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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Iraqi finest sayings

Iraqi finest sayings
Abu Ali and Mshath
2 - tasteless الحلك shame the eye3 - digging Albert needle274 - rare spin stick and Gaifah Takul Cj Mauoj5 - When bellies blind eye6 - seven trades and divination subconscious is lost7 - San Tayeb seen live Alzagor8 - Mo both Ckm Cal destination I Haddad9 - Coleman Aahud fire Krsth10 - descriptive intention and Nam wilderness11 - Ahagij Iabnti and Asamaj Aajnta12 - They came down and they Adabj Aalstah13 - endorsed Balmaon and fingers Eye14 - the best day of the egg chickens Bagger15 - Shin fare better than Zine tariffied16 - Tdhdr walls لكة Qubgh17 - Bear absorption Mi Tzb omitted stones18 - Alma Asukh nursing beating sticks that benefits him19 - Minimum Kun Coleman mettle color20 - all Chh Taatalk Kralla21 - Coleman o He22 - fed Mydri Bdrd hungry23 - Aahafer Albert Atgmj violation of her neighborhood feared Astronomy Indar and you Tkaa omitted24 - wet Mikhav of rain25 - who wants one thing too26 - Alimosh grapes Icol acid27 - Orh Mokhless wedding Ajta Alrana Thlhl28 - Aldeg eloquent crows29 - professor, professor and text maker30 - if received friend Dom calculator every day31 - His workmanship you and our Castle32 - Dam security door neighbor33 - طلعها of a solution, seven Khst ابطن Vibriosis34 - defeated object rain Okaa object Mistirab35 - Face Mirror and cuff Slaah36 - Alscotti Tki Motti and Aloruari acetic and Foti37 - keloid and caring nature sample neighbor38 - Nest time Gantt Uncle Committee39 - Aaajuz Committees Committee40 - Chadi into the nation Ghazal41 - even the moon my howla42 - let Albzon lobe43 - abound Almlaleih Tgrk ship44 - Mikda Mihb Mikda45 - under the house for rain flew my FD Tirat46 - Almiaraf its Hantth measures eroded Rite47 - bankrupt convoy Amin48 - O death Zmal those Leszek spring49 - live my كديش those seen hashish50 - acetic bitter sweet faces and Vuk51 - missed the cat Play O Farr52 - Ja Aekhalha عماها53 - Order سمج Bct54 - Alma stones like Tfjkk55 - Ha on her door الخرابة56 - it Tadhak only release57 - Adth afraid of living Mzhalha58 - Coleman KD drum is كبلة59 - Mo Ball nut60 - D trail on CKD Guetak61 - If you can not bite do not show your teeth62 - if untangled door and boasts if clog your door and Tnstr63 - Romantin Pfd Wade Mtnlzim64 - Khahuckh Khahuckh Tndreas Bustokh65 - day Kemer and honey on bread and onions66 - Djank Oman and Tbejk Jani67 - Rahih Dayra and pond Taarh68 - Coleman mind Radi but Brozkh not69 - tire my mellow of Fame Almntga70 - on you and on you
71_ Krs Thalin Bake Tvelin eaters who Chbaan
27_ Coleman lying on the CKD Agtah
37 translucent people ruining his hut Palace47_ Alidra knows Alma knows Kzbh Ades
Almiaraf its Hantth measures eroded Rite
To the guest dog read by Almazb to

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