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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The risk of marital practices in the engagement period

The risk of marital practices in the engagement period
Period of "courtship" is considered one of the most important and most dangerous periods experienced by the young people of both sexes, they are important because they represent an opportunity to get acquainted and understanding and the discovery of morality and foul

The period of "engagement" one of the most important and the most dangerous periods experienced by the young people of both sexes, they are important because they represent an opportunity to get acquainted and understanding and the discovery of morality and foul, where youth is associated engaged to long or short. With changing lifestyles, took another turn sermon, as sometimes income component marital practices during this period, under the justification that this is a sign of love and real introductions to marry and we are first and foremost to each other, since both parties are located in the light of that Bamahzawr ..
Spin days and changing circumstances and reasons vary and mix the leaves, and if the decision shocking: breaking off the engagement, and terminate the contract and divorce before entering, or in some cases exposure Khatib of death "after the ax has occurred in the head."We opened a long courtship file Mstvsrin legitimacy long courtship, and monitors opinion sociologists and psychology at the relationship between both parties during this period Vtbaant opinions about the pros and cons of prolonging this period.
Bitter experiences
Within one story circulating about a girl holding Khatib became his wife religiously, and in one retreats March Khatib her husband practice with his wife, and it was then a natural pregnancy even when I felt the reason for this is that the wedding stayed less than a week. But the major disaster that occurred is that in the wedding day as he prepares for the concert, presented her fiance in a car accident died on impact, were virtually die twice once with his death and once including hit of scandal is in the eyes of society still a virgin and why tell her people and her family?
What increased from Museibtha she recounted her husband's mother what was their mother said: My son does not do it at all, you both broke accuses Pfgeorha my son because he died?!
This is the story of a large group similar get in a lot of environments in different simple in content, is a girl who hit a state of despair and frustration Her father was a partner to the father of her fiance, who identified him, and has Khtabthm On this basis, forced her and her father on the dissolution of her engagement him after a collision is and his partner, But after that was brought to her virginity was the only loser and stayed son is unable to cope with his father and the girl wriggling under the pain and heartbreak of leaving her fiance then the loss of her chastity and her fear of the future.
And persisted in the relationship with her fiancé even signed came to bear him, and when he wanted to cover the scandal went to a woman to fall pregnant and there she died falling pregnant.
Psychology .. "I know the other and do not know his body"
Professor of psychology at the University of Jordan, Dr. Mohamed Habashneh, says that the sermon is a period dating more than a commitment, recognizes both suitors where the recipes other, and supports Habashneh prolonged courtship indicates where it is possible there are differences cultural or social and other period through sermon short is not sufficient to know of each other.
And shows that knowledge of the other party during the engagement and disengagement this stage is better than a short sermon, after which rapid separation after marriage to complete lack of acquaintance before.
And sexual relationship between suitors during this period Habashneh says he must be there if the setting behavior by suitors to determine the extent of a specific relationship.
He explained that many people are looking for a sermon on it marriage, noting that identifies or consideration of the relationship on the basis of my body often ends full sex.
Habashneh pointed to the need to go back to the definition of previous engagement in the traditional sense as a long period that the basic principle in the relationship that "I know the other and do not know his body."
He stressed that the engagement is the best solution and the only to know the other, noting that other solutions more dangerous than a sermon long hitter examples, where he said "the sermon short that is not through knowledge of each party of the other, and ending بالأغلب divorce fast that the two parties were not sound image from each other. or be illegitimate relations before the sermon through which such a phenomenon dating "POI Friends" believing that these solutions is more dangerous than the long period of engagement. "
Frequent sexual relations during this period, according to Habashneh fact sides Atarafan order passion and sex, he said, adding that he must distinguish between what you love, and what should you do. Stressing that the time is not right for such things only after marriage.
Sociology ... Premarital sex affects the relationship beyond
Professor of Sociology, University of Jordan Dr Majd debt خمش prefers not to prolong the period of courtship but enough so that the preparations and cemented the relationship so that it becomes deeper and marriage, he said, adding that sermon transition and give the parties time to see each other.
The خمش it ​​a long relationship between the betrothed to determine the proportion of harmony between them, indicating that "this harmony helps to facilitate the procedures for marriage if a long time without a compelling reason is believed to be futile, noting that there are some cases that can be as long sermon for it as a work-Khatib in another country, or that the girl intends to complete her studies. "
And sexual relationship between suitors خمش say it is better to wait until after marriage, pointing out that it is acceptable in terms of results when young males who holds concepts underestimate Fiancee entering them in a more fashionable, many young people fall ill kind of doubt toward Fiancee that meet the needs of her fiance nationality, pointing to the emergence of a lack of respect that could lead to the secession of suitors.
And indicates خمش he could adversely affect the marriage had no effect on the stage of courtship, pair may lose respect for his wife after marriage and some of them Ieerha courtship period, which leads to divorce after marriage is the most destructive according خمش.
View of religion "physical relationship in the event the contract is not considered adultery"
Professor of law, University of Jordan, Dr. Mahmoud Sartawi known sermon: Alha fracture, asked to marry a particular woman and desire her or her family.He says Sartawi that be because based on valid grounds from all suitors, referring to the need not to be alone among the suitors, and does not lead the meeting between them to detect roughness, a woman may not reveal her hair in front of her fiance, Valkhtabh is only a promise to marry, not a marriage contract It is recommended that you are to recognize each other, without specifying Shara specified period, adding that he should get for marriage and that will not be simply identified.
And indicates that the duration varies from one place to another according to knowledge person for example, the people of the villages are not prolonging the sermon because wisdom realized the knowledge "to know the person," and sometimes there is no need for a sermon in such circumstances.Sartawi confirms that engagement does not permit or arrange other marital life and they are not spending wife is not permissible for him not inherit but if marriage was held in the presence of witnesses and know the guardian then move on to the subject of contract consequent to marry.
How legitimate sexual relationship between suitors after the contract says Sartawi originally in the relationship to take into account custom and distance themselves from suspicion, and not be such a relationship only after marriage to ward off suspicions, "from those who fear suspicions have Aestbro to his religion and his wealth and his" stressing that this relationship even got not be weight, it is his wife originally Sharia but as we follow the custom and not get out of Arts recognized legitimacy, which is to take place this relationship after the wedding.
And the length of the engagement after the contract Sartawi say Islam leave it open but the sooner the marriage was the first, but if the conditions are not conducive not imposing on them to accelerate Islam is a religion of ease and capacity of the people from hardship.

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