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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A wonderful and easy way to clean the nose of dirt

A wonderful and easy way to clean the nose of dirt
Easy remedy for those who suffer from allergic rhinitis or sinusitis
And effects such as migraine or tension and can be addressed in an easy way does not take five minutes and not only that, but does not cost anything
Of money and all available in our hands a method for the treatment of physical and have no side effects, God willing, not this way only for patients
It must be used by all people young and senior to clean the nose of Alqdhirat and repeat daily.

Warm water - a quarter of a teaspoon processor iodized salt - and a crock pot or plastic or neti pot 'is like a magic lantern bottle' (or anything that causes the same purpose) - Basin Water (use a washing hands)
Mix salt with warm water and placed in a bowl Neti Pot, and pour from one of the nostrils and lowered head on the basin water
Wolf head angle to be directed water from KAMAL HUSSEIN SALEH CONSULTANT other do not be afraid you will feel like you are drowning in a pool and this in the beginning, but do not feel this is often only if the water is cold, but you should use warm water and then disperse using napkins and, God willing heal, God willing.
- We are blessed that clean up our noses in prose in ablution and Nkerarha daily 5 times a year cleaning the nose after waking up because the devil resides in dirty places.
- And there is a very great blessing is prostrate and this helps in stimulating work sinuses.
- And the way this will keeps Use chemical treatments and medications that have any side effects.
- If the sinuses are operating normally will be cleaning the nose than before and that the exit of mucus in prose.
- If there is congestion or retention in the nose will feel the pressure in the nose and sore over Jaffna eyes and you can click on them to make sure the presence of congestion and will feel the pain when you press them with your hand.
- When you pour the water helps in stimulating the sinuses to remove mucus.
- And cleaning the nose is not Besab like you clean any part of your body.
- Will feel a sense of very beautiful after cleaning, as well as the way to go drowsiness
- There is a device sold used instead of the bottle You have the option to use all the devices found in pharmacies.

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