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Friday, January 25, 2013

"Since God created the mind told him: accept, accept.

"Since God created the mind told him: accept, accept.

Then he said to him: managed, managed.

Said: and van UK and Jalali has created created the best from you, you order and you finished, you burden and you punish "the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon God):" Ya no more poverty than ignorance, and no money back of mind
· Narrated from the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and God) said: "If you have seen much prayer much man fasting, they boast of not even consider how his mind.

The mind Guide to believer
· Said Amir Al-mu'minin (peace be upon him): "one's admiration for himself evidence of weak mind
· The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon God): "If a man be reached you look good in good mind, but is in his mind"

But ydak
God's people in the account on the day of resurrection as, Shaalan said of minds in this world
The man of wisdom was a religion
, And was a religion entered paradise
· Narrated al-Hasan ibn jahm said: I heard good
(Peace be upon him) say: "everyone his friend and enemy of ignorance"
· The narrator said: I told him
What mind?

He said: "what Abdul Rahman and acquired by the Jinan.

He said: it was in rolling?

He said: those awful, alshitanh, and is similar to the mind and not the mind

"Gebraeel fell to Adam (peace be upon him) said: o Adam, I ordered that one of the three, I enable to choose you choose and let the two.

Adam said to him: o gebraeel and the three?

He said: reason and decency and religion.

Said Adam: I have chosen the mind.

He said gebraeel to decency and religion they left and advocates.

They said: o gebraeel I hurry to be with the mind where.

He said: the disgraced you and whe "

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