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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

medical science

medical science

I've had the great technological development is unique feature of the twentieth century which Danah few years ago, and has unanimously experts that nanotechnology most significant development in the latter half of this century. And simplified manner trying here to read in the concept of this technology minute and exhaust realities interesting actually , he traveled to the dimensions of atoms and molecules, and simulate the relationship between these objects infinitesimal, and try to change in this relationship for material specifications other more useful and benefit, using equipment and machinery and robots of the same metrics These atoms, this simplest words can that half from which modern nanotechnology.

* Definition of nanotechnology

* Nanoscience: is the study of the fundamental principles of molecules and compounds that do not exceed the measured 100-nano Mtervnano is more accurate unit of measurement metric known so far, with a length of one-billionth of a meter or about ten times the unit of measurement of atomic known Balongustrom, and longer nano is smaller by about 80.000 the man Qtrharh time, and the word nanotechnology also used in the sense that they technical material micro technology or microparticles miniatures Ottknulogia.
And handles scientists and engineers with the material in this measure at a very precise level at the level of atoms and molecules Nanonah.
Nanoscale: includes dimensions of nanometers in length and one up to 100 nm *

Nanotechnology: is the application of science and engineering to produce useful inventions.

* The idea of ​​using nanotechnology

The idea is to use nanotechnology to rearrange the atoms that make up the material, as the atomic arrangement changes to Article whenever change output them to a large extent.
In other words, it manufactured products are manufactured from atoms, and characteristics of these products depends on how these atoms are arranged, we can get the diamond from coal after Tertan change atoms, as well as we can get the computer chips of rearranging atoms sand.
And very curious in this matter that we can get the potatoes from the water or air or mud!. The study by now to change the flag ranking method based on nanotechnology, from one material to another, and solve this puzzle, we may get a cheap materials from cheap materials, for example, such as copper or lead, but the fact is that gold will lose its value in this case.
The scientific techniques nanoparticles base in the first two building materials accurately from small blocks, and concern for the small stage leads to material free of impurities and very highest level of quality and operation.
The second is that the properties of the materials may change significantly when indivisible into smaller pieces and smaller, especially when you get to the nano-scale or less, then you might start grained Nanonah show unexpected properties fictional did not know by any non-existent in the parent material properties.

Medicine and Nanotechnology:
Surprising that nanotechnology can deliver certain materials such as medicines or heat or light or any other material targeted to specific cells inside the human body without affecting healthy cells.
Engineering particles used in this way allows the disclosure or treating diseases or injuries within the targeted cells can in this way the use of nano-robots to make reforms more accurately and at the cellular level.
And was the first to draw attention to the use of this technology in the field of medicine, Dr. Mustafa Mr. Masri.
1 - applications in medicine at the moment:
-Nano-crystalline silver are used as anti-anti-microbe (antiseptic) in wounds

-Nanoshells are used to focus the infrared directly to cancerous cells without affecting the surrounding healthy cells has been successfully tested in the laboratory, but did not apply to humans because of the restrictions against human trials.

- Used in making some ointments to prevent the sun's ultraviolet rays UV. Where Anaathjb rays are all at the same time the ointment remains transparent.

2 - application is still under development:
-Qdots and used to detect delineation place cancerous cells in the body.
-Nanoparticles and used to deliver chemotherapy to cells carcinogens directly to avoid the destruction of healthy cells.
-Nanotubes are used in cases of broken bones to provide a new structure helps bone fusion and growth
-Nanoparticles which can stick to different disease-infected cells and thus enable Dr identified in blood samples, for example.

* Future scenarios in the field of nanotechnology

Future factories will do everything, from furniture to rocket quality superior to everything before making and at very little cost, some computers will be able to integrate with the human mind thus adding intelligence to his natural intelligence by a large margin.
The machines can be planted very careful going in the circulatory system to fight the disease or weakness.
Can use this technique to be «breakdown» vehicles of certain atoms selectively hand, and it will be possible to find compounds specifications do not exist in nature, and all standards of the atomic level to the level of skyscrapers, thus creating manufacturing processes inexpensive, high-performance, which will pave the foundation for a prosperous future for Amwalimomat technology.
As we know that we Now Asahibna in the era of care significantly sized computers and therefore, this technology will enable us to get the computers in wristwatches sizes or smaller.
For clothing will be able to put information about our health and remove dust and heating and cooling property.

And will enable the industry full operations room in a small capsule, they are placed inside the patient's body to carry out the program which programming process where the doctor according to the patient.
It is his own experience, the Arab world the U.S. Munir Nayfeh says: "What we discovered in my laboratory at the University of Illinois American, that if we take silicone dark very, very, which is the main component of the Earth and sand and all objects in the universe, and our work, including granule diameter and one Nano, فنصبح see shine a very, very blue under the influence of violet light, and in the vernacular as if we turned sand into glittering substance
From here no longer Nanotechnology just talk weird or sentences vague and not applications mere dreams we نمحوها after we wake but the fact Sthakina in every movement we do in the future and all the scene simulates our minds, and there will be what we dream deeper and more complex than can be imagined today

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