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Sunday, January 6, 2013

About beautiful bird life ostrich

About beautiful bird life ostrich

They are so huge that they can not fly


Ostrich is the largest bird in the world, and a longer length of Toulna as up to two and a half meters and weighing approximately 120 kg.
There ostrich in Central Africa, and live in groups, but not be able to fly, but God granted other properties so that they can escape from their enemies, as are running very quickly thanks to the length of her legs · They are quick to the point that it is impossible for any object to catch up.
Ostrich of the fastest animals that walked on two legs as they can run at speeds of 70 km per hour.
Now you something interesting!!

Did you know that an ostrich only two fingers on each leg? Add to that a two fingers is much larger than the other · ostrich and run only on the big finger · In addition to a large speed it is also a wrestler Maher Vtlguen their feet and strikes out its tentacles in the face of its enemies.
This animal world's largest egg largest eggs in the world, too, digs his hole big place where, and Thfarha extent that capacity for 10 or 12 eggs not is · If dug a hole in the dirt does not take a long time and consume a lot of energy, he carried the dirt much lighter from digging the ground, dig the dirt is handed while digging the earth requires at least use a shovel, so moving ostrich inspired by God, select the dirt digging the ground and then lay their eggs and covered with dust.
Here are other Fun fact is that the task of care with eggs assigned to only one female, but start Ptfiqis eggs and then attached to the rest of the eggs, mother Vteixr peel eggs thanks to the air holes in the eggs.

The young people who are coming out of eggs impaired, and can be easy prey for birds lethal, but young ostrich use smart ways when Idahmanm danger as lying on the ground as if they were dead, enemy Fadhan they dead and adjusts attack!! This movement carried out by all young at the same time.
Is believed to be a small ostrich has done this by chance? No, this is not possible.
Well, how do you turn a newborn bird to actor and play this role?
The answer is very clear, God Almighty, the Knower give these young people a way to defend themselves ....

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