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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wash Ahhaek in the year once

Wash Ahhaek in the year once
The purpose of this process:
Is the rest of the digestive tract and stimulate the body and rid it of food deposits and extending the body comfortable and saturation of vitamins and minerals.
This treatment is based on eating plenty of fruit and vegetables some raw, some cooked lightly Baqee retains Pfitaminach and minerals.
The exit when the corrupt, craps grouped in large intestine, the bacterium toxic to grow it, and fruits and vegetables, yogurt taken by cleaning system helps us in the fight against corruption harmful and MRSA, and also help uric acid to drag waste food abroad.
If we get angry (appetite) to give our internal organs of these plants lavishly, in fact we offer these devices as you need
- The following is a list of the wide range of food that can address including يشبعك:
A - fruits
B - vegetables
- The first elites:
Carrots, parsley, Paper, kale, chard, lettuce, India B, Rashad
- Elites II:
Radishes, onions, garlic, cucumber, pumpkin, cabbage, eggplant
- Elites III:
Cauliflower, turnips, beets, green Homs
Eating these vegetables raw or slightly cooked or juice and must also eat every day half a glass of milk
- It should eat daily during system follow:
- A pint or more of orange juice or fresh fruit juice
- A pint or more of yogurt
- Boiled some plants (such as linden, mint, Zhorat
- For bathroom (15) minutes
How are treated
After the advancement of sleep wash teeth and Ntamadamad, then drink a large bowl of fresh fruit juice (such as orange, Krupp grapefruit, apples)
We address then a cup or two cups of boiled mint or other and sweetened with honey, preferably abstain from coffee, and if it is impossible that takes a cup only coffee and light, and if the fruit juice and boiled insufficient shall be taken other quantities of them, and could be dispensed with honey
Taken by the desire of the following: a cup of yogurt or a glass of vegetable juice as can eat the authority made of celery, carrots and red pepper.
Authority of fresh fruit or vegetables, a bowl of yogurt
A glass of fruit juice or vegetables (as desired) and Amargbt drink hot thigh bowl of boiled mint or boiled Zhorat take yogurt if desired
Authority of vegetables or the type or types of cooked vegetables lightly Baqee (without obesity or oils)
Fresh fruit with or without honey or apple boiled, or yoghurt
Boiled mint and you should not forget some vitamins, especially vitamin B.

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