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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Amazing pictures inside the human body

Amazing pictures inside the human body

15 amazing image of the inside of the human body .... Hallelujah
In the name of God Sabd

We used to go between now and then on a trip around the world to watch the strangest and most fascinating places on earth, but our journey today will be different from any trip we went to earlier, because we will not have to go anywhere, but we'll go into our bodies to watch the world most bizarre and creative of allwe've seen before! This amazing group of images were captured using a scanning electron microscope SEM which show three-dimensional images zoom in up to 250,000 times! And an accuracy of 1 to 5 nm!

1. Red blood cells:

These balls that look like sweets are red blood cells that transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's cells, and then you move carbon dioxide from the cells of the body to the lungs again, and inside contains hemoglobin which gives blood its red color Aleghana.

The number of red blood cells in a man about five million cells per cubic millimeter The number of women is about four and a half million per cubic millimeter, and increases the number of red blood cells in people living in high places due to lack of oxygen in their environment.

2. Hair bombing parties:

This image that looks as if it were a broken tree trunk is just a hair in your head! But now look like this when get Baltqcef and break-up of the edges. To avoid this scene you cut your hair regularly and make sure well-ventilated Besides using a good shampoo.

3. Nerve cells Burking:

If you think this is complicated, imagine that These Alkhlitan which appear in the image are part of the 100 billion neurons in your brain?!!

These Alkhlitan are a type of nerve cell that called Burking cells are located in the cerebellum, which is responsible for the regulation of motor.

4. Hair cells in the ear:

This image is the image of exotic hair cells inside the ear, and although that's fixed to the real excitement of these cells lies in the mechanical movement that chime with acoustic vibrations that falls to look like dancing in the amazing panoramic Panel!

5. The optic nerve and vascular director thereof:

Black disk that appears in the picture is the optic nerve, which transmits the image you see now the eyes to the brain in the form of electrical signals. As for why it seems black? Because in spite of being the link between the retina and the brain to transmit the images that we see it in itself blind spot does not contain cells receive light!

6. The taste buds of the tongue:

This cell colored velvet is taste in the tongue cell, a cell that can make us feel the taste of things.

Imagine that there on your tongue 10,000 cell of these cells! It Badi making Creator Almighty that every taste their respective regions of the tongue, we can taste the sweet stuff tip of the tongue, while the taste Article salt on both sides of the tongue forward, and taste material time at the end of the tongue and the palate while taste article sour on both sides of the tongue and palate.

7. Crumbs and food particles stuck to the teeth:

This image that looks as if it were remnants of nuclear waste, is in fact a crumbs and particles small dining very adherent dental, the first phase of the composition of lime, which leads to inflammation of the gums and erosion in the bone surrounding the teeth and sometimes result in further decay!

8. Blood clots:

Despite the beauty of this picture, except that when you know what they are not interested at all!

This is gathered in which red blood cells are blood clots that turns liquid blood to blood clots cohesive work on blocked arteries leading to major problems in human health may end in death!

Those stylish cell suspended in the middle is white blood cell

9. Alveoli in the lungs:

This form spongy beautiful is the form of air sacs within the lung, which airbags through which gas exchange in the lungs. The lung contains millions of these sacs!

The idea of ​​work is very simple, where open these sacs filled with air, are within the process of exchange between carbon dioxide in the capillaries scattered around, and between the oxygen in the air that filled!

The reason for the crying baby at birth, by the way is this bulge air sacs for the first time When برئتيه breathe for the first time.

10. Lung Cancer:

Picture looks Bbashaatha expressive content! This image is a portrait while infects lung cells cancer (Aavacm God) and you can see the big difference between them and the cells peaceful in the picture above it!

11. Antinaat small intestine:

This is strange is the exact form folds that exist in the small intestine. These folds work on increasing the area of ​​the inner surface of the intestine and thus increase the absorption of nutrients that are transferred to and from the blood to all the cells of the body, and we can observe in the picture and there are some leftovers lingering between the cracks.

12. Human egg cell surrounded by coronal:

This wonderful picture is one of an egg placed on the tip of the pin (Look at the thickness of the pin down the left image to imagine the size of an egg!). The casing that surrounds the egg consists of two layers of الزونا Bellasauda and glycoprotein to protect the egg and help constipation sperm and prevent the entry of other animals on the break, one of the egg.

13. Sperm cells on the surface of the egg:

This wonderful picture is one of a number of sperm while trying to penetrate the egg to fertilize.

14. Human embryo is surrounded by sperm:

Look like an arena battle, but it's really an image filmed five days after the egg is fertilized, and there are still some outstanding sperm around.

Image and Focal التقطاها using a microscope, and where you see the fetus and the nuclei of sperm cells are stained purple, while the sperm tail appears green. As for the color blue is the color of the gaps that reached between cells, and form a communication link between them.
15. Picture of the human embryo after 6 days:

In this way our life cycle begins after 6 days of fertilizing the egg! While settling in a fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus, the turn after nine months to a full human being billions of cells that our mind can not understand its secrets even today!

The Glory, who created man in the best stature! ..

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