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Thursday, January 24, 2013

(Try to change and change until you feel the thrill of life)


A group of scientists and put 5 monkeys in a cage
And in the center of the cage and put him in the above put some bananas

Every time I see one of the monkeys to take banana sprinkle scientists other monkeys with cold water

After a simple all monkey make for bananas,
The rest stop and blow up don't they take bribes with cold water

After a period of time did not dare any monkey climbing to take banana,
Despite all the temptations for fear of beatings

Scientists then decided to switch one of the five monkeys
And put a new monkey

The first thing the new APE that climbs to take banana

But the four remaining immediately beat him and CPN to take

After a few times of beating
The new monkey understand that it should not climb the ladder with it not sure why

Scientists also switch one old monkeys in monkey new
And resolve by the monkey first alternative even a monkey swing
I share colleagues beaten and he does not know why hits

And so on until all monkeys has switched top five with new monkeys

Even now in the cage five monkeys never sprinkle them cold water start

However beaten any would-be monkey climbing without knowing why

If asked why monkeys beating the monkey climbs peace?
Sure it will answer: we don't know but we found our fathers and grandfathers have so

"Customs and traditions"

We have our own. ... Either we become monkeys and hit and completed ...
Or as we stand for our silence and we start climbing!

So said Einstein

There are two things are limitless ... Science and human stupidity

And is that close and has no known cause social or religious or the like

In practice this is what we in our work we apply and our daily lives

Keep in routine for fear of change

(Try to change and change until you feel the thrill of life)

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