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Friday, January 25, 2013

Miracle in delete some characters from some words

Miracle in delete some characters from some words

A. delete alpha

Name — the name of the

Received word (as) three times in the Qur'an (other than the fence breaks):

{In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful} [Al-Faatihah: 1].

{In the name of God and her anchorage} [Hood: 41].

{It was Solomon and that the name of God, most gracious, most merciful} [Ants: 30].

As the word (as) four times in the Qur'an:

Allah says: {we go for a ticket and constructs of the tonics (73), with the name of your Lord Almighty} [incident: 73-74].

{This is a certainty (95), with the name of your Lord Almighty} [Incident: 95-96].

{Read the name of your Lord who created} [Alaq: 1].

{And that of certainty (51), with the name of your Lord Almighty} [Append: 51-52].

Why received word of (name) in the first cases limited without a and in other cases the word (as) complete without limit.

To delete a word (as) and then the name (God) and suggests that we have access to God and pray to him with the shortest and fastest means and is evidenced by {guide ' Al-siraat Al-mustaqeem} [Faatihah: 6], which connects to the fastest and most direct route. And the only character that can be deleted from your (name) without changing the pronunciation of the word is the letter a.. So it has been deleted to go to God and take blessings from him in any work done as soon as possible in the shortest path ... And the name (God) is a science to divine and not shared a ... In other cases, where (name), the word (RBC) come between God and his creation was in verse 42 of Sura Yusuf as telling the bartender: {remember me when your Lord} [Yusuf: 42] ...

To delete a character from the Word Press building and accelerate their lead on the required speed at best and the miracles of Quran and Quranic drawing ...

Received word this (skies) drawing without a frank 189 times in Quran is all ... There were once only a straightforward character (f) Quranic drawing (skies), in verse 12 of Sura fussilat which Almighty says: {fkdahn seven heavens in two days} ...

And while we manage this verse and earlier of the verses of the Quran is a major issue is the creation of the heavens and the Earth and the order of this creation, duration and estimation of diets in the ground so that the issue is very important and you need to reflect and think about it, the word (skies) drawing others normal this time of TFT because of the need to identify and manage important meanings of these verses which are difficult to understand for some people especially in the six-day creation account where they did not understand the phrase (four days) that These days, including on the creation of the Earth and that the Almighty said: {say aaenkm for the creation of the earth they expiate in two days and they make him equal the Lord of the worlds (9) and to make the country of it and Park and as a sustenance in four days for both questioners (10) then he ascended to heaven and is smoke, told her to earth come willingly or unwillingly said Latina obedient servants (11) fkdahn seven heavens in two days and inspired in every sky and Xena heaven with lamps and preserved this estimate Aziz Alim} [fussilat: 9-12].

C. Mead – Al-Azmi d

Received the word (of promise) with a frank in the middle of a Word 5 times in the Qur'an as a whole ... All speak the date and God ... So this time clearly and unquestionably.

We recall the following verses in which the word (of promise):

The Almighty said:

{God does not succeed time} [Al-Imran: 9].

{You do not have time} [Al-Imran: 194].

{God does not succeed time} [Thunder: 31].

{{Tell you date} [Spa: 30].

{You have promised God} [Cliques: 10].

However, this word is received only once by a different without a frank in the form of (Al-Azmi d) when this time rates to human beings as God Almighty says: {If you promise one another to you differed in Al-Azmi d} [Anfal: 24].

Received (tried) to normal form once, and received (sao) as normal without a third party at the end also once in the Qur'an, the Word suggests (sao) of thousand at the end that this search is very fast and the whole activity is by verse sought to deny the verses of God is brought to the unbelievers a painful punishment of torment in this world ... In addition to the torment of hell in the afterlife.

{And those who sought in our signs maagsin those owners of Hell} [Hajj: 52].

{And those who sought in our signs maagsin those torment them from painful torment} [Spa: 5]. in addition to the minimum punishment in the afterlife.


In verse 34 of Sura Al-kahf Quran says to the owner of the fetus: {said the thief of love, is the dialogue with him}. With the word (p. 1) with a left to found what was believed to be the owner of the paradises of the glued fully both in the closest companionship, faith ...

However, the reply done by the insured in verse 37 of the same soorah: {told him her a dialogue with him} where it came from (her) with a clear milestone to explain to the reader the Quran dating in companionship only and in faith there is separation and space between them. This meaning is also clear on the right of the Prophet when it came to his word (be or become a companion of you)-Frank are scattered between him and his people in the faith despite accompanied them in space and time. In the following verses:

{What to be or become a companion of you from paradise} [Spa: 46].

{What astray be or become a companion of you and GUE} [Star: 2].

{What to be or become a companion of you crazy} [Briquetting: 22].

{What to their companion of paradise} [Custom: 184].

However, while the Quran speaks about our master of Abu Bakr, the Prophet comes (p. 1) with a left to the extent to which adhesion between them and explain the real friendship companionship and faith:

{Love thief say don't be sad that God with us} [Repentance: 40], and this shows the part of wisdom to write Quranic Word using alpha frank and tide-as we abandoned ...

-Delete a WAW
Of some acts

The book (fountains of gratitude) llzerkani: that the four acts were written to delete Waw:

(Human calls – and false – Allaah erases day calls for proposal – against the subject) but it is not a point at all.

They said: the secret to delete (and beyond) is to demonstrate that this du'aa ' easy on the rush and rush to the good ....

And password in the deleted (and screen God wrong) indicate speed is gone and its decay products.

The secret delete (on leave) to pray and fast response speed advocate ...

The secret delete from (leave against) indicate speed and brute force against the answer ... Combines these secrets to Marrakech: (password delete speed of and ease the perpetrator, affected by passive acceptance in existence).

G-Shaykh, Shaykh

Mentioned in the Qur'an as a whole do it (asked) minus character (a) in the beginning ... The following models are reminded of verses which this already:

Said: {it asked who read the book by you} [Yunus: 94].

.: {And asked the village we are} [Yusuf: 82].

.: {And asked God of bounty} [women: 32].

.: {It ask the scholar} [bees: 43].

Delete character indicates (a) the original Word building (ask) or (ask) that the Qur'anic word in plot reflects on believe that expression question always comes in a speed few expected human is always wants fast answer ... Thus came the word (asked) in an incomplete command characters to incite speed question awaiting response speed.

As mentioned, the lack of a Word indicates the wheel speed and impatience.

H-supported Conference
Received word (supported) and collection (by) twice in the Quran is all this normal drawing in the following verses:

Said: {inspired legs walked by and they assault supported by them} [institutions: 195].

And the Almighty said: {I have worshiped Daoud so Allied that heeding penitent.} [p. 17].

However, it was once a different than character (j) in the middle of it in the following verse:

Said: {Sky we built bayed I expansion} [dhariyat: 47].

As already mentioned the increase of the building shows up on it is there most of the creation of heaven ...?

{Aantm most created or built sky} [Disputes: 27], to increase character (j) in the word () illustrates the power and intensity of skies and durability thickness and construction ...

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