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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oddity of the human body seven

Oddity of the human body seven

(We created man in the best calendar)


The only part of the human body which Aaisalh

Blood is the cornea of the eye


Human breathes 16 times per minute


However, the left y n أقو j hear that right y n



Drink per capita in the amount of two tons of water


The brain consists only Wonsan 14 billion neurons


The number of red blood cells in the human body 25

Billion distasteful


The length of the arteries of the human body 600 thousand kilometers

God took the lion let people aside and hugged poverty, it was updated Koran and Allah Anisa and angels counseled and pray His Messenger, do not be afraid ranch.

Almighty God but is "We created man in the best stature"
Making فأبدع
And spoke hear the
Type Voda
"He created you from the same one فمستقر and warehouse"

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