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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Brod nerves .... Art and Architecture

Brod nerves .... Art and Architecture
Went down from his house in the morning going to work as usual. Before he left foot collided Bakmama neighbors!

Mute wrath of neighbors and cleaners because he was in a hurry .. Rode his car on the streets

Crowded and suffocating atmosphere Fastgrq way a full hour, then arrived to work late
And exhausted ...

Could not able to control his temper when scolded Director delay and neglect that causes

Loss for the company, which exploded angry and psychotic rampage overwhelming, and the result was expected ... "You're Fired"

Cup inside you

Imagine that inside each one of us an empty cup, Whenever something happens This يغضبك begin cup

In its fullness. This is exactly what happened on the day of this unfortunate person, where he took anger accumulates

Inside and Kobe filled until Sal on the ground, which may be a seat Terclh Berglk .. or friend

Which shut in his face headset Tel ... or as your manager, who burst angrily in his face!!

The result is an irreplaceable loss ...

Taming anger .. Practical steps ...

From here this afternoon interest in ways to control anger (Anger Management) and the establishment of

Centers and hospitals specializing in this area. And has already been reached to several strategies

Anger management help and tamed including subsequent negative feeling and physiological changes, and

Including: -
1 - Alastrechaaaaaaaae:

There are many ways to learn how to relax physically and mentally Here are some of them: -

· Lie on your back and relax all the muscles in the body.

· Pacific incense and fragrant smells favorite whether (Flowers - Plants - candles, etc.).

· Practice breathing exercises, you can take a very deep breath from the inside so that it fills the lungs and air

The whole chest, and then output the breath from your mouth slowly.

Warm water showers and some scented salts, and lie down for at least a quarter of an hour.

· Adequate sleep at night the number of hours that your body needs.

• Work to take a break during periods of continuous work and if five minutes to reduce stress.

· Listen to Quran voice reader favorite and you blindly.

· Allah much, God said (the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.)

· Meditation and reflect on God's creation and see aspects of beauty in everything and if a quarter of an hour a day.

· I smile a lot.

· Close your eyes and use your imagination and go back your memory of the place or the position of the above and make you happy.

Practice these habits and exercises a day will make you feel much better.

2 - Communication:

People who are neurotic tend When the discussion with others to jump into the results and expectations

Often wrong and inaccurate. When you feel that the discussion between you and others may build up,

You calm atmosphere and a good monitor your reactions.

When someone tries to Antkadk, it is natural to be in a position to defend, but do not start

The attack on the other party. Instead of that, and that it is better to try to understand the person who Thadth

The reason for criticizing you and deal with it on that basis.

You may need to have some rest during the debate to breathe and rethink, but never make your anger

Or the wrath of the other party loses temper and your ability to control the debate. Some roads

Which they can dialogue without anger management: -

· Participation of others in their talk and show interest.

· The face of the other party, including harassing manner before.

· Put limits for each person dealing with him not beyond, and be clear on this.

Use humor:

Anger feeling very serious, but it is associated with some ideas
And beliefs that will make you laugh. Imagine, for example, the person
يغضبك embodied in front of you in the form of a cartoon character funny
This method will make you fun does not arise easily but beware two important things: -

(I) do not be rude the provocative, loves caresses harsh
How other people will get angry, and mock them and make fun of them.

(Ii) do not make fun of yourself and your life, but it is best to use humor
To confront and deal with it and accept everything with an open mind.

Change the environment:

With the presence of the responsibilities and burdens placed upon us are often
The surrounding environment with a significant impact on Anfna. For example, do not try to discuss
Someone in trouble upon his return fatiguing work, wait at least
15 minutes before speaking to him only if he is not tolerate delay.

And so you have the following advice: -

· Try to find alternatives. For example, if traffic jams make you angry
And nervous you can ride any further.

· If you know that there is a particular person or place makes you angry and
You can avoid Stay away with him in the case.

· Think about giving yourself a vacation where the rest with your family and people you love
In your favorite places.


You have to set aside a portion and if very simple of your time to practice some
Exercise such as: swimming - running - aerobic exercises and
Swedish and most important hiking It reduces stress and helps you to think

Finally, always remember that you can not completely get rid of anger,
But you can only control the energy conversion unit and negative anger inside you
To the behavior and actions and positive feelings.

Said the Prophet - peace be upon him and his family and him - what happened to a Muslim never worry or sorrow, he said:
"Oh God, I am your servant and I'm your servant, your nation and I'm forelock hand past
In your judgment was amended in taking the .. I ask each name is you have named yourself
Downloaded in your book or taught him one of your creation or accounted for by the prescience you ...
To make the Quran spring of my heart and the light of my chest and evacuation of sorrow and go placebo. "
But I go God Almighty energetic, and replaced place of sadness with joy ...
I hope to receive topic ÇÚĚÇČßă
Do not forget to pray for forgiveness often and prayers on the Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions often

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