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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Culture speak sender, and loose talk

Culture speak sender, and loose talk
If you are exposed for public action, there is no doubt that you will come to the color of the culture that many community groups, and differences in individual differences among broad layers of society that is bold, educational and community media is still fed us that culture a long time ago.
The realized Alvagahon - the depth of their experiences - that brains are three types:* Small minds discuss people's affairs and always personifying things.* Ordinary minds discuss events everyday society.* Great minds refuse to discuss the affairs of people or Ahdathm daily that they discuss the ideas raised in the community and addressed Baldhoud or support or amendment.
But what do we mean that culture? What characteristics? And how to reduce them in our Arab and Islamic societies?
Between speech sender, and loose talkWhile find something without a link and without evidence expressed by its owner so on the face of considering who receive them this talk Hmla people do not shortchanged them and called a set of lies and then not pay any attention to what you pay him for yourself these absurdities and remains repeating what sends the lies then you know you are facing a case can be be called an extreme form of speech sender if you want examples of what you need to do is to consider the following:
* What was marketed by the U.S. and Britain of evidence of Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction.* What marketed by America and Britain of evidence for the arrest of the detainees and ask for Guantanamo prisoners.* False leads him let us know that there are terrorist organizations targeting bombings in tourist places, religious from here or there (organize corner Hamra).* What marketed by Egypt and Jordan - above - the involvement of Hamas arms transfers, and so on.* Say to persons or bodies talk transponders without little evidence (an example is hardly without him a particularly symbols, whether political or religious, sports or otherwise if Atcol someone on so and so he does not have the qualifications - a cultural and mental - to well not to such and like impinges it right or aware of what in Mknon chest).* What marketed by the West to resist the occupying Zionist entity but is tantamount to terrorism.
It can mark these charges received haphazardly and quantitatively as charges idiots Vosahabha not Evtaon chanting those charges day and night, a which was soon to Aktha Olson followers in every field hanging it and if you respond to one of those charges did not cost stupid bother listening to you as They occupy themselves threw another charge and charge after charge after charge and so Tatar without listening to refute it.
The speech loose - which is not the point here - is intended by the launch of the words in can all theses if someone says that unity among Muslims is the solution, or scientific research is to progress and advancement .... There is no doubt that this word good lacks customization and automatic clear features to deal with him.
Characteristic of this culture* Intentions trial.* Curtailment vision and amputation was some talk out of context.* Jump to the wrong conclusions.* Negative interpretation of what is positive.* Digestion and ingestion not participate.* Pessimism and mistrust.* Inability to prioritize.* Confused between the impossibility of perception and the impossibility of existence.* Vulnerability status of people with the impression.* Intolerance.* - To name things without her name.* Circular.And explain it all does not fit place him and suffice alone one Here a digestion and ingestion not participate ... and we mean the way all or nothing Some people tend to recognize events as either right or wrong without realizing it one may combine with it some aspects of health and wrong with giving priority to the last part of future could lead to positive results effective if given the opportunity.
And psychological studies confirm that the owners of this kind of thinking Atzmon intolerance and stress, anxiety and inertia, stiffness, and in another language vasospasm cultural .. tempted this kind of thinking owner correlated with absolute perfection and then becomes the owner of frustration at the failure.
For example: what happened from parliamentary elections in Egypt 2005, where did not expect the ruling party that loss and then did not bear more success opposition - although he dominated in another crooked annexation independent him - so he terrorized the people and the use of means criticized Arab human rights organizations and other .. .. and see that which make him the wrong way of thinking espoused by Nizrōh namely digestion and ingestion not participate.
There are various reasonsThere are various reasons for this phenomenon mismatch, for example:* Complete ignorance of the subject of talk in a language other severe lack of information.* Lack of goods and intellectual sustenance.* Envy.* Mental defect in the structure.* Find the cause of Wah, as in the story of the pregnancy and the Wolf.* Misreading of reality or distorted interpretation.* Thinking mind other standing and to suggest and then becomes one Bara idea and one tyrannize do not accept others.* Starting from assumptions and illusions calculated one facts and axioms like think that 1 +1 = 3, and then built on it the 3 +3 = 6 and vocalizing ... 3 +3 = 6 and go and come touting this equation which is essentially Mnicodh not play without crowing and qualified for these noise either deliberately or out of ignorance.
It is painful that swayed some Alvaqhen behind it departing from the same rules analysts reasons phenomena According to give them these data ... like someone who believes Hamas terrorist and then demanded that Hamas cease resistance, lest taken the Zionist entity as a pretext for an attack on unarmed civilians have تعامى those for vision Who is the real terrorist has echoed the same argument media and Go think their minds are ... Any objective we can trust them in light of this distortion?
Question: Do you know the owners of these culture themselves or think themselves good fake?Of a strange irony that you see someone fall like this talk on the owners of truth and goodness I do not condemn falsehood and تبجحه but in light of their revolt lose quiet passion ... and say, for example: Torture in prisons exists but individual cases!!
Feel while Thadthm that they no longer have time to think about the words before they throw Vithiroa ridicule people ... preparing people them بغبائهم and Bosloppem thick crude was their first Rbaah themselves instead of belittling others saw ignorance.
Conclusion and RecommendationsThinking in our need and read - if you like - thinking Islamic pilgrimage to Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad, and read - if you like - the verse (the sight of God deaf mute who do not understand),
Alvaqhen to Atqowa patient in the face of falsehood handsome so if you're someone who does not improve their delivery of the right nor improved display your idea .... Olz patient when you see deny some people you when silence Alvaqhen sees who has not narrowed life and people - all people - fed up and try not to worsen your appreciation to the people and not to make a mistake in the universal responsibility of all people on that they did not stand with you or يحسوا including improved from perceived bitterness of stupid people as if they were created only for people Agazawa right.
Strongly advise you to be patient ... that cling to the truth that with you .... struggling (with wisdom and good advice) in order to connect the noble goals of the people .. be patient (but victory patience of an hour) .. persevered فالمثابرة of Shim Alvaqhen ... struggled struggle assigned to victory.
And worked hard to learn the right ways of thinking Asak failed to be moved away from the debate with fools lest spend much of your life on people who do not deserve.

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