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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Session Altrabieh on the ground ... Do you have damage?!!

Session Altrabieh on the ground ... Do you have damage?!!

Wrong social habits «session Altrabieh on the ground»

This session misconceptions lead to erosion of the cartilage in the knees and early

Resulting in roughness early in the joints and this disease is very common in the middle east

As a result of this habit wrong because God created the knee joint and the movement of one

A bending movement and tide unlike many other joints Kketv slave and detailed wherein many movements

Kaltbaeid convergence and circulation forms so we recommend the two men sit down and either Mtdlitan

This is a case sitting on a chair or couch, or if it was necessary to sit on the floor

Vtkon knees bending mode as in living tashahhud during prayer

Or sit with your knee bent.

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