Beautiful information about the world of the Great Whale
is one of the largest marine animals, especially the blue whale with a length of 30 meters and weighs more than 150 thousand kg.
This whale if you want to embody the length you have to imagine a five-story
building, and the weight of the whale equivalent weight of 25 or 30 villas.
Well, how come an animal of this size and weight of depths between 800 and 1,000 meters to the surface of the water?
Imagine a huge ship weighs 150 tons and is 30
meters in length, if this ship sank at a
depth of 1,000 meters will require removing the surface of the water again for many years. But the whale and God has enough power to be
able within 15 or 20 seconds out above the surface of the water because the whale bones composed of materials and spongy bone filled with grease. So out the whale to the surface of the water with ease. The whale creating a can face pressure at sea,
The air that travels inside the stomach and muscles if not passed within the airways mixed with chemicals that feed them whale,
the circulatory system Fimd body blood of Members to the brain,
bringing oxygen to more members need to him,
namely the
system has puzzled scientists, it is the greatness of God and his ability, and
thanks to this wonderful composition whale can survive for 5 to 20 minutes
underwater without breathing. Add
to all this, the whale does not come out of the water suddenly like maritime
rights as a result of the pressure, in the sense that if the diver income to a
certain level within the depths he has to stop his body to get used to it, so it
enter slowly into the depths. But
do not forget if the diver returns to the top he must stop after a certain
period, but the veins of his body exploded as a result of pressure die then.
whale does not suffer such a problem because of God he created him to live in
the sea as the creation of man to live on land. Did
you see how it came out the water from the hole in the top of the whale?
Well, do you know that the
hole is his nose? Valhot
use only his nose to breathe the opposite of what some people think.
empties collected from the air inside the lungs, and this air is mixed with
water vapor and because the temperature is higher than the outside air
temperature seems to us from afar like a stream coming out of the whale's nose.
has created the whale can swim, fish usually used its tail to stand vertically
The well placed whale tail horizontally and advancing into the water using its
tail. There
are in the body of the whale layer of grease 50 cm thick and
to maintain the basic stability of the whale's body temperature between 34 and
37 degrees. Here
to remind you the important point is that the whale and the rest of the fish do
not drink sea water because salt water harms living organisms to take their
water needs from the food that you eat. Each
year gray whale swims towards the California through the Arctic Sea and South
American coasts. They need to warm water to give
birth. Interestingly,
in this journey that a pregnant female whale do not eat anything throughout the
journey as they already do not need to eat. They
feed throughout the summer days-rich foods you eat in northern waters.
so you grow fat layer, which provides energy enough to confront this trip.
female whale gives birth if they come to western Mexico and feeds young Bhlipea
so piety fat layer have are Vtaathao trip north, which begins in
prevalent and a female whale watered their young milk like the rest of the mammals, but not Tredaha because they If Erdatha inside water enters the water does not inevitably lead to the mouths of their young, and we explained previously that the salt water harms living organisms. Episode of damage Aledam top female breast whale Vtdguet mother on those vicious Vijrj Milk directly toward the mouths of their young, as is the case when the dolphin. Of course, Vhalib female whale is not like milk as we know, it is a lipid semi-rigid material, and therefore not mix milk with water. And when they drink - or rather eat young - turns into a liquid inside their stomachs, and for this high nutritional value of milk. As you have noticed, God gave young whale integrated system so that they can grow. The oily class, which are the eyes of the whale is protected from the negative effects of the sea. The sense of touch and hearing the whales are very sharp, they are issued from the depths different voices and then tracks resonate, and thus guided to the right direction. And this work like a radar completely. Radar itself making a tradition of whale radar. Scientists believe that the votes issued by the whale is a different language, and that language has a great role in communication among its members.
prevalent and a female whale watered their young milk like the rest of the mammals, but not Tredaha because they If Erdatha inside water enters the water does not inevitably lead to the mouths of their young, and we explained previously that the salt water harms living organisms. Episode of damage Aledam top female breast whale Vtdguet mother on those vicious Vijrj Milk directly toward the mouths of their young, as is the case when the dolphin. Of course, Vhalib female whale is not like milk as we know, it is a lipid semi-rigid material, and therefore not mix milk with water. And when they drink - or rather eat young - turns into a liquid inside their stomachs, and for this high nutritional value of milk. As you have noticed, God gave young whale integrated system so that they can grow. The oily class, which are the eyes of the whale is protected from the negative effects of the sea. The sense of touch and hearing the whales are very sharp, they are issued from the depths different voices and then tracks resonate, and thus guided to the right direction. And this work like a radar completely. Radar itself making a tradition of whale radar. Scientists believe that the votes issued by the whale is a different language, and that language has a great role in communication among its members.
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