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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to repent to Allaah from guilt by???

How to repent to Allaah from guilt by???

Praise be to Allaah and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah.
Sisters in God and either:
I ask Allaah to make us and you from the commentary, repent,
Thankfully ghafir guilt, and is severe in punishment, ALTUBE,
Conqueror of the commentary sections, and facilitator of the repentant reasons
And peace and blessings be upon the mercy of the worlds Envoy Muhammed
And his family and companions. After:
My sweetie:
Most people don't know as much as repentance and not really well done note pursuant to. And if they knew of understanding do not know the way to it, and if they knew the way they do not know how to begin?

They come with me to stand on the fact of repentance, and the way it may get.

All with error

My sweetie:
We are all sinners ... We all are wrong. Accept to God sometimes, God, we manage time, we control ignorance, we be or become empty of sin, we must be wrong, I am not and you infallible {every son of Adam mis a good the sinful the forgiving}

And forgetfulness and omission of printing, may God have mercy on this poor man to open his door to repentance, ordered acting mechanism, and it contravenes, Sin and SAP that sin ... Otherwise human embarrassed occurred, and failed by on demand approach, and interrupted a long-standing aspiration of his pardon and forgiveness.

Where means of survival?

Could you say me: I call happiness for myself, and I meant to survive, and forgiveness, but I didn't know the way, and I don't know how to start? I as a sunken ship want takes her hand, as the road and seeks lost waiting for help, and I want a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light.
But where is the way?

And the way is clear as the Sun, visible as the Moon, not the second. ... It is a road of repentance. By deliverance, by the farmer. Easy accessible, open road in front of you in every moment, simply that you hammer him, and you answer: I ghafar along to whoever وءامن and a good deed then guided "Taha: 82".
But Allaah called cult all their insurer and their unbeliever to repent and tell he is forgiven all sins to repent of them and returned them however abounded, however great, and that was like butter, said Almighty: Hey say Ebadi, who themselves have not tkontwa of God's mercy that God forgives all sins that is oft "cliques: 53".

But .... What is repentance?

Repentance is to return what he God visible and prays to God that which he appears and prays. The name of the collector to the canons of Islam and the realities of faith ... The guidance of hopelessness and despair, is the fountain of all good hospitality and happiness in this world and in the hereafter. Is an Angel, and a life, and rustic areas ... The first houses and her middle and last ... Is the beginning and end of a slave ... Is left guilt for fear of God, and the sensor is, and regret, and resolve not to return if it. .. Is a feeling of remorse for what had happened and went to God while, ceased to guilt.

And why can we repent?

May tsalinni: why I be or become inaccessible on hazing in which telephony wishes? Why should I consider to taboo and where my happiness? Why does not bind with prayer, fasting, and I don't like restrictions and the link? ... And why, why ... Alice human should do what pleased and relieve him and find happiness? ... What I am happy is what his name sin ... They did not repent?

Before I answer you on your question I must know what you want but your happiness, and I wished that your convenience, intended only good and escape you in both worlds. ...

And now answer you on your question: my sister Tobi beloved to repentance:
1. obedience to your Lord Almighty, who hurry them said: o you who repent to God ءامنوا sincere repentance "prohibition: 8". And is said to be matched by compliance and obedience.

2. reason for your success in this world and the hereafter, and Almighty said: repent to God all believers as they succeed in any "light: 31". The heart does not succeed and not basking, not pleased and reassured; pleasure; only the worship of his Lord and acting mechanism and repent to him.

3. because of the love of God, the Almighty said: that God loves and loves those who purify themselves repent "cow: 222". Is there he could feel the man after his creator and further knowledge that he loves if he repents him?!

4. due to your paradise and your rescue from the fire, said: behind after them behind the missed prayers and follow the desires will throw GIA, but whoever وءامن and a good deed, those who enter paradise and not put at a disadvantage, "Maryam: 59, 60.
Is there a requirement for a person for not seeking paradise?!

5. because of the blessings from heaven and increase strength and money supply and boys, said: the words "Lord, folks and then repent it sends the sky you in abundance and increase you strength to your strength and not ones to criminals" hood: 25 ", and said: I said the words" Lord it was forgiving, sky sends to you in abundance, and the money supply with you and boys and makes you jannat and makes you rivers "Noah: 10-12".

6. because of your sins and make amends to his virtues, said the Almighty: o ye who repent to God ءامنوا sincere repentance may Lord to atone your deeds and enter you jannat conducted beneath rivers "prohibition: 8", and the Almighty said: but whoever وءامن and good God, those switches to count handouts and God is the Forgiver, merciful "criterion: 70".

My sweetie:
Not deserve those virtues – and many others – to do is repent for it? Why would you be or become stingy yourself including your happiness? ... Why complaints yourself in Sin God and you forbid her from winning his consent? ...Is that you take the initiative to this bounty, that outcome.

FreeBSD to God by repentance, FreeBSD from fancy ... Free from sin ... Free from sin ... Free from desires. FreeBSD from Beth ... Akabli on God and his repentant due his repentant. Take the door to repentance however many your sins, or grown as God simplifies hand at night to repent abusive the day and simplifies the day to repent his offensive night, helmi to the mercy of God and his pardon before the time runs out.

I ask Allaah to make us and you from truly repentant, the repentant honest, may Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and

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