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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Some methods of Satan in seducing man

Some methods of Satan in seducing man

Thank God that appears to tutors in his epithets, and Anar their hearts to see characteristics of completeness, and known to them his from anaamh and his favors, they learned that one Sunday of the individual Samad, who is a partner in itself and not in its qualities and in his deeds, myriad anyone praise it.
I certify not to God but God, God the Almighty one likeness, proverbs, I don't mind what I, and not given to prevention, however, do not command.
And I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and his Messenger, and the vivid, and argument on his creation, God made breasts, and Anar by hearts, guided by peoples of the deliverance from error to Huda, God bless him and his brothers the prophets and God, and God for his friends tell us, and walked on their approach to the day of the Forum.
The devil doesn't come for human evil and forbid him directing for good directly, but take the soul means of seduction, so show some methods of Satan in seducing.
Almighty said: (o ye who believe not pursued steps of Satan and follow the steps of Satan) (light: 21).
Imaam Ibn katheer not pursued routes and ordered by then said that every sin is of the Devil (facilitating the Almighty 3/269).

The methods of the Devil with human
1 are: we say that the devil does not order evil directly but decorate for oneself comes to a Muslim if he hears the adhaan for Fajr in cool dark night, says his name, bed warm and you tired fatigued and so jar.

2 tiles: the devil here tries to cheat the mind tries to convince him that the who thinks that it is haraam is really halal, if he wants to take a RIBA-based loan to build a House said to him this is not haraam, because you don't want to take advantage of people but want to cover yourself and your children what the privacy here, say what more the people these days in this trap.

3 procrastination: here used with the length of hope to spend about repentance if women designed it tells him there is nothing wrong to repent but why the wheel you in youth complete your studies then married marriage half of religion and is posted on repentance and guarantee your future even spent totally about repentance.

4 trivializing Sin: man tells him why repent/what I've done so repent you for other people's choice but repentance for large contemporary owners and you are not them it makes it sin.

5 make it after repentance: tells him repentance need straightening/tedious rectitude and self and bring his deviants said runner why repent and take yourself and lose your friends ex/then the people won't believe you decide but will rightly mock you/on this measure.

6 the frustration: viokl it human comes to God does not accept the repentance of their sins, your sins were many as how God accepts your repentance, you did such and such and MOT with every sin was done (Al-Huda al-Nabawi in chips).

7. anger: devilish rebellion to mind sapiens, a departure from the serious with high probability and misfits. It was narrated from some of the prophets said to Satan: including GLBT son of Adam? He said: when angry, when you fancy. And stiffer a man from quraish to Omar Bin Abdul Aziz, knocking Omar, said: I wanted to provoke me Satan by Al Sultan, Inal you today what affect me tomorrow!!

8. wishes and produce vanity ... This is Satanic, on a lighted {make desire or wish for them and prepare them and prepare them alsheet that not deceptive} [women: 120]. {What I had you highlighted that only you, the positive response I do not telomun and lomwa yourselves} [Ibrahim: 22]. {When sight categories recoil at his heels I am innocent you} [Anfal: 48]. Likewise promises by temperament, dragging them into his snares by wemshthiathm orientation. "Rich, if they believe and do good. It adorns them rich and rich colors of forbidden and dirty means causes.

9. decorate for boredom and bee intolerance and contempt, and portrays them as a way to ensure that science and the love of his family. Omar Ibn Adam expires and is in the best swim and seduction in. By falsehood, and assigned Yemeni and self degrading vulnerable powered promise, wetltz by his allegations, and joy and rejoicing boys and the mentally ill.

10. departure from the Centre and have exceeded even a moderate pace of ablisi, and demonic attitude. Some of the salaf said: what is God Almighty, is only for the devil which tendencies: either being overbearing or shortened, or to have exceeded even and hyperbole, and insensitive jokes to whichever Zafar.
And Shaytaan between these valleys like you and hatched. Alexander folk in the prophets and their followers until they worshiped them, and others even killed them, and killed those who order the portion of people, communities and people of boiled in righteousness, and others they turn away from them and let them.

What is the solution and way out of war of the devil? Is in your hands
We will not pay the evil Devil God damn, will not forestall his plot, and will not escape from his error and his only refuge with Allaah, Allaah said: {and characterized by defensiveness in God has guided to the straight path} [Al-Imran: 102].
They escape from the devil to the Qur'aan and Sunnah, and inviting people to it.

1. God the evil devil is advised to read the Quran, his property in his expulsion, as more of the same slave Fort recitation from the accursed Shaytaan.

2. which God made evil Devil zakaah and sadaqah and spending on the good, he said: ((and safety charity also quenched Sin water fire)) [4]. And if it is Sin survived the great evil, and ((my meditation known as Taki wrestler bad)) [5].

3. pushing the kid devil to maintain male God glorifying and praising Allaah, and zoom and cheer and pray for forgiveness and pray, in Al-saheehayn from Abu hurayrah that the Prophet said: ((if insured said: there is no God but Allah alone with no partner or associate, King and his praise, he has power over all things. one hundred times on the first day it was his outcome score Devil in his day, as the burden of ten necks, God wrote his 100 good)) [6].

4. which God made evil Satan Jihad to raise God's Word, and it drives the evil Devil God witnesses and scientific councils, and boards of amusement and play, and falsehood and ignorance, the boards of amusement and wrong with the devil, and the hostility and hatred and misery, evil has only to aggression, alcohol and a major sin.

It save first another evil that Satan is uniformity, of putting one's trust in Allaah, and dropping him, faithfully worship to God, Allah says: {Ebadi you do not have highlighted that only followed you from the go astray} stone

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