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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Do you usually have to start something and not complete it!!!!

Do you usually have to start something and not complete it!!!!
Might like to start a project but freezes on the road and do not complement the action plan. If you have taken the necessary measures and work to achieve your goals, Aattabrzlk a great achievement and you should be proud of yourself! Getting started is the first step to achieving your goals. Stumbles most people in thinking, Ataatqdmoa the work phase and this is not good because your goals will not be achieved without taking the necessary measures to achieve them. The successful completion of the project requires proper planning and conscious action.Tips on how to finish the projects initiated by:1. Be selective when embarking on a project:When you start a project (especially if it is on a large scale), make sure that this is something you are passionate about it and want to see happen. I personally do not ever something was not quite sure I am interested in him. If you are not sure that this is what you really want to do, you can try on a small scale, and make sure if that's what you're interested mainly or not.2. The amount of resources that you need:Companies are planning resources, with an estimated volume of resources required for the project. After that, planning the size of the workforce, investment and planning accordingly. For you, this means doing a quick plan about how much time and effort will take him this idea. The plan should not be stressful. Could be just a quick overview and help, intended to be a map to guide you. With the outline set by, you can now be divided into small tasks, so you can prepare yourself accordingly. And thus move on to the next point in resource planning.3. Time and energy budget and according to plan:After you create the outline, you'll have a realistic idea of ​​the extent of the need for the time and effort to accomplish that. The plan laid out by your time and resources accordingly incorporated by the timetable that you specified in the list of tasks that you set up what you must do every day. Devoted the time required for the project on the outcome of the wall (a week, a month or ten also requires the project). Give yourself some time Alfady which might be needed in case of emergencies.If we look back, we will see that the biggest reasons why the project is not completed (a) reduce the amount of work required (b) loss of time on unimportant details. Good planning resources to help you plan your energy and your expectations.4. Stop asking for perfection:How many of us work to delay work because we want to implement it in the best possible manner? Desire for perfection prevent you from getting things done, I think it's good to stop it. If there is a stage of the project stop you and require you to review again and again, leave it for a later stage and moved to a new part. Return to this part later, you'll see a fresh eye to help you discover why that can run. If the desire to perfection prevent you from even starting work Try these tips:First, break the task into many small steps, then focused on one part at a time. If after breaking slowed, dividing them into smaller pieces until you see you have completed part of what encourages you to eat later. Soon, if you look at this simple task'll wonder what was preventing you from doing so before! Second, give yourself permission to make a draft of the task. In other words, there is no need to get the job done the first time. Work just draft the best, than if they did not do anything at all. Start and you'll find the steps flowing from there.5. Adhered to:Once you start, you have to adhere to. Any what I had planned, you have to do. Give yourself the option out of the project if it finds that he really is not in line with your vision. Ask yourself what is most important to you - go out for a walk for the weekend, or working on a project that you wish to create? First bring you some temporary happiness, but the second is what gives you happiness and satisfaction. Bonuses that you get from the implementation of the project is the bonus that will continue to be cropped after so long.6. Continue with the final vision of your goal:May have seen that whenever you are in the start-up phase in the new project, will be full of energy and enthusiasm. Then when you indulge in things, slowly fade this energy away, little by little. But you will remain enthusiastic about the project in general, but you are not welcome tasks that come as part of work to implement. Imagine aims to build a house, brick, sand and cement and construction process and Amishqadtha must be until you see in the end, a beautiful house. That everything you do from work one after the other, in the end the dream that you want to achieve and see at the end of the project fully successful in front of you. Normal to lose vision final OT small tasks that Ottaghdk with plentiful and sequencing. Surround yourself with things that remind you of final Bhdvk, such as pictures of others who have achieved the same goal, and things that are objective, and so on.7. Tracking progress:Tracking the progress of helps you understand how you work out, and allows you to see the target you want to reach. This makes it easier to keep up with your work momentum. Select a paper map of the project that describes and record the current objectives for your situation. Select key performance indicators that you want to accomplish. Each week, reviewed the progress made. How much% of the ultimate goal has been achieved? Is it on the right path to your target? Why or why not? What are the basic things that need to be made in the next time? What is your goal in the next week? Tracking makes you accountable to your goal and help you stay on track.8. Celebrated what has been accomplished so far:

Sometimes feel frustrated by the many things that we need to do to reach the goal. Seems in important moments he spent a time, it is impossible to completion of these tasks. Controls you despair of the volume of work, and it was decided to withdraw in the middle of the road.Make sure - that everything you've done so far is an achievement! Many of us tend to emphasize that our last task is the most important Anjazatna through on goal, but is the most important task, but in fact, everything you have done and what you are doing now contributes to the final product and bring you from your goal. So celebrated. I take this opportunity to recharge your energies and reorganize your classes. When ready, continue on what you do. You're doing a great job.9. Do not press if the subject is achievable:In some cases, it may happen that you lose your interest in the same goal. That happens, and is a natural feeling. We Netgear, our interests change, and new ideas emerge, and to get us inspiration all the time new things. Some people feel it's a waste of efforts that Abzloha if they did something not Akmloh, and to pay themselves to move forward Dhagtin themselves.
Personally, I think it depends on the situation. I think that everything that was developed by the efforts of the situation is already a sunk cost, and it should not interfere in your decision whether you should continue to complete the job or not. Things that should affect your decision isBenefits that will accrueThe costs involved (some time in the future, and the effort and resources required).If it was really project Aamilo not proven failure and ineffective, I advise you to drop, and move on to something else. Spending more time (and energy) a big waste. If you put in mind that you no longer have any desire to do it anymore, you spend a lot of energy just to overcome this resistance! This energy which تهدرها fighting and resisting your desire to stop, you can use to build something else. What I have done is in addition to your experience and not the entire loss. Start again, benefiting from the experience gained by this time would achieve the goal.
Give yourself the right to leave you have lost your interest in it and it is no longer possible to completing the Make sure you ineffective, and would come racing thoughts to your head.
Remember: Of course, do not just start to drop everything just because you lose interest. If achieved 50% of what is working here must motivate yourself that you have halfway and left the other half, and that each step means getting closer to the end, and reach the goal.

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