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Tuesday, January 29, 2013



لحميتين تشبهان اللوز في شكلهما تقعان في مؤخرة الفم علىTonsils are a two blocks to Hmetin almond تشبهان in constraint located in the back of the mouth on both sides, size of the tonsils varies from one child to another, they are large in some children without inflammation, while much younger than their volume in the other children.
Tonsils can be clearly seen when considering the open mouth using light battery.
Tonsils working to defend the body, and the composition of antibodies to the bacteria that enter through the upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms of tonsillitis,,, /

When a child (or big) inflamed tonsils, complains of the following symptoms:
1. Pain and difficulty in swallowing.2. High temperature.3. Pain in the muscles and joints.4. General feeling of fatigue.5. Change the sound that seems as if the speaker speaks in his mouth a bit big to eat.6. Emergence painful lymph glands on both sides of the neck.7. Tonsils appear at Mahmrtan inspection and swollen, and can be covered with white spots (pyoderma).8. Some children complain of abdominal pain due to inflammation of the lymph glands in the abdomen.

Diagnosis,,,, /
Depends doctor in diagnosing the situation on the examination conducted by the patient, and the work of a bacteria farm after taking a swab from the throat and put it in a small container filled with gelatinous material help to the growth of bacteria taken from the throat.
Gets tonsillitis due to infection with different types of viruses and bacteria, and doctor tries to find out whether a bacterial infection bacterial farm work, but viruses can not be detected in this way.

Causes tonsillitis,,, /The reason tonsillitis to different types of viruses and bacteria 0 and the most important bacterial cause is retained staphylococcus that can cause complications in heart (rheumatic fever) and kidneys because it is not treated in a timely manner.
As for the viruses are often do not carry any risk and equal patient to heal, usually after three to four days, but there is a virus called Ebestin bar virus causes disease and monocytes nucleus Alkh. infectious mononucleosis and this disease like tonsillitis in symptoms but does not respond to antibiotics liberty nor heals infected before the lapse of about four weeks of infection.

Treatment,,,, /
1. Advised that persons suffering from inflamed tonsils relieved to get back to his his Tabiein.
2. Can a person that eats natural but that he could not swallow because of the pain, he can eat liquids and snacks and cold like ice cream and jelly radiator.
3. The use of painkillers and decreases heat on a regular basis, such as paracetamol.4. Prescribe antibiotics when expecting a bacterial infection, and in this case, it must comply with the instructions for medical specific doses and duration of treatment in order to prevent resistance of bacteria in the future. The best antibiotic to treat bacterial tonsillitis is a penicillin drug, but for those who suffer from an allergy to penicillin they can use drug Alaotheromaysan.
5. Some children need adults to undergo a tonsillectomy, but this process is not resorted to doctors only in a few cases because of tonsillitis an important role in protecting the body from germs, especially in the first years of life.
6. When's disease and single cells Alkh. patient needs to rest in bed for a period of up to a week or two weeks are advised not to make an effort muscular large even improve his health, and does not require the use of antibiotics, because the disease is viral and not responding to treatment of these medicines, and can be infected patient complications when used some types of antibiotics, and therefore must consult a doctor before using them.

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