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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thoughts and wonderful ...

Thoughts and wonderful ...

FS w/your unit

A wise man said to his son in sermon: son ... If you want to accompany a man, enraged ... The righted you himself, don't let him ... Otherwise, a reputed

Four flying one ... And to say he knew: dream ...And humility ... And generosity ... And good manners

Avec votre langue upgrade: b Votre langue respect Et votre langue brings God good Votre création

You have two options: to take your age and you listen to the frustrations of people
Around you that you will not succeed
Or that you are trying to prove that all doubt your abilities was wrong!

Top stupid: to keep all the time thinking of things lost or been deprived, consider now as you do!

I learned to not take others Rizki.. It was my heart, and I learned that my work is not done by others. It worked by on my own

You can learn about the fact your characters to be seen in four cases: If angry/if you want/if you dispense with/if estimated

Of increased in his love for himself. Increased ball his folks

Hakim was asked: what is the reason? Said: that the distinction between who you know and which ignorant of it

Don't try to make your clothes the most expensive thing you,
So you don't find yourself day cheaper than worn

The word "impossible" is a word invented by humans to justify its inability to

Much has been talked a little ...And not a little and talk a lot accomplished. Let your work speak for you, rather than fill the world banging about yourself!

Young minds see apology "humiliation" as older brains veron apology "paper" and "tolerant"!

Not everyone likes kiber.. Not all hate sadden you! The knife while understating the challenge you finish ... And despite the bitter medicine taste heal you

The most beautiful to have a friend, contradict you opinion because it deals with you honestly, rather than agree to you opinion to flatter you and purporting you always right!

A wise man said: do not exaggerate in the courtesy not to fall into a well of hypocrisy and not overstated the openness so as not to fall into and resolve abuse!

Optimism and wait for what will come ...Documented in yourself ...What will wait!

From the wonderful contradictions that the first thing he cares that teaches the child to speak, and then teach him how silent
The world knows the ignorant because he was ignorant, and ignorant does not know the world as it was not a

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