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Friday, January 25, 2013

You witness the images not as melt father d ... ... ....Oh Hallelujah great

You witness the images not as melt father d ... ... ....Oh Hallelujah great

Let us proceed quickly on your balcony
See for bits of ... And hope with me horrified by

In the modern era
After the first man landed on the Moon in 1969

After several researches on soil and satellite images
Nasa discovered that the Moon was body ablaze
And its surface is covered with volcanoes and lava ... But reimbursement

Old is a Nasa

Since 1400 in
God said
{And making us night and day Etienne mouth hun a any night
And made us any day his fortune-teller} [ISRA: 23]

Interpretation and the miracle
Imaam Ibn katheer said in his tafseer
That ' Abd-Allaah ibn ' Abbaas said in this verse:
"The moon shines and illuminates the Sun, any night, but it was extinguished"
A trouble maker
Hey Mike ... Hey Cohen ... Hey Guevara
Did the days of the Prophet spaceships landing on the Moon
Or was it the companions of astronauts

Looks like I'm the rain started to fall

Subject simply that which has been Lord g

In the modern era
1827 m discover British World named b Brown
The rain water if there was a altrbha vibrating with vibrations
Soil granules ... This is because the rain cause electric shocks
When mixed with the soil.They diverge from each other and move grain
Allowing access to water between parts soil to grow plants

But since 1400 in
The Almighty said:
(View the Earth hamdhvaza live in a controlled water shaken
And fondle and grew from each pair Bahij) Al-Hajj.

Interpretation and the miracle
Hallelujah ... Do you see accuracy in selecting the word shaken. ... Now only
After 14 years, we have been able to understand what is the meaning of shaken alardamn rain

To those who claim to understand ... Patron of the Prophet this?
Oh God glory to God!

If I told you that the sky such as the balloon expands and expands continuously. Do you believe me

No God .... I've got two guides

In the modern era
In 1929 there was a sensation when scientists discovered that the universe is expanding and grows ... Font size not fixed. Not imagining this never

But since 1400 in
God said
(And Toxin of we built by and I have not extended)

Interpretation and the miracle
The verse does not need to explain ... On a very, very clear ... The venom of the nine

If the Qur'aan from the imagination of the Prophet
What pushes him to tell a man of pre-Islamic era that the sky up. ... Of course be charged e to n
Disengaged you coined this year's of lentils

The proximity of a finger as. ..
What do you see?

These fine lines ...The rubber-stamp e
Let me point out to you
In 1892 Dr. proved "Francis Galton (Francis Galton)
This is the fingerprint lines and which vary from person to person. There can be similar
Since 1400 in
The Almighty said:
{Human aihasb to collect his bones * Yes able to annsoi bin that} [Resurrection: 1-4]
Interpretation and the miracle
Coffee: fingertips (a footprint)
Denied infidels that God brings human bones. Individual to the Lord of the worlds that take fingertip collection with its precise details (footprint). It is not something easy for it varies from person to person


General z wilt opening

This hole reminded me of something wondrous
Do you know what the lowest region of the world
In the modern era
Proven geographic images ... It's that area near the dead sea in Palestine with lower albharbamk level (392) m

But since 1400 in
God said
Of * the * from * in the Earth below and are after their they will victorious *

Interpretation and the miracle
She wrote history and interpretation that Roman and Persia battle took place in an area between Jordan and Palestine ... So God said (below) because it is more the decline

O RSS and for God said you cumshot ... It inspired poets to determine the lowest region of the world ... ...

In the modern era
Scientists confirmed the following
1. sea saline do not mingle together.
There is no checkpoint them can you see ... This barrier is the density of water every sea and preventing his mixture to the other ...

2. sea salt and fresh river also don't mix.
Due to the different density of water
To understand the meaning of density. Put some oil on the glass of water. Find oil floats on water and don't mix because of different density

Since 1400 in
God said
1. sea salt
Heath Bahrain meet * their * does not want a suffer what your Lord Alla Bagdad * comes out of them allo'lo'walmrgan} [Rahman: 19-22].
2. sea salt and fresh river
Which meadow Bahrain this tortured ULI this salt brine and make them b aohagra incompetent by reason of minority suffer} [Furqan: 53].

Interpretation and miracles
B suffer: their meaning h me chop
Hallelujah ... We have been told that the sea is being given mixed ... As well as the river and the sea ...
Each of them has a special nature water.. And unseen barriers separated ... As barriers density
Hey, want to see the era and the move to secure ... Not just any one of the Qur'an
Please try looking for this picture


In the modern era
Some scientists discovered ... Including American scientist Dr. lib Finance Branch in s. Miami in the United States

The Moon influences too much on human rights. Especially in the days of its completion. On 13, 14 and 15
This is because the human body is 80% water.
And the power of attraction of the moon be severe in the days of its completion. Affecting human behavior and his moods.
Of course scientists studies the West not to illustrate the wisdom of fasting for these days.
It is too lengthy to impact the moon. ... And what our part is on segment 13, 14 and 15.

The Moon is the cause of the tides. It attracts water sea. ... Similarly affects the water in our bodies

Since 1400 years
He said the Prophet
Abu hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: my Khalili three: summer, three days of each month, and two rak'ahs of Duha, and Otter before I sleep. A Saheeh hadeeth
Interpretation and the miracle
Didn't we know why? days 13-14-15 selection that hurry the Prophet (PBUH) when fasting

Now our understanding that
Fasting will govern human behavior and makes it more stable and calm, especially those with tendencies to depression ... It will not affect the attractiveness of the moon to peaceful life

Habibie, o Messenger of God ... Accused you infidels with madness. Science proved today you are the greatest doctor myself ... He received a revelation from the creator of self

In the modern era
Scientists discovered
Paul baby out a percentage of bacteria when very few ...
But Paul baby female is a much more bacteria than the male

The female baby .... The number of bacteria in the urine sample of 42

The baby ... The number of bacteria in a sample of urine 2 only

But since 1400 in
He said the Prophet
1. Umm qais Bint bunker: "she brought her small son were eating solid food to the Prophet, the to clothes, called on water saw the art doha and not yghas him" narrated by Al-bukhaari and Muslim, Abu Dawood and Ahmad.
2. "Paul baby boy exudes and Paul ongoing wash" narrated by Imam Ahmad,
3. "but exudes from Paul and washes of Paul" narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawood

Miracle and interpretation
Conversations and clear, I hurry the Prophet (r) laundering Paul. ... Douche Paul..
It inspired him to Paul female tainted and should be washed off with water. That my Lord the creator of female and male
Of course did not accommodate the full wisdom of companions and they had obeyed Prophet.. ...
We understand now ... Unfortunately, layton a have 1% of the faith of the sahaabah


In the modern era
Scientists discovered how to configure milk in cows ... Since milk consists of feed and food that is found in the belly of the cow ... Then move these materials to mastitis and added to other materials such as blood glucose and proteins ...Ultimately consists of milk ...

But since 1400 years
The Almighty said:
(And to you in animals for an example we give to drink you mm in b I composed among the shabby and blood to us sincerely are easy for moustache) bee 66 certified God Almighty.
Interpretation and the miracle
In shabby: meaning food and fodder in the abdomen
Hallelujah ...The newly discovered by scientists. Tell us the verse with the same accuracy that the composition of milk materials in feed and blood together
Unfortunately these days we have the minds of human beings like cattle. Because if no one is infringing this was the Muslims

Now you are an eyewitness ... The wonders of God and miracles of writing
It is renewed with me and this month
Please type this sentence
(See Oh my Lord you are not God but you don't partner you ... and that Muhammad is your servant and your message has reached the Secretariat)

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