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Friday, January 25, 2013

The benefits of putting one's trust in Allaa

The benefits of putting one's trust in Allaah
-1 because of victory over enemies (they said God and Yes suffice agent, turned the grace of God and thanks to victims not poor) (as Ray said the parties that promised us Muslims Allah and his Messenger and Allah and his Messenger and mazadhm only faith and recognition).
Brings the injured and pay interests calamities and bring income and speed up healing.2
-Putting one's trust in Allaah due to the strength of heart and energy.3
-Prevention of psychological and nervous breakdowns.4
-5 spaces between man and suicide and what those who strive, despair wasibwabalahbat adamawa, leaving them in place in their ...
-Why to save in self and money and her parents 6 (God said on mateool proxy) Jacob said structure..!(That provision only to God by tawakalt and let us do the relying on), he said: (but the confidential talk of the devil to grieving who believe rather than their more harmful something only God and on God let believers do.).And when it comes out from home says: (the name of God tawakalt God) what happens?!!.He says the King: (I guided, time, I sufficed from all evil).
7 Jai God is in the heart of enthusiasm and determination to work for that open door take legitimate reasons, reasons to understand Christian correctly sets off to work and takes the reasons, and that's where productivity and the benefits of speaking ...
-8 and putting one's trust in Allaah lifted morale even if human calamities and hardships hit, in surgery and which suffered misfortune it comes news that the pagans gathered before you to return the ball to you (they said God and Yes suffice agent, turned the grace of God and thanks to victims not poor).
-9 of putting one's trust in Allaah brings provision as kicking bird
-10 of putting one's trust in Allaah would result, the student wants to succeed and the dealer wants to profit and applicant wants appointment at work and so on.
-11 from trust in God was with his wife that with sufficient protective singer Nasra.
-12 of putting one's trust in Allaah brings the love of the Lord to his slave, and the slave loves the Lord as a Christian, he felt athartoklh to his Lord and how God gives it to faith and allocate it, loves his Lord.
-13 trust achieved income of paradise without account and does not torment and the greatest fruits of Christian is as stated in the hadeeth of 77 a..
-14 of putting one's trust in Allaah, may he be glorified and goes ...

Stories with motawakeline led by the Prophet.
To the Inn with his companions in a ravine, commented his sword in the tree it divides people in the Valley under the trees, not frighten them, the Prophet whom they toed him if a person fallen sword, said a man came to the Prophet and I'm asleep, took the sword, I woke up and is based on my head, I did not feel that any gross tuberculous sword ...Watch out the Prophet and the sword above his head.Where getaway ...?!It said prevents you from me..? I said: God ...The Word Christian delegate and outsource everything.Said: vsham sword any cover ...In the novel the sword fell from his hand., Hahoza sitting.As in Saheeh Muslim.
The Prophet peace be upon him and peace with Abu Bakr in Laurel, Abu Bakr was afraid the Prophet more than fear itself says: (yarswl Al-LH if someone looked to his feet to saw us) after our between and among the loss but a look under!! ...Said, o Abu Bakr, what you two said thirdly ...?!!, This is a Christian delegation already appears in times of crisis is clear.This person irresponsible to his Lord commanded him by Commissioner muttawakil, particularly if there are reasons taken only delegate to God ...
The denial of Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him on some people of Yemen who is on a pilgrimage with a laissez-passer issued and they say we're the relying on it if they asked people gave their Mecca.Then Allaah revealed (and provide the best intake piety).
There is a nice story of a woman narrated by Imam Ahmad Allah says in talk about the Prophet peace be upon him: (that the woman went out in the company of Muslims and left her 10 senti she-goat wesisitha "Sikhs who knitted by spinning" was woven, lost she-goats of her SHEEPS äôíï wesisitha said you had guaranteed to save your way out of it and I've lost she-goat wesisiti I anshadk Uddin wesisiti, to make the Messenger of God strongly recalls its appeal to her Lord Almighty and severity assigned to God And I went out for God and that God saves her money since God has returned saying that succeed and several but she sought her Lord as promised by the harp and harp ... He said peace be upon him: (it is her she-goat and wesisitha and the like).Double back ..!!~ On prayer and Christian I found multiple of God..!!
And Imam Ahmad in Al Hashim Ibn Qasim assigned al-Hamid bin Abu hurayrah said: Oran (while a man and woman in the empty advances do not appreciate anything, man came from his travels, his wife entered his bestow was very hungry he said to his wife: do you have something? ...But humane if spouse or raise morale and entertain and then something it did not want to tell her husband see the very hungry (not) ...Women pity on her husband and trust God said (Yes preach ATAC Rizkallah) Although it has nothing but confidence and reliance on God and please God, driven, if you are seeking the scratching something..!!.Haniya said: Yes.Patient ...Please God ...!Even if the long-term and starved increase over hunger, said (scratching if you have bread, Latino, I have endeavoured, Yes now simmer enlightenment) stoke the furnace and the furnace is not something it does not accelerate as that minted by the hour, she wait for an opportunity to tell her she is the same if you look at the ovens with confidence in God.The South found her oven full of sheep.And her querns ttthanan ..!!! It has to be cyclical, she wiped her and doing her oven pockets sheep..!! Abu Huraira said fwalzei the same ABI as the denominator telling Muhammad peace be upon him (if I had you doing her querns and wipe her for not so burdened until the day of resurrection)..!!
Some people may say what we say in the story of Khalid Bin Walid to drink poison, or the age of he ate with the leper ...
The story of Khaled is famous in the history books, they surrounded the fortress, said Roman does not recognize (surrender) to drink poison.And drinking it is haraam is not permissible (improve SAMA, killed himself in the stomach, cm they feel him in eternal hell forever never), Khalid at a critical time, the surrender of these mean protect Muslims and harm them in war and surgery great benefit, such as rum want something of such surrender-karamat challenge-taking Khalid trust God and reliance on God and not harmful to drink, rum.
This is a special case and not taking rare due to suicide, but found great interest to Muslims, Khalid and found himself assigned to God and this is something felt by some parents in some cases., No matter of trust ..., But this is not with anyone.
As well as carrying the story of Omar may Allah be pleased with him for evidence and demonstrate to those who believe that infection must infect found himself and the health delegate in the heart to prove to people that it is not an infection, but these are special cases with the guardians of God and not the issue to launch the original remained what it ...

For every Muslim and Muslim wematovikna alabaallh

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