Ants are social insects that live in the form of coloniesBelong to the family Formicidae and there are about 14,000 species and appear to date back 130 million years (mid-Cretaceous)Average age of the ant between 45 and 60 days, though this time varying according to the types of antsLike other insects, ant has six legs of three joints and feature strongly legs and severe stiffness which is granted by these amazing speed which is characterized by its movementsIf we tried, for example, can make a man jogging at the same speed ants Given the size of his body to it merely had to quickly horse race!Ant can carry weight of 20 times its body (in one of the sources mentioned 60 times)The brain consists of 250,000 cell in the brain when the human brain consists of 10,000 cellAs her digestive system it contains primed: the first stomach to digest what goes into it from food, of course, The second stomach is a store where food stored which should be shared with other ants also urges that the social system governing the colonies NamlahThese colonies may sometimes Etjazo numbering 700,000 ant
The ants always considered an example of the spirit of cooperation and social solidarity organized and systematized, and is characterized by Glory Creator very unique instinct for coherence and condensation to survive when feeling threatenedScientists have been working on the study of the characteristics and behaviors of collective living when ants, and became every day surprised secrets and amazing facts about this insect minute small mind can not absorb it sometimesA team of U.S. researchers have monitored colony Nmlah be flooded and were surprised that the ants take divides himself on the setsEach group consists of about 500 ant intertwined with each other constitute what looks like a small buoy floating above the water surface and resist cliff mainstream, and remain on this case without being able to stream Nile them for several weeks and without Takhar forces or separated from each other!

Read minute through a microscope shows that each ant from the group you grasp the man or other jaw ant with the tightening of the muscles of her body firmly so that it can limit within this dam Manea which Conteh their bodies, more air and thus be able to remain floating on the surface of the water

As for how their ability to breathe despite the presence in the water and says these researchers that the process of breathing are made ​​through those fine hairs that her God-given and covering her body
And tried to do plunge this fabric Namla condensate forcibly, but to no avail
Was like someone trying to make a drop oil sink to the bottom of the water says Nathan Mlot one of these researchers!

Look how intertwined ants with each other in this way stunning like adherent material!

It's survival instinct and spirit of cooperation and collaboration that characterize this strange insect societies that I realized that:
Union force