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Friday, January 25, 2013

Household garbage is we bury her mother bury us

Household garbage is we bury her mother bury us

The spread of consumption pattern and a culture of waste among members of society lead to increasing the amount of household garbage, and increase the amount of household garbage are expelled with the high population growth rate and increase the well-being of community members.

The per capita rate of household garbage a day 2 kg this becomes scary when we return to the Census of population note that garbage has become more dangerous and contamination of the environment with the evolution of consumption pattern and piece because of the increasing use of plastics and chemical cleaning and sterilization materials and an increase in the use of batteries.

After the proliferation of control devices and cordless phone and mobile and noted that progress in increasing the quantity and quality of household garbage is not accompanied by the development of the culture and working methods and ways to get rid of this garbage it remained way out and either burn it or throw it outside the area of private housing to public areas of roads and rivers and trees and bushes it this way has become an additional burden on the problem of household garbage treatment, making it work requires three stages:
_ Waste collection from the first throw and this requires substantial employment and mechanisms with the large quantities of fuel and the second recount and deal with this random mixture of litter and waste impacts third and negative and harmful to the environment and soil in places where such waste was thrown at 0 so it requires applying methods and techniques and a new culture commensurate with the dangers of this garbage and include :

-Awareness campaign on the dangers of household garbage through the media, schools and governmental and non-governmental organizations

-An advertising campaign through posters and road panels reflect the methods and ways to sort household garbage treatment

_ Prepare guides and educational material and illustrative and contain the risk of environmental pollution on our health and our children's future

_ Work on access to momentum and sustainability in maintaining a clean environment

_ Use volunteers, especially of young people and encourage them to clean up beaches, rivers and parks

_ Collect donations from individuals, companies and large enterprises interested to environment

_ Ways that increase public awareness of the dangers of rubbish through training and educational courses

_ A study and graduation projects in universities in the ways and means of dealing with household garbage

_ Work on the education of community members separate waste collection by type (solid – membership – glass, cardboard and paper-plastic batteries ..... (

_ Develop plans and programs to organize the collection, transfer and disposal of such waste and find ways to develop existing concepts to raise the level of performance of persons involved in these operations

_ Provide incentives to individuals and institutions that contribute to support environmental issues

_ Establish financial penalties on individuals and institutions which contribute to the pollution of the environment

_ Studying ways to transform organic waste into natural fertilizer through modern dump site (using rapid fermentation (

_ Allow investment in domestic garbage treatment through specialized laboratories and installations in sorting and purification of household garbage and recycling and recycling and waste treatment generated with the latest scientific methods

_ Use best about waste collection, transport, and post sterilization places grouped periodically

_ Use alternative methods to get rid of some medical waste incineration allowance such as steam sterilization, chemical treatment before placing them with other waste.

_ Educating housewives not to throw waste oil residues or soil collected in bottles to be then used in SOAP making

_ Do not store hazardous wastes, particularly in open spaces vulnerable to rain and animals, birds and insects and rodent vectors and preferably enclosed area with excellent ventilation.

_ Not burn household garbage to the garbage burning per ton produced 3.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide, vast quantities of smoke and thousands of tons of organic compounds emitted from burning plastic bags and cancer-causing, in addition to the massive amounts of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen compounds, in the form of more than 1000 gas compound

-Do not collect waste dangerous factories with hospital waste analysis, laboratories and trash houses, in a garbage can where one takes the issue of catastrophic proportions in the ranks of the vital and urgent issues

_ Establish secure landfills for hazardous substances in the best modern scientific methods and techniques and cutting-edge

_ Get away with household garbage collection places for sources of water from springs, rivers and places of winter torrents

_ Manufacture containers with good specification and distributed in proportion with modern methods and techniques to separate garbage collection and partially sorted in homes

_ Mixed garbage collection leads to their accumulation, which creates an environmental crisis are hard to get rid of them and requires long and expensive processed material high while collecting them separately helps a number of investment projects by

_ Investment in recycling and recycling process in household garbage creates jobs and contributes to the increase of per capita income

_ Pay attention to environmental issues and their inclusion in the educational and illustrative programmes via TV screen

_ Drop the environmental issues and the collection and treatment of household garbage into artwork and special children's programs

_ Weekly quota to teach school children the importance of sorting rubbish at home

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