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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Driven by guilt.{The atom which respect man of the Lance that}

Driven by guilt.{The atom which respect man of the Lance that}

Tailbone or coccyx "located at the end of your spine has puzzled scholars
And scientists for centuries. Because of uncertainty about his origins and his adopted cultures
(Different opinions) about its usefulness and wisdom of its existence. In addition to that it is useful in
Our daily lives-but cause problems for some people-whose presence in that place reminds us of the tail
Or the guilt of many creatures. When Charles Darwin published writing
"The origin of species"
1859 "origin of man" 1871 referred to as (remains of the tail or tail) was owned by
Our people in the distant past — some by as evidence
Common origin
Between man and APE (...!)


But the truth is that there is a religious and medical perspectives-and scientific discoveries in medicine
Nerves and embryos
-Get us out of this narrow interpretation. The tailbone for example mentioned (the term)
In interviews, many interpreted his prophetic and separated and the wisdom of it; for example, originally confirmed
That arises from the human and seed them on the day of resurrection. For example, there are
According to Mustafa
Prophet "every son of Adam to eat the dirt but tailbone from creating and installing"
He also said "that the human bones don't you eat never land when installing doomsday said
Any bone, o Messenger of Allah said tailbone "as well as" and then descend from the sky water, they grow
As albkl grows and not in humans only compete only one bone is tailbone. ".


Looking for the topic of "embryology" discover that first appears in an egg
(After pollinated in the uterus and its transformation to chew) thread or thin (called Super bar tape
First or primitive streak) grow from tissues and nerves and human organs. And it appears
On the fifteenth day of pregnancy and then shrink and retreat in the following weeks and stays
Only the effect of atrophic known as the coccyx or tailbone (Coccyx or Tailbone Human)!!.


If you do not have this tape fails the fetus to grow and continue-even if
Vaccination event
-And never does not move to the members and the emergence of the nervous system. Because of the vital role
Of this tape (which turns to coccyx) competent British Committee agreed
The ethics of vaccination
Industrial adoption as milestone Specifies while allowing for physicians to conduct
Early experiments on embryos or from surplus IVF in vitro!!.


...There is a unique medical condition called "fetus mutant" demonstrate that the tailbone is the true origin
For man. After that (first strip) role in the formation of the fetus in the week
IV and settles down in the last paragraph of the spine. Despite its decline (coccyx) remains
To maintain its properties and its ability to develop moral members if active again. And this exactly
What happens in the case of "fetus mutant" as the coccyx to its sudden way, members
(New) as hand, foot and toes or grow as a teratoma distorted while the surgeon opens it
Find inside members scattered as teeth and intestines, bones, glands!!.


...All these controlled trials demonstrate that the tailbone is the origin of it, which it
The fetus will reflect the first modern (from creating an install). And while
His mission-as a seed
Create them in the womb develop and declining component "coccyx" which does not break down under
Dirt, be it human installation doomsday ...

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