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Monday, January 28, 2013

Learn to be an optimist

Learn to be an optimist

While skeptical that such a think healthy to avoid that an abuser, but being pessimistic — always assume the worst — can have a significant negative impact on your life. To see only the negative aspects in any position may lead to Miss good opportunities, and neglecting the problems that need to be resolved, and fail to take actions that would improve your relationships and the quality of your life. In fact, studies indicate that pessimists are more prone to chronic diseases later in life for optimists. Optimist looking for light at the end of the tunnel. If you always you look pessimistic, it may be difficult to convert your concentration, but it is possible to start to see filled half of the Cup, and not half empty.

Steps that may help you to be optimistic:

Abandon the assumption that the whole world against you: or you gave birth and there is a grey cloud over your head. An assumption is because in science. Sometimes we take a tendency to pessimism from a parent who always puts negative assumptions about the world. In both cases, you can change these concepts in your head, it will be easier to change your Outlook alchaemih to the world around you.

Understand that the past does not equal the future:
Not because you had an accident or situation which I felt pain or disappointment in the past this would be the case in the present and the future. not necessarily that what starts poorly will end badly. Don't make a bad turn makes you predict end bad.

See for yourself as a cause, and not ice cube Cather:
You don't have to become a victim of your circumstances. Stop thinking about what happened to you, and start thinking about what can happen. If you are radiaan the way your life now select the target and progress and work to achieve. Use the negative experience of building a stronger personality and made better decisions. Life involves many risks every day, and not necessarily all be positive. This is known as risk. But the bright side is that some actions will lead to good results, and it's generally better to have a mixed bag of good and bad, that have nothing at all. Ideally, the good things outweigh the bad, but you have to reach the point that looked forward in hopes of success.

Use positive affirmations:
Type short phrases that remind you of what you are trying to change the way you see the world. Put them in places that you see every day, like a bathroom mirror, in your, your wheel on a computer screen, and up on the wall. Of these affirmations to get started are:

"Everything is possible."
"Circumstances do not creator me, I create conditions".
"The only thing I can control is my attitude and my Outlook on life".
"I always have a choice."
"I choose to live the positive side of life."
Remember that life is short: when is pessimism hangs over your judgement on things or you start down your spirits to the future, said yourself that every minute counts, and the time you spend are depressed is against time enjoy happy things in life. Essentially, pessimism is not practical because it causes you to spend the time you spend thinking about the sad things there so far is not the substance, which prevents you from achieving things may will and adventurous. Pessimism generates frequency. It's a waste of time, time is a finite resource could not recover or save.

Be optimistic balanced:
No one is proposing to become unaware, and pretends that there would be no bad thing. To do so leads to bad decisions, and make people exploit you. Instead, be optimistic good with rational bad takes, and hoped the good outweighs the bad, ultimately and remember to be pessimistic about everything does not achieve anything. Get ready for the worst but hoped better-reasonable, and the former the latter make you make you optimistic.

1. use quotation marks to remind yourself how to be optimistic. If someone during the day, the argument gives you positive, without them on paper. Here are some inspirational quotes:

Even the longest journey begins with a single step.
Life has a way to remind us that there could be worse.
Every cloud has a silver beam.
2. I look happy. Studies have shown that a positive expression on your face can make you feel happy, and be more optimistic about the present and the future.

3. don't get angry with yourself if you find that you have a sense of pessimism. I know that it is normal to feel pessimistic human sometimes, when life is boring or when you experience difficulties in life.

4. know that changing your mental alchaem to optimism takes a long time, learn to be patient.

5. practice by moving these ideas to others. If you hear someone be pessimistic, I advise them from these steps. Often it is easier to understand the view if you explain it to someone else first.

6. read and listen to music: regardless if this may seem strange, listening to upbeat music (which I love), and read books that contain optimism, if small, send you encouraging.

7. smile: want to make the situation better, smile and stay smiling makes the situation better!

8. count the blessings that you have, whatever their number, even if a few: focusing on the good things in your life, no matter how small or seemingly trivial, encouraging and will help you out of your mind the negatives.

9. sometimes, bad ideas encapsulate your mind but it's not your fault! The values of your friends, family members, and the people around you, and avoid people who make you feel unhappy or negative.


Everyone goes through times of weakness: you may stumble sometimes, and revert to bad habits but do not give up, and then again gradually and you will succeed.
Don't confuse the pessimism and depression: depression can make everything seem worse than it actually is.
While it was true that that creates your circumstances, accept that the past is the past.
Don't let the negative conditions lead to illogical feeling of guilt or

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