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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Are pygmies

Are pygmies
Dwarfs pygmies in anthropological terms are individuals who are no more than adult male height including 130 cm, and an adult woman 121 cm. And dwarf (cretinism) satisfactory condition quality resulting from inadequate hormones produced by one of the adrenal, thyroid or pituitary, and associated dwarf usually phenomena and disorders satisfactory Kalpladh and stupid and easily fatigue and premature aging, lack of fit of the body, and may continue natures childhood to dwarf even after puberty, if the Qzimaith resulted from failure special pituitary Gdth, and the most famous dwarfs Nicholas Ferry Nicolas Ferry renowned children (21 cm at birth and 90 cm at the age of puberty), and Princess Flo (Floh 80 cm), and Borvilavsky Borwilawesky (78 cm).

The classification of the groups that is characterized by its members originally Palace tall severe (without reason patients) in groups of dwarves, is rated Agreements purely between scientists anthropological, and colonizes these groups generally, environment specific geographic sandwiched between latitudes 5 degrees north of the equator and south, live their lives primitive mobile, combining strong and capture. Dwarfs divided according to geographical distribution areas to Africans and Asians.

Pygmy Africans «Alnegrelo in» Nigrillo belonging to the Negro strain .. ~
Are characterized Balqama short ranges in length from 133 cm and 144 cm, they are young sizes, and Moktnzo objects, their arms long, legs short, and their skin black is dark yellowing, as are characterized by hair Muffil mystic texture, lips Algleztin Albarzatan is hole cards, and mouth wide senior forward, and bones prominent cheeks. And take front soon have a form of the isosceles triangle, and grow hair on their faces and all over their bodies. The main factions blood prevailing in them are A, B and AB, The O clique are rare. And unique African pygmy sizeable ass between the major African strain.

The African pygmy divided into:
1 strain of the first characterized by their Baketvin Aldiktin, short and broad face, nose Alavtts, and a little hair on the face and body.
2 seconds strain characterized by their head and face Tuilin, and black skin is dark, and shoulders Aerydtin, and profuse hair on the body and chin, and skin color tends to both strains to light brown, especially when children of a lack of protein in their diet.

Depending on the geographical habitat, African pygmy can be divided into:
Western Dwarfs: settling in tropical forests of the Congo and Cameroon, the best known groups Abannga Binga.
Eastern dwarfs: living in the basin of the Ituri (DRC), and they know to Albambuth groups Bambute.
Pygmies who settled the Congo River basin, in the region between the home dwarfs Westerners and home to the East, and are represented by the Twa Twa, who are of the shortest human groups in the world, ranging along the individual whom between 129 cm and 132 cm, and is characterized by individuals Twas head petition (ratio vertical have more than 81%), and broad nose, and shoulders black Aldiktin was yellowed, and a little hair on their faces and their bodies, which is of rough texture Sophie. And make up blood kinship to the father's side major social cohesion have, so Father sits above the family hierarchy within the tribe.
Twa pygmies involved in stem recipes, and lifestyle, and social system, each of Aloka and Batwa Pygmies and Albambuth.
In the Kalahari Desert located between river basins Zambezi and Orange in the south of Africa, living groups Bushmen that no more than average length per capita of the 145 cm, and also know as San San, a designation launched them groups الهوتنتوت who call themselves Khoi Khoi, and linked with the St. bond linguist and dynastic solid, pay a lot of Alontorpologian (scientists strains) to classify them together within a single strain known as strain الخويسانية Khoisan, and the advantage of individuals Bushmen of others nose short broad is low, and the face broad, and the lower jaw prominent, and head round, and hair Muffil with texture Sufi, and self Almaúlten eyes shape Mozi, this ماجعل some Alontorpologian Asnfonhm grand Mughal group, and not within the African strain major.

Asians Dwarfs «Alngrito» Negrito .. ~

DRC dwarf and a length of 1.5 m
Live within tropical forests in Southeast Asia, are characterized Bakamp short rate increases in length 148 cm, and the head of a broad or average width, and a round face is small, black skin dark yellowish nose huge non-pug, and hair Mvfil Sophie rare on the face and body, as are characterized harmonically members of the body, usually classified under the Australian strain, and the most important communities:
1 Alsyemang: settling Malay and eastern Sumatra and southern Thailand, and living small groups not exceeding numbering 30 people, and the father is the master of the family, and do not know polygamy, believe in reincarnation and Totem, and magicians, including social status and economic characteristic, no more than the length of the man including a 149 cm, and women 145 cm, their bodies are consistent, have vertical ratio ranged between 70% and 75%, and is curved, and a short nose and splayed.
2 Altaberu: settle New Guinea and some parts of the Melanesian (New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Islands and Kalidonah new, Vanuatu and Fiji), are characterized by head broad and black hair thick on the face and body, and is curved and is مقلوبتين, and nose is broad, and skin structure yellowish.
3 الآيتا: living on the island of Luzon (Philippines), are characterized by Balqama Max 146 cm in length and broad head, broad nose flounder, and the medium-thickness lips, and black hair Muffil heavy on the face and body.
4 midgets Islands Andaman (Bay of Bengal): no more than tallness them to 148 cm, and the head is bold, as the proportion is vertical to 83%, and the face is bold too, and the nose straight and relatively lips Mmtlitan, and hands small, and the members of the body consistent overall.

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