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Saturday, January 26, 2013

:: Who we are before the elk we?! ::

:: Who we are before the elk we?! ::

We will make a quick comparison between the size of the globe and the size of a small part of the universe to see who we are.

Says: (o ye to your Lord human you Karim * that your creation, you you will rejoice at your justice in any manner any rakeback) [infitar: 6-8]. Let's start the journey may be aware of our contemplative to the grandeur of the universe. Consider globe as it appears from the outside:

؟! :: سوف نجري مقارنة سريعة بين حجم كرتنا الأرضية

So look our for the astronauts, it's the land of giant and big ... So think but you are also already? Let's consider this image of the globe before the Sun in real size:
وبين حجم جزء صغير من الكون لنرى من نحن ..

Look with me into this small blue ball to the right of the Sun are small to flame the Sun! And look at the words of the flame from the Sun and the Earth, fold size if it approached the globe what to do? No doubt will annihilate life on her back in a few minutes.
But that's not all, let's consider this the Sun giant from abroad what they look like?

يقول تعالى: (يَا أَيُّهَا الْإِنْسَانُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ الْكَرِيمِ *

The Sun look like small shiny star that we distinguish between these hardly stars!! This giant monster which exceeds the size of the Earth in the most mnmlion time, hardly seen in this picture!
But let's get even more out of our Galaxy, of course our Galaxy contains more than 100 billion Suns!!! Consider with me this galaxy in which we live:
الَّذِي خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّاكَ فَعَدَلَكَ * فِي أَيِّ صُورَةٍ مَا شَاءَ

This is a picture of our Galaxy from the outside so look as portrayed by scientists, but can any of you that distinguishes a star like the Sun among the most mnmaeh a million Sun appear in this picture?!?! No doubt that the sun never hardly see between this crowd of stars.
But let's again move away from our Galaxy, what can we see? And how will this enormous Galaxy at a distance? Look with me to this picture:

رَكَّبَكَ) [الانفطار: 6-8]... لنبدأ برحلة تأملية عسى أن ندرك حجمنا

Can any of you that distinguishes our Galaxy now? Of course the giant Galaxy their stars look beyond 100,000 million star, looks like a small and his far swim in the cool darkness. Scientists say that the universe contains hundreds of billions of galaxies!!
Again, let's move away from these galaxies, what do we see? We are facing a new scene: that thread being giant lined by thousands of galaxies look with me and checked out good:

أمام عظمة الكون. لنتأمل كرتنا الأرضية كما تبدو من الخارج:

See this thread as luminous galaxies, Cosmic, glory of the great creator, any force stuck these galaxies and described this elaborate format? it's without a doubt the power of God Almighty.
But to move away again and uncover corner of the universe, how it seems that from the outside? And where are we from this universe? Consider this picture:

هكذا تبدو أرضنا بالنسبة لرواد الفضاء، إنها أرض عملاقة وكبيرة...

This is the cosmic fabric that he called the Qur'an "knitting" consisting of millions of threads and each thread resides thousands of galaxies and each Galaxy containing billions of stars, each star is the Sun as our Sun or larger or smaller.

And now dear reader: can you see the land here? Galactic vision impossible in this picture because every point of which is a gathering of galaxies containing hundreds, so where are you man for the universe? And where you are before the greatness of God blessed and exalted?

All this universe does not exceed the size of corn before the greatness of the Almighty Creator? If the entire universe as well as not worth nothing before God, what about you man, why is even challenging your Creator and your provider and your God who honours by the grace of existence?

Dear bharath the be haughty! How dare the Almighty Creator of the universe, and deny the bounty and grace? How challenging this great machine says that the universe was found by accident? How Alla Rahman questioned the Almighty and snobs in its territory and under its airspace, and is capable of destroying the entire universe?

But the great God is forgiving, merciful and does not repent of it, it is a calling and tells you: (say hey Ebadi who have themselves not tkontwa from God's mercy that God forgives all sins it is forgiving, merciful) [cliques: 53].

God is your creation and then if, and provide with the means of subsistence you then forget his grace, and protect you from evil and then questioned his bounty and vine, and despite all that invites you to forgive you and disinfect you and gives you happiness in this world and the hereafter, does the kindest of this holy God?

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