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Thursday, January 24, 2013

In pictures ... Strange information may be new to you

In pictures ... Strange information may be new to you

Strange information may be new to you

If Matt elephant standing it remain standing
For a few hours before falling to the ground.

Fox said there is only one female only
Throughout his life, and if the female dies, the male remains tortured throughout
His life, as if the female does not hesitate to link again.

Status of my ass in the head allows
With four wide vision permanently.

The lion's roar can be heard
Of 8 kilometres

The ostrich live up to 75 years and remain
Able to reproduce until age 50.

Can the serpent to bite
Even after half an hour the assault.

The human stomach secrete
New mucosa lining every two weeks otherwise it will digestion itself.

There is a type of Ant is
"Ants Ripper» because mount raids on
Neighbouring ant colonies where kills nabber and spoiled
Contents and taken a number of ants and forces him to work
As slaves has!

The ostrich buries its head in the sand not
Escape from danger but in search of water.

Scientists observed that ants «yawn»
As human beings when he wakes up from his sleep in the morning.

50 per cent of alherabi (Chameleon)
In the world based in Madagascar.

A few years ago, lightning struck a clouds
A football in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
During one of the matches, odd that Thunderbolt killed
All players of one team while none
A player from the opposing team players.

Any square piece of paper the shape can not develop the
Itself more than 8 times, whatever the size.

The size of the Sun is 330330 times as compared to the size of the Earth.

When the human body generates 300 greatness,
However, that number decreased to 206 only when you reach puberty

Only members in the human body which
Do not depend on lifelong growth are the nose and ears.

Human stomach contains 35 million digestive gland.

The strongest muscle in the human body, is the tongue.

The size of the blue whale's heart is
The size of a car, as his tongue, a length of about 5 metres.

Scientifically bananas herbs
While the tomato fruit.

The retina contains about 135 million
Sensory cell responsible for capturing images and highlight colors

The number of illiterate people in the world
Nearly two billion people.

Total existing lakes in Canada alone more than
The number of lakes in all countries of the world combined.

The African Kingdom of Lesotho «»» surrounded by all
In the Republic of South Africa.

The number of tourists visiting France each year over
A population of about 60 million.

There are more than 50,000 river in China.

Chili contains the highest possible rate of
Vitamin «c» compared with all other vegetables and fruits.

The maximum speed of the bullet of approximately 1065 m
Second, equivalent to 3 times the speed of sound.

Laboratory research revealed that cigarette smoke
Contains more than 200 toxic chemicals including 43
Article at least cause cancer.

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