

3. Stop giving blood مسيلات before at least two hours of operation.
4. Provide a brief explanation of what will be his patient.
5. Ranges time (duration) process from two to four hours.
6. Lack of movement during the process: be the status of the patient in the situation labeled: Supine Position.
7. Patient may feel heart Boukfaqan, especially when entering the catheter into the left ventricle, or may feel the heat and headaches, especially when injected chromosomal material.
8. Alleviate the patient's heart and disturbance by giving sedative drugs like Valium in the evening to help him sleep and rest.
9. Shaving in the position (place) enter the catheter if requested.
10. Give Extenders for veins and arteries, if so requested.
11. Place a catheter in a special place called the cardiac lab.
Patient care after catheter:
The most important action after doing catheter care are:
1. Keep the patient in complete comfort in bed.
2. Place entry control catheter, because of the possibility for bleeding or blood clot.
3. Feeling the pulse at the bottom of the party for the site of entry of the catheter.
4. Jays heat party.
5. Report any symptoms such as: numbness, an inability to move the fingers of party.
6. Monitor signs of life every quarter of an hour and then every two hours (pressure, pulse, respiration)
7. Detect any disturbance (disruption) in heart rate and processed.
8. Install party and not to move frequently to avoid bleeding.

:: Foods to boost your immune .. Pictures ::

:: Foods to boost your immune .. Pictures ::

Contains a substance selenium and other substances antioxidant
Research has shown that the greater the proportion of selenium in the body was more serious colds
And mushrooms anti-bacteria and viruses

Fruit Asay
Acai Berry
Stronger fruit contain a large amount of antioxidants that fight disease and manifestations of aging

Contains zinc and is antiviral and help heal wounds

Watermelon (sophistication)
Refreshing and fruit contain antioxidants and Algelotathaaon material that helps fight infection

Cabbage (Allahonh)

Another source of glutathione for immune enhancement


Quarter cup of almonds gives you 50% of your daily vitamin E


Contains vitamin C to fight colds and cold

Wheat germ

Contains zinc and vitamin B


One cup a day reduces your likelihood of developing a cold


Contains a lot of antioxidants
Works to combat stomach bacteria


Know the strongest leafy vegetables because they are a rich source of minerals and vitamins
Helps in cell renewal and DNA repair

Sweet Potatoes

Such as carrots contain a substance beta carotene and vitamin A
Worked to combat free radicals
And reduce the manifestations of aging and cancer


Contains vitamin A and C
Works to strengthen the immune

Treatment with flowers and its relationship to the mind

Treatment with flowers and its relationship to the mind

* If the day and night deserve met by Thithma joy and life and vitality to Shatha should be removed from the beautiful flowers and herbs then so be a success. * The human body is able to test and Mmarshalfarah Shatha roses and herbs. * Breathe steam abroad net of important oils clean and you will feel that the sorrows have gone. * Calm within the normal human body leads to focus the mind easily much talk about - the use of essential oils for healing. The essence of life, which is extracted from flowers and trees, and herbs called essential oil.
This substance extracted is a real present we can feel the impact of treatment by breathing steam aromatic output of oils core, when we breathe in the air, the molecules aromatic turn and move to the signals by cells receptive in the nose and these signals go to places olfactory then to limbs and above hypothalamus brain. Since it has not been scientifically proven, but certified that the essential oil activates the pharmacy inside the brain chemical nerve. Valkimia disorders such as Alserotinen and endorphins are the words used by our mind to contact nerve and the rest of the body systems, for example: The oil Pacific leads to remove Alserotin and Alaofrick fragrance comes out endorphins and oil exciting out Noradranlen, the emergence of pain and influences other bodily also appear when he graduated chemistry nerve, has conducted experiments on effect of essential oil on brain waves, quiet rhythm produced when we breathe oil Alseeratev fragrance raised occur warning respond, so we see that our minds play an important role in the safety of our existence. And sometimes play the role of disruptive and dangerous.
We live in a time when there by many mental stress and emotional and these pressures result from the pressures of work and disorder economy and grief and relationship problems, and scientific studies have proven that the pressure of excess leads to the lack of jobs immune system, as well as our health mental also affected, and that the functions of the body and mind together pressures lead to physical symptoms and emotional, also subject to the person feels helpless and frustrated and sometimes we are exposed to the symptoms of headaches, indigestion and numerous injuries, insomnia to sleep so you must re brain and body together to perform their jobs, there are ways to do so and one of these ways is fragrance and Alfoahat and aromatic candles have their role Ham and assistant in the brain, mind, and emotions. You might know, through the mind how to take advantage of the fragrance.
The yellow roses from tree Alalang in very beauty Valzahrh is an expression of love are found in the bed of the wedding in Ondonisiea, imagine inhaling fragrance fragrance and feel joy in the body as a result of natural smell. When we breathe Shatha smell of forests and trees Alsrad and yellow roses to feel calm, especially in the mind and we can focus, this is the joy of life that come out Shatha Arudoualoashab How beautiful I enjoy psychological comfort and address some of the cases the patient in a way that is easy for aromatic Trivialziot One of the most important and most oils are:
Lavender flower oil This oil is known for its ability to relax events, researchers have advised the Royal Berkshire Hospital in the city of Reading, England, Ba Sthaddamh in intensive care units to help patients get rid of anxiety and tension, is also used to heal some of the wounds by putting them directly. This is in addition to its use in the treatment of acne and psoriasis Vhat scorching sun burns resulting from hot water. To achieve this, lavender oil can be added to any cream or gel, a base material Halabiya then placed on the skin afterwards.
Rosemary oil Thousands of years ago, Greeks, Egyptians know that the oil extracted from the plant Rosemary or rosemary useful in resisting poor memory. The Greeks called ((herb remember)). But what are the material contained and that made him who owns the property task? Scientists have discovered recently that patients amnesia known as ((Alzheimer's)) suffer from a lack of substance known as ((Asetayl Colin)) and this article play a key role in the process of remembering and to identify things. Then discovered that oil Rosemary Ao rosemary contains about six vehicles all help in maintaining the material ((Alasitaal Colin)) and thereby prevent disease memory loss. As it turns out that scientists and researchers who were Istnhqouna to praise research they feel an increase mental focus and their ability to absorb information.
Murr oil This oil is known in our country for thousands of years its benefits Medical. Now this has been confirmed benefits in addition to the discovery of other benefits to him. He has a property cleansing against microbes. There are now on the market a number of products that contain it are used in the treatment of acne, eczema, bruises and sore foot sports and incurable wounds. Has also proved he owns property swellings caused by resistant infections that used by physiotherapists in the treatment of disease, varicose veins and fissures of skin in the elderly as well as ringworm infections caused by bacteria candida and abscesses herpes. As currently used also in fluids gurgling and types mouthwash and toothpaste, and believed herbalists aromatic, this oil activates the immune system so the pills cough ((Loz - enges)) or types of drink that contain it, and useful in the treatment of colds and flu.
Incense oil Incense frankincense oil of the most expensive essential oils in the world and confirmed the usefulness for thousands of years in the treatment of tissue body Kalepeshrh where he stimulated and renewed, which is widely used in expensive cosmetics. It benefits other good that contribute to the alleviation scars of old wounds and relieve skin infections when used directly on the skin after diluted by adding it to other oils, and its purifying properties enable it to resist bacteria and fungi that infect the skin inflammation. And some cosmetic surgeons use creams containing it to heal their patients after their operations.
Tea oil It has proven to be used protects admitted to the hospital from the bacterial infection
Eucalyptus oil Long ago, doctors in Australia know that inhaling this oil is useful in the treatment of cough, cold and mucous secretions. But scientists at the University of Sydney finally proved that he is also able to eliminate TB microbe known his great ability to infection, as they expect to have this oil on the top of the list of medical supplies to be used in the future in the prevention of this disease.

Chrysanthemum Flower strange Erolh Plant of a platoon of vehicles, a tall herb (50 120 cm) ribbed bare leg and a few branches and leaves toothed winged and smells of camphor-like odor downstream when, while flowers Vmstderh in the middle of the head yellow hemispherical Consists of volatile oil, materials once Parts used parts flowering - Flowers emulsion used internally to treat gastroenteritis light and expel intestinal worms and strengthen blood (increased hemoglobin) - And externally used to treat rheumatism and gout

Violet Violet Perfume violet tricolor Viola Spp Perennial plant of the genus Abannvsjiat, grows wild between the fence and the grass in places shady moist calcareous soil, and planting gardens sofa of ornamental plants, and is rooted medical part effectively in the plant, where the pool and washed and dried in the shade place well-ventilated or dried artificially in temperature not exceeding 45, as also used aerial parts of the stem and leaves and medically flowers, lush or dried. There are many kinds of violets, but the most important are two medically consumed and two: violet perfume, and violet tricolor Consists of Sabonyat, volatile oil, Flavonyat, Saleslanat, alkaloids Uses the solution or boiling in the treatment of cough, especially for children Violet tricolor expectorant and diuretic and a general tonic, and its juice is useful for treating inflammation of the bladder, prostate, and beneficial for rheumatic diseases and gout aerial parts of violets useful in the treatment of cancer, especially breast and lung cancer Not recommend taking large doses of the plant because it can cause nausea because it contains saponins

Basil Slimani basil basil Solomon Ocimum Basilicum Hawally plant species oral, aromatic odor and taste of cayenne, and types. Planted basil small and known as "Alkhssa securities" any broad paper Male basil in the Koran twice, once in the Ar-Rahman verse (12), where he says: [love with brainstorming and basil, what agents Lord Tkzban] and once in Surat, located in the verse (89) where he said the Almighty: If a person was close , spirit and basil and Naim Committee], and came in Saheeh Muslim from the Prophet, peace be upon him: "Show basil do not return it, it is light loaded pleasant smell." Volatile oil by 1/1000 and extracted by distilling tender twigs, and basil has tannin and acid camphor basil Native to India and the Middle East, has been known grown in tropical Africa and Asia for many centuries Parts used flowering twigs cut and dried in the shade Antispasmodic, and emulsifier used in digestive disorders, as it appetizing and tonic gastric secretion And basil aromatic odor used in perfume around the house and perfume the mouth odor when Tlak his papers, and its main use in the manufacture of perfumes Boiled useful in the treatment of menstrual pain, and drink immediately after birth to prevent the detention of the placenta in the womb Used from abroad added to bath water, which is used to make compresses to help heal wounds Blends basil juice with honey and used for coughs Blends basil oil (5 10 points) with 10 ml almond oil or sunflower oil and rubbed his chest in cases of asthma and bronchitis

Municipal fragrance Attrchan lime fragrance Fragrance Alkavori Fragrance Alszba Herbaceous plant Muammar platoon Djiranih, lobed leaves simple fluffy pedunculated and aromatic odor, and there are other types of fragrance leaves vary in shape, Altfsas and texture and smell, including: lime fragrance, and fragrance Alkavori, and fragrance Alszba Volatile aromatic oils, many alcoholic compounds geraniol and linalool Cultivated large areas in the province of the lake in Egypt and the Cape region of South Africa Parts used fresh grass after removing the legs Fragrance oil is used in perfumes and fragrances and cosmetics
Clove known plant species pink, a small-sized trees evergreen, gives a wide range of scarlet flowers color Floral buds Used in dental pain relief The analgesic used as a tonic and antiseptic against fermentation
Lavender Alloundh Dendritic plant Muammar oral follow the platoon, his papers a few upturned egg or Rmohah opposite or gray stripe, aromatic, floral in Noria Snellah groups pale blue terminal Composed of volatile oil contains many esters, Taninat, resins Original home in southern Europe and is cultivated in Egypt Parts used leaves and flowers - Lavender oil is used medically for infectious flatus repellent - And its main use in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics Kalmsahiq and creams, soaps and other
Lotus Herb sheep Sally Herbaceous plant Muammar platoon Lafrahih, one of the ornamental plants that are wild in the countryside and parties pastures and agricultural fields Composed of Flavonyat, materials Afsip materials colored, composite Saanhidarat Resides in Asia, the Gulf, the Arabian Peninsula floral parts used - Used externally Kkmadat cases of skin burns - And used internally as an antidote to the spasm and Apartments and tonic, and heart disease

Narcissus Nargis mountain Herbaceous plant Muammar of the platoon narcissism, his leg mutated to store and know Balabsal, a solid oval covered with leaves squamous, and leaves José stripe shape and flowers pale yellow, and the fruits Vsgarh oval Kpsolah inside many small seeds black, and there are of daffodils many kinds Consists of greasy oil, waxy materials, greasy oil, alkaloids Parts used flowers - Tonic for the nerves, and antispasmodic, and antipyretic - extracted from the essential oil used in the perfume industry Prevents eating an onion or touched bare hand. ...

Exercise may improve memory and re-restoration of neurotransmitters in the brain

Exercise may improve memory and re-restoration of neurotransmitters in the brainD. Ibrahim bin Hassan Khudair

Usually, the mice when advancing age impair memory, and can hardly identify the places that they know when they were at a younger age. It has been discovered that this result contraction of a certain part of the brain and therefore affect memory in mice. After 12 weeks of voluntary running mice found that mice that have done so have improved their mental state as well as the memory then, as well as the part that shrank back to its former status.
This is what Dr. Michael Valenzuela and his colleagues from the University of Sydney in Australia, and this study were published in the
Biological Psychiatry (Psychiatry organic).
Seems that exercise benefit the brain in humans, as is the case in mice, in a study of people aged between 45 and 88 years, They are who exercises regularly, and the marks that define Alzheimer's and known as Amyloid plaques low by rating of the American Society for heart disease, and there is no difference between these and the people who practice exercise less. The study pointed out that the exercise benefit on memory and delay Alzheimer's, even when they were carrying APOE-e4, an indicator of the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Benefits of brown bread compared to white bread

Benefits of brown bread compared to white bread

From the basics of everyday life in human nutrition are (bread) ...
Because it is one of the starchy foods important for all members of society, whether rich or poor ...
And from many types in shape and made it from the factory and from wheat flour white bread and brown bread .....
One of the main advantages that outperform brown bread on white:
Is contained a high proportion of dietary fiber, which have jobs and healthy food many of the human body, and also contains brown bread on the high percentage of vitamin thiamine (B 1) and is necessary to represent the dietary energy and is very useful for the nervous system .......

There are many differences in the proportions of nutrients between brown bread and white bread ....
If we compare the contents and installation of a loaf of brown bread and another of white bread weighs each 100 grams: -
Nutrients ........... brown bread .......... white bread______________________________________
Energy \ price ..................... 315 ................ .......... 325
Fat \ g ..................... 1.6 ................ ............ 1.3
Protein \ g ..................... 14 ................ ............ 8.2
Fiber \ g ..................... 11.2 ............... ........... 2.2
Iron \ Mellgm .................... 6.2 ............... ............ 1.5
Calcium \ Mellgm ................ 37 ................. .......... 10.5
Folate \ micrograms .......... 58.5 ................... ........ 9
WP \ Mellgm ................ 345 .................. ......... 91
Zinc \ Mellgm ................... 4.5 ................. .......... 0.8
Vitamin B \ Mellgm ............ 0.48 ......................... 0, 10
Vitamin B \ Mellgm ............ 0.09 ......................... 0, 01
Alnbasan \ Mellgm .............. 6.1 ................... .......... 0.9____________________________________
The previous table clear nutritional benefits of brown bread for white bread as well as its health benefits:

(1) there is no significant difference for the energy value of brown bread for white, but the benefit of brown bread in maintaining normal weight and aid in weight loss and get rid of obesity and refer to: -

Brown bread needs to chew thoroughly before swallowing a result of increasing the proportion of dietary fiberThese fibers help the sense of satiety, we can say that the brown bread recipe Ashbaih higher than white bread as a result of the high proportion of fiber ...

The presence of fiber in brown bread by working on high:

A - cleaning ability of the gut to absorb sugars not the blood insulin level rises to the point of straining or depleting the functional ability of the pancreas.B - weaken the ability of the gut to absorb fat.C - working on the absorption of bile salts in the intestinal tract and thus prevent the utilization of fat intake in the diet completely.D - get rid of the body from dietary fat intake where stick to it and take the waste out of the body.

(2) The brown bread contains a high percentage of vitamin group (b), namely: B 1, B 2, B 6, with niacin and folate
These vitamins are essential nutrients necessary for healthy nervous system Jim rights, they also help an individual to the prevention of disease anemia (anemia), they also help to benefit from the representation of carbohydrates naturally.
(3) brown bread much richer than white bread in it contains a large proportion of the metals, such as:
((Iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus))
- The phosphorus and Alcaalseyoum entirely responsible for the safety of bones and composition as well as the safety of dental- Is responsible for iron formation of red blood cells- Zinc is responsible for the growth and sexual deficiency leads to an imbalance in sexual development at puberty
(4) we find that brown bread contains a high proportion of vegetable protein and can be addressed with a source of animal protein, such as milk, eggs or meat.
(5) brown bread contains a high proportion of dietary fiber, which earns a healthy property and therapeutic features for white bread.

Health ailments suffered by the individual because of eating fiber or lack of it in meals: -

(1) not to clean up the gut on a regular basis and natural waste which leads to chronic injury grabbed.
Not dump waste as a result of constipation:
A - makes pressure Bzdad on the walls of the intestine from the inside, which increases the chance of bowel obstruction disease or hernia colon disease.B - constipation lead to chronic injury haemorrhoids.C - chronic constipation lead to pressure on the veins in the leg, which may lead to vascular clots or the appearance of varicose veins.
(2) a lack of dietary fiber from food leads to spastic colon disease or nervous.
(3) Nfs bran bread leads to the loss of a large proportion of the protein found in bread and this helps to increase the incidence of stomach ulcers, because protein foods have an impact organizer of the amount of acid gastric and thus protects the interior walls of the stomach is weak resistance to influence erosive from injury ulcer.
(4) The percentage of colon cancer in civilized societies, which rely in their diet on foods high purity any that contain a small percentage of fiber and has been proved scientifically that dietary fiber protects human colon cancer, because the fiber increase the size and amount out, thus reducing the amount of materials may cause cancerous activity as events that fiber absorbs bile salts, helping the body to speed disposal to get out and thus protect the rights of colon cancer.
(5) the absence or lack of dietary fiber leads to a malfunction or an imbalance between commensal microorganisms in the gut symbiotic manner which leads to infections appendicitis and if eating a large amount of fiber prevents the occurrence of the above.
(6) working fiber to lower cholesterol level in blood and thus protect the rights of stroke and heart disease, is done by absorbing fiber part of bile salts in the gastrointestinal tract and produced with waste, which stimulates the liver and lead him to formation of new quantities of bile salts by cholesterol found body which makes fiber treatment for cases of high cholesterol in the blood plasma.
(7) helps fiber to lower blood sugar levels after eating a meal and prevent it from rising high grades, which makes the pancreas secretes large amounts of insulin to maintain representation carbohydrates and this strain pancreas and eventually lead to diabetes, but with fiber by high meal leads to low blood sugar levels and maintain straining the pancreas and therefore not diabetes
(Low dietary fiber or absence of a meal leads to greater exchange of large quantities of food sufficient for a feeling of satiety and thus for humans to catch obesity and Maissahabha damage and disease.

Benefits of Green Tea

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea health benefits made of green tea the best drink ever from a health point of view, benefits include:
1 - helps burn fat.
2 - helps to speed up the process of metabolism; because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively.
3 - The drink green tea three times a day to burn 200 extra calories a day.
4 - also found people who ate green tea that their energy was enhanced significantly, and moreover reduces green tea blood sugar level, which is responsible for the storage of glucose as fat, and therefore reduce the level of sugar also lowers the level of grease stored in the body.
5 - protects the heart from disease.
6 - reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood; because its antioxidant effects prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol Ldl in the arteries.
7 - and prevent the formation of abnormal blood clots, and that has the same effectiveness of aspirin in this area.
8 - increases the levels of beneficial cholesterol Hdl which helps to remove plaque from the walls of the arteries.
9 - helps in lowering blood pressure.
10 - protects against diabetes.
11 - helps to prevent food poisoning.
12 - Because green tea kills bacteria, drinking with meals can reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning, and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the intestines, and help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
13 - prevents bad breath.
Preparation:Put boiling water, cover and leave for several minutes, then add the sugar to taste, and you can add lemon

How do you know that one of your vitamins incomplete ..!

How do you know that one of your vitamins incomplete ..!
If you suffer from:
* Recurrent infections, especially in the upper part of the respiratory tract.
Sores in the mouth,Night blindness,Dryness and scaling of the skin,
There you have it in vitamin A deficiency is
1 / Oil Qaibdalihut - cheese - milk - cream.2 / plants Alkhdharaalmlonh like spinach - islands - lettuce3 / cabbage - tomatoes - pulses - peach - Asiralbertqal.
If you suffer from:
Constant stress,Inability to concentrate,Chapped lips,Sensitivity of light,Constant worry,Insomnia,
There you have it deficient in vitamin BHe / yeast - Liver - meat - CefarawhitVegetables - fruits - peanuts - spinach - cabbage - the islands.
If you suffer from:
Injury frequent colds.Bleeding gums.Non-healing wounds easily.
There you have it deficient in vitamin cHe / liver - spleen and citrus fruits in abundanceAnd (lemon juice - Albertql - tangerine)And Strawberry - Guava - horseradish - apple - cabbage - parsley - tomatoes.
If you suffer from:
Joint pain, back pain.Hair loss.
There you have it deficient in vitamin D
He / cod liver oil - and cream - milk - Cefarawhit - In the sun.
If you suffer from:
Feeling tired when less effort.Slow full wounds.
There you have it deficient in vitamin EHe / leafy lettuceAnd watercress, parsley, spinachAnd cottonseed oil, soybean oil and corn oil and wheat seedlings

Drinking water .. Natural remedy for chronic headaches

Drinking water .. Natural remedy for chronic headaches
Vary migraine pain for all other types of pain headache, affecting this type of headache one part of the head halves. And suffers from 25% of women and 8% of men throughout their lives. And women are more likely to Nubath especially in menopause to change rates of female hormones have.

And talk about migraine headaches do not end, Swedish scientists have reached a new drug treated migraine works on inhibition of chemicals that cause pain in the brain instead of causing constriction of blood vessels.

The newspaper "L'Express" British that the drug most commonly used for migraine headaches or migraine is "Treptanz" andProperty "Tillekajipant" New has the same efficiency but leaves fewer side effects.

The professor described Lars Advinson of University Hospital "Lund" in Sweden and Dr. Matthias Lindy "Norwegian University of Science and Technology" new drug that is promising, but the scientists called for further research.

Water treatment good for headaches

The treatment may be as simple in some cases we do not know that, and this was confirmed by recent studies which reported that Japanese water treatment proved remarkably successful in the treatment of many diseases, comes in the forefront of headaches and blood pressure and anemia.

JFA has the disease published the following experiment to treat water, reaching successful results as reported by Union 100% for the previous illnesses.

Method of treatment

Get up early every morning and eat 4 cups of water, each with a capacity of 160 mm on an empty stomach, does not deal with any type of food or fluids before the lapse of 45 minutes, do not take any food or drink during the hours followingAll meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

The sick and elderly faces difficulty in starting to drink 4 cups of water at one time, so they can eat less of it to work to increase the amount gradually, to be able to drink the proposed amount within a short period of time.

Tips for drinking water

Us in the biography of Prophet Muhammad upon him blessings and delivery, where commands us that Ntervq in everything, even in the process of drinking, where commands us to be drinking on the dosage form and not breathing in the pot, which drink from it, as well as preferred drinking person sitting, all these instructions of the Prophet and he knew Muslims Using the guidance of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, which unfortunately do not benefit from them and not do it.

To reduce the problems resulting from the consumption of large quantities of water at the same time we must take advantage of these directives, which rely on drinking by low doses of water and take the same between doses and sit when drinking and not drinking heavily during fatigue or after a great effort but it took rest before that.

If we look at the human body, we find that normally loses about four liters of water a day through urine, sweating, loss and increases when the heat intensifies violent or exercise for that.

Which requires careful supply the body with water, where the need for drinking water for all chemical reactions and help young private on growth, as well as the generation of energy in the body, which helps to transfer impulses in the nerves, and the transfer of chemicals produced by the brain.

To provide moisture in the body appoints proteins and enzymes that dissolve in water to function and helps to put toxins through the skin and appoint kidney function and increases bowel movement, as well as improve water a lot of cases of disease, such as, joint pain where it is believed some doctors that joint pain and one of the early indicators of a lack of water in the affected joint.

It is known that drinking enough water protects the rights from dehydration and kidney disease and prevent shocks around the eyes and spinal cord, and other diseases .. If we look at the human body, we find that normally loses about four liters of water a day through urine, sweating, loss and increases when the heat intensifies violent or exercise.

These reasons must supply the body with water, by drinking water, so as to allow the body to work all chemical reactions, especially when young and helps them to grow, and the generation of energy in the body, which helps to transfer impulses in the nerves, and the transfer of chemicals produced by the brain.

What a headache

Scientists confirm that the most prevalent diseases among young people are diseases headache, which may suffer without warning or obvious reasons. The doctors classified reasons to organic causes headaches resulting from illness or injury membership, and the reasons for non-membership.

Organic causes headaches:

- High blood pressure.- Eye disorders: sore conjunctivitis, myopia, inflammation of the nerves of the eye.- Inflammation of the middle ear.- Sinusitis.- Dental problems.- Fever.- Colds and influenza.- Blood sugar disorders (high and low blood sugar).

Inorganic causes headaches:

Produces mostly due to psychological reasons and emotional, or as a result disorder and functions of some members of the body (Kalmkh and circulatory disorders), or change in some patterns of daily life (such as changing sleep schedules), and may be genetically (especially migraines), and are considered noise and civic life accelerated direct cause of repeated headaches.

Other reasons:

- Strong odors.- Lack of sleep or abundance.- Some types of foods and spices.- A sudden change in temperature.

If you suffer from headache avoid the following:

- Sitting in a noisy place lighting.- Sit in front of the TV or computer.- Talk for a long time on a mobile phone.- Reading.- Eating yellow cheese.- Eating chocolate.- Smoking.- Citrus juice, carbonated drinks, which have proved to be exacerbate headaches twice.

How to overcome a headache?

The atypical antipsychotic medication is not the best solution to overcome the headaches, as there are more effective ways to conquer the headaches and most notably the following:

- Stretch and relax in a place under the dim light and good ventilation.- Pressure on the temples (the area adjacent to the eye) fingertips and Tdenma lightly and in a circular motion.- Put cold compresses on the temples.- Drink a glass of sugar-sweetened coffee with the beginning of the pain.- Taking a cold bath to restore the balance of the circulatory system.- Intake of fluids.

Must not underestimate heart headache that has a negative effect on the behavior of individuals, arguing that social workers that the killings unplanned committed owner result tension resulting from headaches, and accidents are more likely to occur if the driver suffers from headaches, they add that the headaches inherited inactivity and lack of production capacity and innovation

Secrets oats

Secrets oats
Oats herbaceous plant around me like wheat and barley in Figure It usually grows between them and the seeds medium between love wheat, barley, commonly known public Balzoan usually says tares and Alzewan. Did not want the name of oats in ancient Arabic dictionaries not in the vocabulary has been known in the past under different names like Hrtman a Persian word and Khafor and Crdoman kind grown-called agricultural Khrtan or ID Khrtan.The word Oats New fired in the last century on this plant. Knows oats scientifically as Avena Sativa of the platoon grassy. As native is northern Europe and is grown now all over the world and grown as a food crop and a medical and harvested oats usually at the end of the summer and part used is to seeds and stems dry .
Chemical content of oats: Contains oat alkaloids and Sterolz flavonoids and acid Sulaisak and starch and protein, which includes gluten, vitamins, especially vitamin group B and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium hydrate carbon also contains fat and hormone close Ajeribin (hormone ovarian) and beta carotene plus vitamin B B and vitamin d. chemical content varies between types of plain oatmeal and Turkish red and short and prophetic but basic and essential materials are found in all species.Europeans were using oat stalks and leaves in Hmamathm as a treatment for rheumatism and bladder and kidney problems. Oats have been used in ancient medicine as a remedy for chest diseases, especially lung disease, chronic cough and was used useful Klsqat for gout and pimples.There oats several of the most important products: oat powder, capsules, drops concentrated, Essences, Mahbbat different forms, slimy solution is used in a water bath, teas, dyes. On the food side is considered oats of important nutrients In some nations, such as cold countries such as Scandinavia, Oqinoca and others where eating oatmeal daily in soup food Altroyqh.Oats has become is the preferred food of the children, the sick and elderly and people exposed to muscle fatigue where he Agvem and strengthen them and increase activity in their muscles. Oats is not food for humans only, but good food for animals, especially horses.


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