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Friday, January 25, 2013

After hearing and reading the Quran on the cerebrum

After hearing and reading the Quran on the cerebrum

Scientific miracles of Quran inexhaustible never scientifically proved, certain that the Holy Quran

Ramadaan and listening to its verses and listening her mental powers, reinforcing the mental frequencies

By the sounds of the Holy Quran makes the mind produces a series of frequencies

And scientifically known energies (waves of the mind).

If you really want to provide your mind ultrasound feeder listen to Quran and listen

Good signs and monitor how well your strength is mental, how to be creative in your thinking.

Actually proved that the human being needs to listen to the verses trials from the book of Allah as an effective food

For the soul and the mind together more than need mind to the natural nutrients and medicinal herbs

And vitamins and other dope the mind, amazing really listen to Quran removes

Boredom and dispersion and rapid oblivion unlike listening to anything else.

So make sure you WA

As much as you can to remain vigilant during the hearing and not you factor opportunity, ramblings

The secret combination proved our minds is that listen to Quran keep cells

Your brain live happy even during periods of stress.

And stop brain cells from decreasing after time listen to the Holy Quran, as well as increasing the capacity of

The listener to focus and call memory and do calculations could not be

Performed by.


From the book ((personal creative, how to be creative in your thinking)) for author Joseph

The Theban

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