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Friday, January 4, 2013

How to lose weight with herbs

How to lose weight with herbs
Crushed black bean even become soft, such as flour and then put a spoon in boiling water for fifteen minutes and then drink once am and once the evening before eating and for two months and you'll see wonderful things.- Soaked paper mulberry and drink twice before eating for two months.- Grapefruit juice in the morning helps to reduce weight.- Taken from the center apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach and before going to sleep for two months.- Take a tablespoon of ground sage and boiled in a liter of water for twenty minutes and drink three times a day before eating.- If you drink lemon juice center on an empty stomach helped to lose weight.- A lot of eating cabbage paper reduces weight.- A lot of eating bananas reduces weight.- Soaked fifty grams of dried grape leaves in the shade in a liter of water and then put on the fire to boil for half a minute and then leaves in water for fifteen minutes and then filtered and sweetened drink three cups a day before eating for a month and you'll see wonderful things.
Hair and skin]
The Prophet peace be upon him: (you Balathmd it pleases the sight and grow hair).- Helps germination hair eyelashes and eyebrows.- Limiting sight and purified from dirt.- Prevents blurred eye.- Akthal the healing of those who complain about the frequent tears.- Works to strengthen the nerves of the eye.]
[Semi Prophet peace be upon him Palm for a Muslim to the large number of its goodness and under time and good fruits, and his presence always.- Prevents skin dryness.- Prevents dry hair.
Command of the Prophet peace be upon him eat and eat garlic Imithma Baqee.- Tonic for the hair follicles.- That opens the pores of the body.
Command of the Prophet peace be upon him eat and eat garlic Imithma Baqee.- Used to treat dandruff.- Keep the fat scalp every day with garlic oil to prevent hair loss.
Black bean
The Prophet peace be upon him: (This black bean cure for every disease except poison I and Macomm? Said death).- If kneaded with honey and anointed the face once daily with paint left on the face an hour and then wash with lukewarm water removed acne.- Hits in a blender cumin and pomegranate peel dryer vinegar and caraway oil and then placed between the two tablespoon vinegar on the above and this mixture is heated with pouring a cup of water to the mixture also then applied to the acne for a month.- For hair loss taken a quantity of Nigella sativa after grinding in oil arugula pure is fiddled with three tablespoons vinegar grape damped natural with a cup of olive oil and three teaspoons of Nigella sativa oil and Bdlk the head daily evening and wash with warm water in the morning with redundancy for a period of fifteen days you'll see wonderful .
Salma or Rafie maid of the Prophet, peace be upon him said: (it does not affect the Prophet peace be upon him sore thorn only put henna)(I never complained to anyone and hurts in his head, but he said: cupping not complained to him and hurts his feet, but told him: dyed his hair with henna)- Useful in the treatment of cracks feet and Altzlkhat that occur between the toes.- If kneaded after fermentation on the scalp for four hours that cleanses the scalp of fungi by Holding and rid the scalp of excess fatty secretions.- For the treatment of hair loss henna mixed with vinegar and water in equal parts with a little lemon to treat infections of the scalp.
He says: (and bursting with love and basil)And says: (Either that was close * Farrouh basil and Naim Committee)The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (basil offered him not return it, it is light loaded pleasant smell).- If you take the paper dried, crushed and placed under the armpit removed underarm odor.- If fat Bzih scalp to prevent hair loss and Aitilh.- If cooked leaves and wash the head black hair and classed
Olive oil
The Prophet peace be upon him: (EAT oil and Adehnoa it from a blessed tree).- Prevents graying If fat every day.- Addresses the skin cracks.- Hair extension taken honey and oil in equal parts, and applied to the hair roots.- To put black hair oil is taken and then knead cypress nut burned and painted it a day.- Lengthening eyelashes and eyebrows density if taking castor oil and mix with olive oil and anointed the eyelashes and eyebrows, this leads to long eyelashes and quiet accompanied by massage.
The Prophet peace be upon him: (you Balchweean honey and the Quran).- If plating scalp prolonged hair and blessing of hasan
Male Prophet, peace be upon him: (he saw The Prophet night prisoners and if Nbgaha like Qala migrated).- Prevents hair loss but it Adjadh

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