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Friday, January 25, 2013

Scientists: red cells ending blood transfusions

Scientists: red cells ending blood transfusions

French scientists said they were able to use stem cells to manufacture red blood cells planted and successfully injected in the same person's body before his need for blood transfusions.
Website "health day news" us researchers at the University (Pierre any Marie Curie), planted to red blood cells manufactured with the help of stem cells, taken from the donor and then returned, almost the same period experienced the normal blood cells.
The doctor in charge of Los Dawie study, the first to show that red blood cells manufactured stem cells can live in the human body, and is great for "violation of the transplant society", according to the newspaper "time".
Dawie stressed the need for an alternative source of blood products, and particularly in the light of the risk of transmission of the virus via blood transfusion methods.
Dawi added that "the production of red blood cells in vitro is promising that other efforts that have been made to create alternative sources of energy has not succeeded".

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