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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Earwax Earwax: secretion and function of natural and preventive

Earwax Earwax: secretion and function of natural and preventive
Called wax ear Balsamlakh, a yellow waxy substance (liquid oily greasy), is excreted in the outer third of the external ear canal of the human being, the part of the envelope cartilage located between the eardrum and the aperture between the external ear.
In this part of the canal there are sebaceous glands mission secretion materials thick and sticky. There is also in this part also sweat glands mission secretion more liquid materials. It consists of the two types of viscous substances and liquid ear wax
The presence of wax in that area of ​​importance in the ear ear cleaning and moisturizing, in addition to the protection of different kinds of microbes and insects.

Types of wax ...}
There are two types of ear wax ear: wet type is brown and viscous, consists of about 50 percent from fat, and 20 per cent of the proteins.The second type is dry ear wax which is gray in color and have the form cortices. It consists of 18 per cent of fat and 43 per cent of the proteins. And have a specific type of ear wax for each particular person.
People vary in the quality of public ear wax, and that genetic ethnic considerations. People of African origin or Caucasian white with secretions waxy nature wet subject to genes prevalent and powerful effects, but people of Asian assets, Indian and residents of the American continent indigenous They have secretions nature dry and solid subject to genes with recipe recessive and weak effects.
Ear wax mixed with skin Almnslkh, and with some of the hair, and other plucking. And condition between the liquid and solid cases Almtckh, depending on the quantity of each of the items and the time spent wax into the canal. The higher the proportion of dead skin largest and whenever the presence of wax longer, tougher whenever stiffness.

Ear wax jobs - cleaning:
Wax attached external layer of the interior areas in the external ear canal. It is difficult to move abroad unless already moving that layer of living cells lining the canal, but the movement of the jaw joint lead to a kind of very slow motion, which displaces abroad skin surface layer of cells lining the canal.
However the slow movement of cells to the outside, graduated waxy layer, carrying with them all the dirt and dust and impurities, which were suspended by and Blzojth.

- Moisturizing and lubricating and oiling:
It is very important and the presence of a wetted inner lining of the external ear canal, so as to prevent drought in the skin of the external canal, and thus prevent the repercussions of the drought of itching and burning. And why there is a moisturizing and lubricating property in the ear wax is having a relatively high amount of fat and cholesterol in the ear wax.

- Prevention and protection from microbes and insects:
Large groups of medical studies confirmed that the ear wax that task to overcome the bacteria, fungi and viruses. The results of the studies that ear wax material containing chemical compounds with the capacity to effectively kill microbes.
The best means of addressing the accumulation of wax Aloznalosalh mechanism (self-cleaning): if not wax in your ear, causing problems, you do not need to do anything, movement of the jaw, while chewing or talking lead to transmission of the wax from inside the channel towards external ear, then takes to fade and drought begins after exposure to air and then fall alone.

The manual way: If there is mild itching or discomfort, you can use a piece of cloth or small towel gently and carefully, and remember that this wax not Osakha or abnormal phenomenon.

Wrong in cleaning habits wax:

Of the common mistakes that the person himself to remove ear wax from the ear canal whenever I feel itching inside the ear, and the same thing done by the mother with a small child, whenever I noticed that catch the ear with tears, ear sticks are used to remove wax from his ear. It is a common mistake may be the result of causing puncture the eardrum.

Therefore avoid and beware remove wax in the following ways:
- Use cotton swabs sticks.- The use of an ischemic pumping water through the mouth.- Use the cup and candle- Use cotton swabs- Use a pen or a key or pin- The use of towed and fragment removal wax without consulting your doctor

Home the dangers of the use of the means to remove the wax: -
Pay a wax block to walk deeper inside the external ear canal, which would impede the output of wax, and to the accumulation of layers above the layers inside the ear.- Laceration and skin sores lining the channel, making it easy for external ear infections.- Likelihood of inducing Pthtk the eardrum tissue, ie the emergence hole- Frequent cleaning pays glands responsible for the secretion of wax material to secrete larger amounts- Infection and inflammation

Causes the accumulation of hardened ear wax -

Some cases of skin disease such as eczema: they increase the production of skin cells. The thick growth of hair inside the channel encircles Asamlakh, slow moving out of the ear.
- In some cases exceeding the speed to quickly get rid secretion of wax.
- The use of sticks, which covers both ends with cotton:Where could afford to pay more wax into the ear canal, where it takes to accumulate sclerosis.
- Progress of human life: and here begins the glands in the ear canal atrophied, producing less liquid Zeta, and so it does not move easily through the ear canal.

Symptoms of excessive ear wax .. <

Increased accumulation of wax may work to put pressure on the eardrum or cause bridge stream channel, hindering the ability of hearing, so you should visit a doctor If you see any of the following symptoms:
- Weakness or hearing loss- Ringing or tinnitus- Ear aches or pains, especially after bathing- Clogged ear- Unbalance
The doctor recommends - after examining the ear ear screening tool - using ear drops to soften the wax a few days before returning to remove it. And often lead drops alone effect needed wax بتليين has enough to come out of the ear alone.
In some cases, the doctor may have to suction microscopy method
In all cases, it is not recommended in modern medicine ear wash.

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